Catalog 2013-2014 
    Jan 25, 2025  
Catalog 2013-2014 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Information

What differentiates Alliant International University from other institutions of higher education are characteristics inherited from Alliant’s two legacy institutions:

  • Excellent academic programs with an orientation toward preparing students for careers as professional practitioners
  • Outstanding faculty experienced in training people for professional practice roles in their respective disciplines
  • International and multi-cultural orientation
  • Preparing students for a profession, while also teaching them how to use their skills to make a difference in the world
  • Stimulating, bright, dedicated students from different cultures and domestically diverse backgrounds.

Alliant International University’s Mission Statement

Alliant International University prepares students for professional careers of service and leadership, and promotes the discovery and application of knowledge to improve the lives of people in diverse cultures and communities around the world. Alliant is committed to excellence in four areas:

1) Education for Professional Practice

Alliant’s educational programs are designed to give students the knowledge, skills and ethical values they need to serve and lead effectively in a variety of professional settings. Alliant graduates are expected to achieve mastery of a body of knowledge and be able to apply that knowledge in professional practice in order to achieve desired and beneficial outcomes.

2) Scholarship

Scholarship in the Alliant context includes the discovery of new knowledge; the discovery of new applications of knowledge to solve practical problems; the integration of knowledge in new ways; and innovation in teaching knowledge and professional competencies.

3) Multicultural and International Competence

Alliant is an inclusive institution committed to serving diverse populations around the world by preparing professionals to work effectively across cultural and national boundaries; by increasing the number of professionals working in underserved areas; and by understanding and responding to the needs of diverse communities.

4) Community Engagement

Alliant’s faculty, students, alumni and staff are dedicated to making a positive difference in the world through professional education and practice. We measure the success of our university in part by the impact we have, both directly and indirectly, on the welfare of individuals, families, organizations and communities.

Professionalism, Public Service and Problem-Solving

Alliant International University is a not-for-profit, independent university with six California locations-Fresno, Irvine, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego, and San Francisco-as well as a location in Mexico City and programs in Japan and China. Our exchange programs allow students to experience first-hand what it is like to study in another country.

Alliant’s 4,200 undergraduate and graduate students are preparing for careers through degree programs in liberal arts, education, business, and the behavioral and social sciences.

Our enduring traditions-internationalism and multiculturalism-combine in a concept of public service. More than ever, Alliant’s faculty is dedicated to addressing scholarship from a practical viewpoint. This practical professionalism is the goal of our academic administration, and this orientation permeates interactions between faculty and students. It underlies all our programs, from the alliances with large corporations, to management consulting activities at the school for management and organizational psychology, to the school of education’s daily efforts to help teachers and children in the classroom. Alliant International University is home to the California School of Professional Psychology, the original APA-accredited professional school that continues to create new avenues for the practice of psychology.

Alliant’s graduate and undergraduate students provide thousands of hours of community service each year in the communities where our campuses are located-much of it to underserved populations. Our faculty members conduct research in fields that are as relevant and urgent as newspaper headlines decrying school violence, hate crimes, and child abuse. We are committed to advancing fields of knowledge through the highest standards of excellence and academic rigor in our teaching and research.

Alliant International University’s Core Values


We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards of conduct and adhere to the principles of mutual respect, fairness, honesty, and academic freedom. We honor and follow up on the commitments and promises we make. We strive to avoid conflicts of interests and openly disclose and work to promptly resolve those that do occur. We act in ways fully consistent with our core values and are committed to principled leadership at all levels of the institution. We commit to open, candid, and timely communications to ensure all constituencies are kept fully informed.

Intellectual Advancement

As a community of scholar-practitioners, we are dedicated to advancing academic freedom, promoting lifelong learning, and developing critical thinking skills. We encourage the discovery of new knowledge and the integration of knowledge across disciplines and professional domains. We are committed to advancing fields of knowledge through the highest standards of excellence and academic rigor in our teaching and research. We foster a “student-centered” learning environment characterized by expectations for high academic performance/achievement by students, faculty/staff responsiveness to student well being, and application of knowledge to real world settings and problems.


We foster an inclusive environment that acknowledges and embraces the complexity of the human experience by respecting, honoring, and appreciating multi-cultural, international, and inter-disciplinary perspectives, as well as differences rooted in the variety of social identities. We see such differences as key sources of contribution to a richer and more vital learning and working community.

We encourage and value the open and free expression and consideration of ideas and viewpoints to promote learning and understanding of different cultures and the views and ideas of different academic and professional disciplines.

Social Responsibility

We advocate for, and contribute actively to, constructive societal change that contributes to the increased well-being and welfare of the world community and promotes equal access to resources and opportunities for all persons. We foster an institutional environment committed to personal empowerment and fairness in its policies and external relationships and strive to make a positive difference in the world.


We strive to utilize state-of-the-art education to facilitate the discovery and development of knowledge, capabilities, and skills required to discover new solutions for current and emerging human and social problems. We foster the discovery and application of new approaches and methods for facilitating learning and skill acquisition, as well as the creative use of technologies to enable effective instruction, communication, and access to information for all.


We hold ourselves accountable for securing and sustaining the long-term financial stability and strength of the University by ensuring all resources entrusted to us are managed wisely and allocated fairly to advance our mission and achieve our goals. We are respectful and responsive to the larger environment of which we are a part by ensuring our actions contribute to the environment’s betterment and sustainability.

Community and Partnership

We are committed to building a community based upon shared goals, governance, and accountability, as well as active collaboration across all university domains and constituencies to advance the University’s mission. We work together to build a cohesive and integrated university community comprised of students, faculty, administration, staff, and alumni based on mutual trust and genuine concern for the needs and interests of all. Additionally, we are dedicated to working as partners with the communities we serve.


Alliant International University was founded in 2001 through the combination of United States International University (USIU) and Alliant University/California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP).

USIU came into Alliant with a long tradition of internationalism. Founded in 1952 as California Western University, it brought to Alliant a campus in Mexico City. It also attracted a high percentage of students from all over the world-so high that U.S. News and World Report ranked it number one among all U.S. colleges in the percentage of its undergraduates who were from outside the United States. This legacy endures; Alliant was again ranked number one in international students this year by U.S. News and World Report’s 2007 survey and the April 2009 edition of The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education lists Alliant as a number 10 among U.S. institutions in the number of doctorates awarded to Hispanic students.

Alliant also continues to honor a tradition of multiculturalism that goes back to the first days of CSPP, a professional school of psychology with an avowed dedication to fighting discrimination and the “isms” that divide people in the United States, as well as other countries throughout the world.

CSPP was one of the first, and is still the largest, school of professional psychology in the United States. Its founding marked the emergence of clinical psychology as a professional-practiced-oriented discipline, taking its place alongside research psychology as it was taught in California’s major universities. Since CSPP’s founding in 1969, practitioners of clinical psychology, a large number of them CSPP graduates, have driven a growing awareness that behavioral science comprises a vital part of the national health care agenda. CSPP’s expanded offerings apply behavioral science to fields beyond clinical psychology, including organizational studies and education.

CSPP and its sister schools within Alliant are still leaders in applying behavioral science to a range of societal problems, from reducing violence in our schools to guiding the managements of our corporations. This focus on applying knowledge to real-world problems is a defining characteristic of Alliant.

Academic Freedom

Alliant International University adheres to the 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom set forth by the representatives of the American Association of University Professors and the Association of American Colleges. A copy of this statement, which concerns academic freedom in both teaching and research, may be obtained from the President’s Office.


I-MERIT (International and Multicultural Education, Research, Intervention and Training) was created in 2005 in order to connect and further advance the work of Alliant’s two legacy institutions in the areas of multicultural and international education.

I-MERIT partners with all sectors of Alliant International University in order to create a multiculturally and globally responsive university. I-MERIT works in three core areas:

  • Promoting diversity (including in race/ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, ability, and age) - in students, staff/administrators, faculty, and Board members
  • Creating a welcoming University and campus climate, where all Alliant members feel included and affirmed
  • Infusing all academic programs and curricula with multicultural and international content and relevant pedagogical approache

Alliant has an impressive number of faculty who are national or global experts in multicultural and/or international issues in psychology, education, business and management, international relations, and related fields. All Alliant academic programs include attention to developing students’ international and multicultural competence, so that students gain the awareness, knowledge, and skills that will prepare them to work effectively with diverse populations, including traditionally underserved and marginalized populations, throughout the world.

Professional Practice Competencies

In order to achieve its vision as a Professional Practice University, Alliant has adopted a set of Professional Practice Competencies (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) that all students should master at levels appropriate to their degree programs. These Competencies must be learned and practiced in the context of Alliant’s Core Values of Integrity, Intellectual Advancement, Diversity, Social Responsibility, Innovation, Stewardship, and Community & Partnership. The Competencies were based on existing core competencies and student learning outcomes in Alliant Schools and programs, and on an evaluation of competencies necessary for professional practice in communities around the world.

The Alliant Professional Practice Competencies are organized as A(lliant) IMPACT:

A = A discipline-specific body of knowledge and research/scholarship

Students master a discipline-specific body of knowledge and gain competency in research/scholarship at levels appropriate to their degree programs.

I = Insight into the context of practice

Students place issues or problems encountered in their professions in their appropriate and relevant contexts.

M = Multicultural/inter-national competence (I-MERIT)

Students have an awareness of, respect for, and curiosity about multicultural and international similarities and differences; knowledge of frameworks for exploring the similarities and differences; and skills in applying the frameworks in interpersonal and professional contexts.

P = Professional literacies

Students achieve language literacy, data literacy, information literacy, and organization/community (systems) literacy at the appropriate educational/ professional level.

A = Application of knowledge and research/scholarship in new ways

Students possess the reflective abilities skills to connect theories and research/ scholarship to immediate issues in professional practice and the skills to apply appropriate models, strategies and interventions in new ways.

C = Conduct, judgment, dispositions and ethics

Students demonstrate ethical conduct in all aspects of personal interactions and professional practice.

T = Team-based and multidisciplinary approaches

Students collaborate with other professionals or teams, integrating information and implementing knowledge across disciplines and domains in order to develop creative, multi-faceted responses to community needs.

Each program at Alliant aligns these overarching University competencies with its program-specific and discipline-specific competencies or student learning outcomes appropriate to the program degree level.


All locations of Alliant International University are accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, an institutional accrediting body recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. The Commission can be contacted at: Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 985 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 100, Alameda, CA 94501, (510) 748-9001.

The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing approves credential programs offered by Alliant’s Hufstedler School of Education. The Commission can be reached at: or 1900 Capitol Ave., Sacramento, CA 95814, (888) 921-2682.

The PhD and PsyD clinical psychology programs located on the Fresno/Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco campuses are all separately accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the American Psychological Association (APA). The PhD programs have been accredited at each campus since the 1980s and the PsyD programs, which were instituted later, all received accreditation in the 1990s and Sacramento in 2002. The PsyD program in clinical psychology that existed at USIU in San Diego was not APA-accredited. Questions regarding the accreditation status of a clinical psychology program attended by an Alliant student or graduate should be directed to the University Registrar. The address of the APA Commission on Accreditation is 750 First St., N.E. Washington, DC 20002, (202) 336-5970,,

The Commission on Accreditation accredits the Couple and Family Therapy programs at San Diego for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE) of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT). The AAMFT’s address is 112 S Alfred Street, Alexandria, VA  22314, (703) 838-9808.

San Francisco Law School has been accredited continuously since 1937 by the Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California. Graduates of the Law School are eligible to practice law in the State of California upon passage of the California Bar Examination. “Study at, or graduation from, this law school may not qualify a student to take the bar examination or be admitted to practice law in jurisdictions other than California. A student who intends to seek admission to practice law outside of California should contact the admitting authority in that jurisdiction for information regarding its education and admission requirements.” The address of the State Bar of California is 180 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, (415) 538-2000.

Governance & Management

Alliant is governed by a Board of Trustees that includes public members, community members, faculty members, and student members, as well as legal counsel and the president, who participate as non-voting members. Trustees represent the fields of professional psychology, education, law, business, and health care. The Board delegates day-to-day management responsibility to the President.

The President is supported by a Steering Committee that includes: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Associate Provost for Administration, Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer, Deans, Faculty Senate Chair and Staff Council Chair.

Alliant is comprised of five Schools: the California School of Professional Psychology, the Shirley M. Hufstedler School of Education, the Alliant School of Management (Business Management and International Studies), the California School of Forensic Studies and the San Francisco Law School.

Each academic division is led by a Dean, Associate Provost, or other senior administrator who reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

In addition to the Academic Program Directors, Alliant locations are served by a Director of Campus Services (DCS), or other administrative leadership. The DCSs are charged with providing leadership and guidance for the campus community, coordinating campus activities, and overseeing student services and basic campus functions. Also present on many campuses are student services, financial aid, admissions, registrar and business office personnel.

At each location, the core faculty members are organized into a Faculty Assembly responsible for advisement on academic policy development and faculty welfare. There is also a systemwide Faculty Senate with representatives from each of the locations. Faculty is directly involved in all aspects of academic programs including student recruitment, selection, monitoring, evaluation, curriculum development, faculty recruitment, and performance monitoring. Four faculty members sit on Alliant’s Board of Trustees.

Policy recommendations often originate from standing and ad hoc committees of faculty as well as student representatives. The Student Government Association (SGA) represents all students. The Association is a self-governing body involved in developing an effective student role in institutional life, student welfare, and the quality of education. There is also a systemwide student government, and four student representatives sit on the Board of Trustees.

Board of Trustees

Julius Robinson
Oakland, California

Beth Rom-Rymer, PhD
Vice Chair
Chicago, Illinois

Sue Ammen, PhD
Fresno, California

Terry Anderlini, JD
San Mateo, California

Summer Angevin
Jersey City, New Jersey

Joyce Berenstein, JD
Hillsborough, California

Elaine Burke, PsyD
Alhambra, California

Geoffrey M. Cox, PhD
Palo Alto, California

Gonzalo Garreton, MD
Rancho Palos Verdes, California

Madeleine Richeport Haley, PhD
La Jolla, California

Jon Knoll
Clyde Hill, WA 

Andrea Krunnfusz
San Francisco, California

Ron Longinotti
Burlingame, California

Barbara McKee
San Francisco, California

Don Nadler, PhD
San Francisco, California

Marissa Pei, PhD
Seal Beach, California

Natalie Porter, PhD
San Francisco, California

Paul Ritvo, PhD
Toronto, Canada

Saul Rosenbaum
San Francisco, California

Steven Schoger, PsyD
Westminster, Colorado

Jeffrey Tirengel, PsyD
Alhambra, California

Systemwide Administration

Office of the President

Geoffrey Cox, PhD
San Francisco

Lesa Hammond, PhD
Vice President for Human Resources
San Francisco

Jeanine Hawk, MBA
Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer
San Francisco

Mary Oling-Sisay, EdD
Vice President for Student Services
San Diego

Office of the Provost

Russ Newman, PhD, JD
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Accreditation Liaison Officer to Western Association of Schools and Colleges
San Diego/San Francisco

Ron Duran, PhD
Associate Provost for Research and Scholarship
Los Angeles

Tracy L. Heller, PhD
Associate Provost for Administration
San Diego

Patty Mullen
Associate Provost for Institutional Research
San Francisco

Alliant School of Management (ASM)

Lee White, DBA, CPA
Interim Dean, ASM
San Diego

California School of Forensic Studies (CSFS)

Eric Hickey, PhD
Dean, CSFS

Diana Concannon, PsyD, PCI
Associate Dean, CSFS 
Los Angeles

Lisa Talerico, PsyD
Director of Training, CSFS
San Diego

California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP)

Morgan Sammons, PhD, ABPP
Dean, CSPP
San Francisco

Dalia Ducker, PhD
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, CSPP
San Francisco

Jennifer Kulbeck
Assistant Dean of Marketing and Admissions, CSPP
San Francisco

Danny Wedding, PhD
Associate Dean for Management and International Programs, CSPP
San Francisco

Shirley M. Hufstedler School of Education (HSOE)

Rhonda Brinkley-Kennedy, PhD
Interim Dean, HSOE
Los Angeles

San Francisco Law School (SFLS)

Jane Gamp, JD
Dean, SFLS
San Francisco

Alliant International University - Mexico

Fernando Gonzalez Vilchis
General Director

Systemwide Student Service Administration

Financial Aid

Deborah Spindler
University Director, Student Financial Services
San Diego

International Student Services

Lionel Remesha, MIBA
Coordinator, International Student Services
San Diego


Scott Zimmer
University Librarian
San Diego


Paul Welch
University Registrar
San Diego

Student Business Services

Michael Sulger
University Director of Student Business Services
San Diego

On-Site Administration


Sherry Camden-Anders, PhD
Program Director, Organizational Psychology Programs, CSPP

Merle Canfield, PhD
Program Director, Clinical Psychology PhD Program, CSPP

Diana Concannon, PsyD, PCI
Associate Dean, CSFS and Systemwide Director of Training for CSPP

Xuanning Fu, PhD
Program Coordinator, Educational Leadership, Policy and Community Practice: Educational Leadership and Management, HSOE

Robert N. Harris, PhD
Program Director, Clinical Psychology PsyD Program, CSPP

Tamar Kenworthy, PsyD
Program Director, Clinical Forensic Psychology PhD and PsyD Programs, CSFS

Sue A. Kuba, PhD
Systemwide Program Director, Online Education, CSPP

Xavier Romano, MA
Director of Campus Services


Nicole Camaras, MA
Director of Campus Services

Tracy Fass, JD, PhD
Interim Program Director, Clinical Forensic Psychology, CSFS

Donald Wofford, PsyD
Program Director, Educational Psychology, HSOE

Los Angeles

Theodore Burnes
Program Director, Clinical Psychology PhD Program

Stephanie Byers-Bell
Director of Campus Services

Nurcan Ensari, PhD
Interim Systemwide Program Director, Organizational Psychology, CSPP

Tracy Fass, JD, PhD
Interim Program Director, Clinical Forensic Psychology, CSFS

Rosalie Finer, PhD
Director, Psychological Service Center, CSPP

Noah Hass-Cohen, PsyD
Program Director, Marriage Family Therapy and Art Therapy, CSPP

Shawna Hellenius
Library Director

Beth Housekamp, PhD
Program Director, Clinical Psychology PsyD, CSPP

Carlton Parks, PhD
Program Director, Educational Psychology, HSOE

Thomas L. Ryerson, PsyD
Program Director, School Psychology Credential Program, HSOE

Norma Scarborough, DMFT
Site Director, Couple and Family Therapy, HSOE

Mexico City

Fernando Gonzalez Vilchis
General Director

Jason J. Platt, PhD
Program Director, MA Counseling Psychology, CSPP


Marion Chiurazzi, PsyD
Interim Program Director, Clinical Forensic Psychology PsyD, CSFS

Diana Concannon, PsyD, PCI
Associate Dean, CSFS & Systemwide Director of Training for CSPP

Tatiana Glebova, PhD
Site Director, Couple and Family Therapy, CSPP

Beth Limberg, PhD
Program Director, Clinical Psychology PsyD, CSPP

Penny Schafer, MS
Director of Campus Services

Michele D. Smith, PhD
System Program Director for Undergraduate Studies, HSOE

San Diego

Steven F. Bucky, PhD
Director, Professional Training, CSPP

Mary Ellen Butler-Pascoe, EdD
Program Director, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and Language Education, HSOE

Steven Fisher, PsyD
System Program Director, Educational and School Psychology, HSOE

Dawn Griffin, PhD
Program Director, Undergraduate Psychology, CSPP

John Kantor, PhD
Program Director, PhD in Leadership Program, ASM

Kenneth Kelch, EdD
Director, International Language Education and Cultural Center, HSOE

Louise Kelly, PhD
Faculty Program Coordinator, Dcotoral Business and Management Programs, ASM

Rachna Kumar, PhD
Faculty Program Coordinator, Masters Business and Management Programs, ASM

Glenn Lipson, PhD, ABPP
Interim Program Director, Clinical Forensic Psychology, CSFS

Estela Matriano, EdD
Executive Director, World Council for Curriculum and Instruction, UNESCO NGO, HSOE is Secretariat

Jerold Miller, EdD
Program Director, Distance Learning Educational Leadership, Policy and Community Practice: TeachersCHOICE MAE Program, HSOE 

Marianne McInnes Miller, PhD
Site Director, Couple and Family Therapy, CSPP

Meghan P. Murray, MEd
Interim Director of Campus Services

Saba Ozyurt, PhD
Faculty Program Coodinator, Undergraduate Business and Management Programs, ASM

John Renner, PhD
Acting Program Director, Organizational Psychology, CSPP

Neil Ribner, PhD
Program Director, Clinical Psychology PsyD, CSPP

Irwin Rosenfarb, PhD
Program Director, Clinical Psychology PhD, CSPP

Linna Wang, PhD
Systemwide Program Director, Couple and Family Therapy, CSPP

San Francisco

Michael Loewy, PhD
Program Director, Clinical Psychology PhD, CSPP

Marcia Michaels, PhD
Site Director, Couple and Family Therepy, CSPP

Elizabeth Milnes, PhD
Director, CSPP Psychological Services Center, Oakland

Janine Mixon
Director of Campus Services

Rhoda Olkin, PhD
Program Director, Clinical Psychology

Janie Pinterits, PhD
Program Director, LPCC Program, CSPP

Louis Rappaport, PhD
Program Director, Clinical Forensic Psychology, CSFS

Edward Shenk, EdD
Program Director, Educational Leadership, Policy and Community Practice: Educational Leadership and Management: Higher Education, HSOE

Joe Tally
Director, Library Services, Hurwich Library

Steven R. Tulkin, PhD
Program Director, Clinical Psychopharmacology, CSPP

Randall Wyatt, PhD
Director, Professional Training, CSPP

Hong Kong

Alex Leung, PhD
Program Director, Clinical Psychology PsyD, CSPP


Reiko True, PhD
Program Director, Clinical Psychology MA Japan, CSPP


Alliant International University has California locations in Fresno, Irvine, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego, and San Francisco. Alliant has a campus in Mexico City and also offers programs in Japan and China.

President’s Office, San Francisco
One Beach Street, Suite 200
San Francisco, CA 94133-1221
(415) 955-2000

President’s and Provost’s Office, San Diego
10455 Pomerado Road
San Diego, CA 92131-1799
(858) 635-4737

5130 East Clinton Way
Fresno, CA 93727-2014
(559) 456-2777

Jamboree Business Center
2855 Michelle Drive, Suite 300
Irvine, CA 92606
Telephone (949) 833-2651

Los Angeles

1000 South Fremont Avenue, Unit 5, Bldg 7/8
Alhambra, CA 91803
(626) 284-2777

2030 W. El Camino Ave., Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95833
(916) 565-2955

San Diego, Scripps Ranch
10455 Pomerado Road
San Diego, CA 92131-1799
(858) 271-4300

San Francisco
One Beach Street, Suite 100
San Francisco, CA 94133-1221
(415) 955-2100

San Francisco Law School
20 Haight Street
San Francisco, CA 94102-5802
(415) 626-5550

Presidio Graduate School (affiliate)
36 Lincoln Boulevard
San Francisco, CA  94129
(415) 561-6555

Mexico City
Alliant International University, Mexico
Hamburgo #115 Colonia Juarez
Mexico City, Mexico  C.P. 06600
(52-55) 5255-7651

CSPP Japan Master’s Program
Z-kai Ochanomizu Bldg. 10F
1-2-3 Kandasuda-cho
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo,  Japan 101-0041

School of Continuing and Professional Education
at City University of Hong Kong
Tat Chee Avenue
Kowloon, Hong Kong