Catalog 2013-2014 
    Jan 26, 2025  
Catalog 2013-2014 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies

University Catalog

Students are responsible for becoming familiar with the information presented in this catalog and for knowing and observing all policies and procedures related to their participation in the  University community. 

This responsibility includes, but is not limited to, academic requirements and general rules listed in this catalog. Regulations will not be waived nor exceptions granted based on a student’s lack of knowledge regarding Alliant policies or procedures. Additional policies and procedures can be found in the student handbooks and in published school policies.

For policies and procedures applicable to current and prospective San Francisco Law School (SFLS) students, please consult the SFLS section of the Alliant website.

Catalog Controlling Graduation

Students must satisfy degree and course requirements as outlined in the catalog in effect at the time of first enrolling at the University as degree candidates, provided they do not interrupt their studies. Once students interrupt their program (i.e., without an approved leave of absence for two or more terms), it will be necessary to satisfy the degree requirements as outlined in the University catalog in effect at the time they re-enter as newly enrolling degree candidates, even if the changes in curriculum for that program are significant. Students may choose to graduate under the degree requirements from a more recent catalog than their matriculation catalog. It should be noted that while students are required to satisfy degree and course requirements as outlined in their matriculation catalog, University policies and procedures may change on a yearly basis. Students are held to the policies and procedures outlined in the current catalog. Catalogs take effect on the first day of class for the Fall term of the academic year for which they are published.

Course Numbering

Lower division undergraduate courses are numbered 1000-2999. Students are expected to complete all their 1000 and 2000 level courses in their first and sophomore years. Upper division courses are available to those students with junior standing and are numbered 3000-4999. Course offerings at the 5000 level are for eligible seniors and master’s program students. Certain courses may also have individual prerequisites.


Pre-baccalaureate developmental courses. Courses are not applicable to degree requirements.


Lower division undergraduate courses that are general and introductory. They are intended to provide a foundation for advanced work.


Upper division undergraduate courses that generally assume prior knowledge and experience in the subject, with content more advanced or specific than lower division courses.


Prerequisite courses for master’s and doctoral programs.


Graduate level courses open to holders of a baccalaureate degree subject to prerequisite or other requirements as stated in program or course descriptions.

  • 6000-7999 are first and second year graduate level courses and credential courses. Courses for teaching credential candidates may be taken by undergraduate or post baccalaureate students who have been accepted into either the teacher education program or a seamless master’s program. Master’s level courses and some doctoral level courses. Check curriculum for specific program.
  • 8000-9999 are third year and above graduate level courses. Doctoral level courses and some master’s level courses. Check curriculum for specific program.

Course Content

Not all courses listed in this catalog are available each term at all campuses.

The syllabi, course outlines, or lesson plans for courses in the programs of study at Alliant International University are subject to changes at the discretion of instructors. Students are encouraged to select courses based on degree requirements and other factors related to individual instructors, but students should not construe syllabi, et al., used in prior terms or distributed at the start of a term, as an unalterable commitment of the instructor or of the University.

Variations in the learning needs of students, inherent uncertainty in predicting exactly how material for a course should be covered, and an ambiguity in determining the most effective means of evaluating students, dictates that a design for instruction may need to be adjusted. Therefore, in order to be pedagogically responsible, the University allows that reading assignments, written assignments, examinations, daily topics, and the means and weights involved in the instructor’s evaluation of students, can change as needed after instruction has begun.

Instructors are encouraged to be as faithful as possible to published syllabi or lesson plans. However, if altering these is judged by instructors to be necessary and appropriate, instructors may do so but are requested to share with their students in a timely manner how the course syllabi or lesson plans have changed.

Transfer Credits/Credit for Previous Coursework

A limited number of undergraduate transfer credits may be accepted from accredited institutions if the grade earned is C or higher. Academic work acceptable for transfer credits must be appropriate to the degree program to be pursued at Alliant and approved by the Program Director or designee.

A limited number of graduate transfer credits may be accepted from accredited institutions if the grade earned is B or higher. Graduate academic work acceptable for transfer credits must be appropriate to the degree program to be pursued at Alliant and approved by the Program Director or designee.

Transfer credit into post-baccalaureate programs: Graduate coursework taken from an accredited institution can be considered for transfer credit. The number of transfer credit(s) to be considered and the materials required to support petitions for transfer credit of previous graduate coursework will be specified for each program.

Transfer credit into master’s programs: Graduate coursework taken at an accredited institution can be considered for transfer credit. A maximum of 6 semester units of graduate coursework can be accepted into a master’s program of 40 semester hours or less and a maximum of 9 semester units in an academic program of 41 semester units or more. Program details required to support petitions for transfer credit for previous coursework will vary.

Transfer credit into doctoral programs: Generally a maximum of 30 semester units of graduate coursework in which a B or better was earned, taken at an accredited institution, may be accepted. See program details for the materials required to support petitions for transfer credit of previous graduate coursework. Courses taken more than seven years prior to the start of term for which you are applying are not eligible for waiver or transfer. Students may submit an Exception to Academic Policy to the Program Director.

Doctoral Transfer Exception: A maximum of 45 semester units may be accepted for applicants applying to transfer from an APA-accredited clinical program to a CSPP clinical doctoral program to a clinical psychology doctoral program at Alliant.

CFT Program Exceptions: Entering doctoral students may be eligible to receive credit for previous graduate work up to a maximum of 40 units from non-COAMMFTE MA programs and 55 hours for doctoral students from a COAMFTE MA program. Entering masters students may be eligible to receive credit for previous graduate work up to 15 hours for MA students transferring from a masters program.

More information relating to the total allowable course units, and courses that may be waived, may be obtained from the admissions office, the program office or an academic advisor.

Waiving Courses/Challenge by Examination

The following policies limit transfer and waiver units for all students who are documenting prior coursework.


Students who can present acceptable proof that they have taken one or more courses (within the allowable time frame; see previous section) that are judged to be the equivalent of courses offered at Alliant may be granted a waiver from the required Alliant courses or given transfer credit. To apply for a waiver, a student must present to the appropriate campus office a transcript and course outline of work previously completed.

If a course requirement is waived, another course must be substituted. A course waiver does not reduce the unit requirements for the degree program. Applications for course substitutions and waivers must be processed using the appropriate form that is initiated by the student with the academic advisor or Program Director (or equivalent) and approved by the dean or designee in the school involved.

Challenge Exam

Students who feel they have a background in a particular field equivalent to that covered in a required Alliant course may challenge that course by examination, provided it is acknowledged by the school as being eligible for challenge. The student pays the appropriate challenge exam fee (See Tuition and Fee Schedule ), sits for the examination, and, if successful in passing the exam, is given credit for the course. Students on academic probation cannot challenge a course by examination unless such challenge is specifically allowed in their probation agreement.

Students should consult the appropriate program administrator to learn which courses are available for waiver or challenge, and for the limits on waivers and challenges; usually there is a specified list of courses that may be challenged or waived.

Changing Sections of a Continuing Sequence

Many of the courses offered in a program’s curriculum are continuing sequences that extend over more than one term. When enrolling in the first term of a sequential course, students, in fact, enroll in that section for the duration of the course. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they are properly enrolled for the correct course/section for each term. Should substantial reasons exist for changing enrollment in a sequential course, students must obtain permission from the current course instructor, the proposed new course instructor, and the Program Director (or equivalent) or his/her designee to effect the change. This authorization must be presented in writing to the Registrar’s Office. After such approval is obtained, students must then follow existing add/drop procedures to change the section. Some courses do not allow for changes in sections.

Independent Study

In order to receive credit for independent study, the student must develop a written learning contract with a professor which outlines specific objectives, learning activities and criteria for evaluation. All independent study courses must have prior written approval of the appropriate Program Director (or equivalent). Independent Study is to be used only in cases in which the course content is not available in a regular course and there is clear justification for offering the option. Most courses MAY NOT be taken by independent study.

In addition independent study is a means of conducting in-depth research on a subject or for studying an area not covered by, but related to, the regular curriculum.

The number of units and the fulfillment of specific degree requirements students may take in an independent study capacity varies by degree program and campus. Specific information may be obtained by contacting the relevant Program Director (or equivalent) or program administrator.

Comprehensive/Preliminary Examinations

Most doctoral programs include comprehensive and/or preliminary examinations designed to measure basic knowledge, theory and/or applications of knowledge and theory in the program. As such, they are an important part of the academic program. Successful completion of these exams is required for advancement to doctoral candidacy or other program milestones, for accrual of internship hours, and for enrollment in certain coursework. For more information on the examination requirements of a program, contact the program office or the advisor.

Academic Calendar

The academic year is divided into three terms: two semesters each 15 weeks in length, and a summer term of 10 weeks. Shorter sessions within each term that compact the degree requirements into a shorter than full-semester time period may be offered. Academic credit is given in semester units.

Registration and Registration Limits

Alliant offers online registration for continuing students and for new students in specific locations. Students may add or drop courses during the add/drop periods of each term either online or by filing the appropriate forms with their advisors or at the campus student affairs office. It is the responsibility of the student to check with the Financial Aid office to be sure that any changes in total units after adds and/or drops does not affect eligibility for financial aid or the amount of financial aid received.

Some programs set limits on the number of units in which students may enroll during one term, or on the number of electives that can be taken during one term.

For more information on registration procedures and limits, see Admissions and Registration  or contact the Registrar’s Office, program office, or academic advisor.

Agreement to Rules

Registration signifies that the student agrees to abide by the rules, regulations, and requirements of the University. This agreement is in keeping with the University’s philosophy that students should be aware of the dimensions and constraints of the educational community in which they participate during the years of their enrollment.


Students are required to respect the various academic and administrative deadlines listed in the Academic Calendar  and other University publications. Failure to do so constitutes grounds for probation, suspension, or dismissal from the program.

Each student is provided with an e-mail address as the official method for communicating deadlines and other important information. Students are required to check their Alliant e-mail accounts on a regular basis.


Permanent Record

Only information of an academic nature is entered into the Student Academic Record (transcript). Statements regarding disciplinary action may be entered in cases in which specific entry is part of a sanction.

The transcript bears the following entries regarding the completion of degree requirements and the awarding of degrees: degree awarded; area of concentration or major (as applicable); and date of completion, i.e., the last day of the last term registered or the date on which all requirements for the degree were completed (whichever is the later date). For doctoral students, the last requirement is typically the dissertation, in which case the date of completion noted on the transcript is the date the dissertation is received and accepted by the library.

Official Records

Official transcripts can be ordered online and are processed by the Registrar’s Office. Six to ten working days should normally be allowed for processing. Expedited services are available for an additional fee. No telephone or e-mail requests for transcripts are accepted. A $10 fee is charged for each official transcript and $5 for each unofficial transcript.  Additional fees may apply. Transcripts will not be released to students with holds on their student account.

Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, transcripts may be withheld if the student has an unresolved obligation to the University including an unresolved disciplinary action, or if the student is in default on a Federal Perkins Loan from Alliant.

Official transcripts bear the institutional seal and the signature of the University Registrar.

Alliant cannot officially verify any coursework taken at another institution even if the student has a transcript on file from that institution.

Changes to Records/Names Used on Records

It is the student’s responsibility to keep the University apprised of all name and address changes. Students wishing to make changes in their name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address information should submit the appropriate form to the Registrar’s Office.

The student’s legal name must be used on all University records, diplomas and other records. The Registrar’s Office may require appropriate documentation in order to change an official record at the University. Examples of documentation for name or address changes may include, but are not limited to, the following: a valid driver’s license, social security card or passport for a name change and a driver’s license, passport, or copies of current bills for an address change.

In most cases, Alliant can accommodate name changes in the University database for alumni upon submission of an approved name change form, and supporting documentation of a legal name change. However, archived hard-copy documents pertaining to the student will remain under the original name under which the student attended. Students wishing to receive a reprinted diploma under the new name must submit a request form and pay applicable printing fees. The reprinted diploma will include a comment indicating it is a reissue/replacement diploma that was originally issued under a different name.

Privacy and Access to Records

The University complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, and its implementing regulations issued, which provide students with safeguards for the accuracy, completeness and privacy of their educational records. Annual notice is given to students summarizing their rights under this law. Copies of Alliant’s Statement of Policies and Procedures under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 are in the Alliant International University Student Handbooks and are available on the Registrar’s website at

Marking System and Symbols Used on Transcripts*

The following list of grade descriptions is a general overview.  In some cases, graduate program standards may be more stringent than the general University standards. 

*Grade criteria do not apply for the CSFS and CSPP graduate programs. Please check within the school-based section of the catalog and the program handbook for specific details on grade reporting for CSFS and CSPP programs.

  A Superior. The student has demonstrated a quality of work and accomplishment far beyond the formal requirements and shows originality of thought and mastery of material. A+ grades are not recognized as a valid grade in grade point average calculations and are not recorded on the student’s transcript.
  B Above Average. The student’s achievement exceeds the usual accomplishment, showing a clear indication of initiative and grasp of the subject.
  C Average. The student has met the formal requirements and has demonstrated good comprehension of the subject and reasonable ability to handle ideas.
  D Below Average. The student’s accomplishment (while still passing) leaves much to be desired. Minimum requirements have been met but were inadequate. No credit is given at the graduate level.
  F Failure. The student has not met the minimum requirements.
  CR Credit. Used upon completion of thesis, dissertation, internship and for other specified courses.
  CT Credit by transfer.
  M/MP Marginal Pass. The student’s accomplishments, although passing, were inadequate in several important respects. Minimal requirements of the course were met but with serious deficiencies.
  NC No Credit. The student has not achieved the minimum expectations of scholarship or credit in terms of the course objectives. The NC is not to be used in situations in which a grade of F is justified. It is not used in computing grade point averages.
  I Incomplete. Given only in extenuating circumstances. Work must be completed by the end of the succeeding term.
  IN In Progress. No continuous enrollment required.
  IP In Progress. To be used for certain theses, dissertations, practica and internships.
  IS In Session.
  AU Audit. Does not yield credit. Enrollment for audit is limited to original registration for the term or to properly approved changes within the first week. Registration and payment of fees are required for audit courses.
  W Withdrawal. Grade given to those who drop classes after the scheduled drop period.
  NR No Report. Indication (to be used only by the Registrar) that as of the deadline for submitting grades, none had been received. See “Grade Reporting”.
  CH Credit by challenge exam.

Faculty members may use pluses and minuses when grades fall between two categories.

Note: a plus may not be used with a grade of A.

Quality Points and Grade-Point Average (GPA)

For each unit in which the student is enrolled, he or she will receive quality points as follows:

Grade A

4.0 quality points

Grade A-

3.7 quality points

Grade B+

3.3 quality points

Grade B

3.0 quality points

Grade B-

2.7 quality points

Grade C+

2.3 quality points

Grade C

2.0 quality points

Grade C-

1.7 quality points

Grade D+

1.3 quality points

Grade D

1.0 quality points

Grade D-

0.7 quality points

Grade F

0.0 quality points

A student’s grade point average is obtained by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of units undertaken, excluding courses in which the grades CR, CT, I, IN, IP, NC, NR, W and AU. Transfer units are not counted in calculating the GPA on the Alliant transcript. All Alliant credits counted toward a degree are used in calculating the cumulative GPA.

Narrative Evaluations of Graduate Students

Narrative evaluations are used in some courses as an additional way of providing feedback to students about critical areas of performance. Credit or letter grades are given in addition to the narrative report.

Students receive copies of their narrative evaluations at the completion of each term. A student’s response to the evaluations will be incorporated into the student’s record upon request.

Credit for courses graded on a credit-no-credit basis is awarded when professional and academic competence is demonstrated by the student to the satisfaction of the course instructor. All required courses must be successfully completed with receipt of a passing grade (i.e., Credit, Marginal Pass or equivalent) before the doctoral degree can be conferred. Students in some graduate programs also receive comprehensive faculty evaluations concerning their progress.

Grade Reporting

Instructors report a grade for credit when all requirements for the course have been completed. The Registrar’s Office must receive grades from instructors no later than the date published annually in the Academic Calendar .

If grades are not received on time by the registrar, an NR (No Report) will be entered on the student’s transcript until the final grade is received. Students who receive NR for their grade should contact their instructor.

After a grade has been reported to the University’s Registrar, the grade will not be changed unless a written grade change and an acceptable reason for the change are submitted to the Registrar by the professor with prior approval of the Program Director (or equivalent).

Students who wish to change grading type for a particular course (from letter grade to credit, or vice versa) must submit a written Exception to Academic Policy form for approval by the instructor and program director. The approved form must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office before the add/drop deadline for the course.

Incomplete Grade

Students may receive an incomplete grade for a course when illness, family tragedy, or similar difficulty makes it impossible for them to complete course requirements on time. Students must arrange for an incomplete grade with their instructor and Program Director (or equivalent) or relevant academic administrator. Students do not re-register to finish incomplete coursework; however, students are required to finish incomplete coursework by the deadline agreed upon with the instructor. The maximum time limit is no later than the end of the following semester (summer excluded), although faculty may choose to set an earlier deadline, particularly if there are only minimal requirements left to complete the course. The course must be completed with the instructor who assigned the incomplete grade. Incomplete grades that are not removed by the deadline will be converted automatically to an F grade for graded courses and to an NC for credit/no credit courses.

Receipt of a grade of No Credit may place a student on probation or may subject the student to academic dismissal. A required course in which a No Credit grade is earned should be repeated within one year. When subsequent coursework designated to remediate the deficiency is successfully completed, both the new grade and the No Credit grade are shown on the student’s record.

Grade Appeals

In general, grades represent the faculty member’s professional judgment of a student’s performance in a course and, as such, are final. However, students have the right to ask a faculty member for an explanation of any grade received and may appeal a grade when they perceive that a final grade was biased, arbitrary, or capricious. In those instances, students must follow the Grade Appeal Process outlined below.

General Principles

  1. Students are encouraged to seek advice in matters of concern about grades from their faculty or academic advisor.
  2. Grade appeals can be made only in instances where procedural issues or biased, arbitrary, or capricious grading are in question, specifically:
    1. An obvious error in calculation.
    2. The instructor has applied more exacting standards to the particular student.
    3. The grade was given on some other basis than performance in the course.
    4. The grade represents a substantial departure from the instructor’s announced standards.

Grade Appeals Process

  1. The student should attempt informal resolution of grade concerns with the instructor within five weeks of the official posting of the grade by the instructor or Registrar’s Office. Typically, this step is all that is necessary to resolve any disagreements. This step is only to be waived if the student believes she or he cannot meet with the instructor.
  2. In the event that informal resolution is not satisfactory to the student, the student has the burden of proof to show that the grade was based on factors listed in General Principles (2) above. The student submits a written request for a grade appeal to the Program Director or other appropriate campus administrator within six weeks of the official posting of the grades by the Registrar’s Office. The student must include evidence pertinent to the General Principles (2) above in support of the grade appeal request. If there is no Program Director or if the Program Director is the instructor, the student submits the appeal to the School Dean.  The Program Director or School Dean provides the instructor with a copy of the appeal request within three business days. Within 15 days*, the instructor responds in writing to the Program Director or School Dean explaining the basis for the grade.
  3. Within three weeks of the grade appeal request, the Program Director or School Dean appoints a Grade Appeals Panel consisting of three campus faculty members. The Panel will reach a decision to either uphold the grade or change it. This decision is sent to the Program Director or School Dean who informs the instructor, student, and Registrar’s Office if necessary. The Panel’s decision is binding.

*Please note that days during the faculty off-contract period (see Academic Calendar ) are not counted.

Review of Students’ Performance

Each program has a procedure for regularly reviewing the overall performance of students, including whether the minimal grade point average has been met. Some programs also perform an annual evaluation of all students. Faculty, advisors, and/or committees are responsible for monitoring academic performance and for working with students whose performance needs special review. A committee review may lead to recommended remediation programs, probation, or dismissal from the program. For more information on the procedures used by a specific academic program or school/center, contact the office or academic advisor for that program and the relevant (graduate or undergraduate) Student Handbook.

Graduate students in conditional admission status (e.g., those admitted with a grade point average below 3.0) are evaluated for continuation in the program at the end of the first or second semester of their initial year. If their work is deemed satisfactory, they will be removed from “conditional student” status; if it is not, a remediation plan may be required or dismissal could result.

Academic Status

All units are offered on a semester basis.

Full-Time Status

Full-time status at Alliant International University is defined as:

  • Master’s and doctoral students: 8 or more units per semester
  • Graduate students enrolled in dissertation courses  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,   or   are considered to be full-time.
  • Credential students: 12 or more units per semester
  • Undergraduate students: 12 or more units per semester

Half-Time Status

Half-time status is defined as:

  • Master’s and doctoral students: 5 units per semester
  • Credential and undergraduate students: 6 units per semester
  • Dissertation sequence: 3 units per semester

Students enrolled less than half-time are not eligible for the Federal Stafford Loan program in financial aid.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended by the U.S. Congress in 1980, mandates institutions of higher education to establish minimum standards of “satisfactory progress” for students receiving financial aid. All Alliant International University campuses apply these standards to all institutionally awarded funds, Title IV Funds and any other funding programs (including the Unsubsidized Stafford Loan Program, HEAL, etc.) requiring a demonstration of good academic standing and satisfactory progress.

Enrolled students and applicants with particular questions concerning satisfactory academic progress should contact the Financial Aid Office. The following policy statements describe the general parameters for satisfactory academic progress in the Alliant International University system.

Note that some students are on the credit/no credit system and some are on a letter grade system.

Academic Standing

Students are expected to make satisfactory academic and professional progress throughout their academic programs. Satisfactory academic and professional progress is generally defined as earning a GPA of 3.0 or higher at the graduate level (2.0 or higher at the undergraduate level), behaving consistently with the Academic and Non-Academic Codes of Conduct and behaving in a manner consistent with professional and ethical standards and expectations and completing educational programs within a reasonable and specified time. Degrees will be awarded to students in good academic standing with a GPA of 3.0 for graduate students, or 2.0 for undergraduate students. The following are potential grounds for determining that satisfactory progress in a program is not being made:

  1. Program Length

Program Length: Students must complete their educational program within a reasonable period of time. A student’s maximum time frame for completion of the educational program varies by the specific degree sought. Financial aid eligibility is limited to the maximum time frame allowed for each degree program the University offers. Students who do not complete the program successfully within the specified time must reapply for admission.  In some cases, graduate program standards may be more stringent than the general University standards.  Please check within the school-based section of the catalog and the program handbook for more specific information on program standards.

    Undergraduate Degree   6 Years
    Master’s Degree   5 Years
    Doctoral Degree - California School of Forensic Studies   7 Years
    Doctoral Degree - California School of Professional Psychology   8 Years
    Doctoral Degree - Alliant School of Management   8 Years
    Doctoral Degree - Hufstedler School of Education  10 Years
  1. Unsatisfactory Progress

    1. GPA below 2.0 for undergraduates or 3.0 in graduate programs on a letter grading system
    2. Receipt of a No Credit grade in a course or field placement
    3. Receipt of two Incomplete or Marginal Pass grades
    4. A combination of Incomplete, No Credit and Marginal Pass grades
    5. Violation of professional or ethical conduct
    6. Failure to comply with school or campus rules or procedures
    7. Evidence of personal factors (personality, interpersonal, or intrapersonal functioning) that may hinder the student’s professional competence
    8. Little or no progress on the dissertation/doctoral project
    9. Failure of comprehensive or competency examination
    10. Failure to meet academic program standards

Failure to Meet Standards

When one or more of the above grounds for concern are present the following procedures will be used to determine whether the student is failing to make satisfactory progress and/or whether an ethical/behavioral problem exists. These procedures are further elaborated in the University’s Student Evaluation and Review Committee (SERC) Rules and Procedures, the current version of which can be found on the Alliant Portal. The Program Director or equivalent will receive all concerns (as listed above) relevant to a student’s satisfactory progress in an academic program. The Program Director will either refer the information to the program’s SERC (e.g., in cases of grade point or other academic insufficiency, possible violations of the Academic Code of Conduct, or concerns about professional or ethical behavior), or make a determination that referral to SERC is not required and that there is no basis for action.

Following a SERC referral by a Program Director or equivalent, the SERC will review the case using the procedures outlined in the University’s Student Evaluation and Review Rules and Procedures and submit its recommendation to the Program Director or equivalent related to sufficiency of a student’s academic and/or professional progress. After considering the SERC’s review and recommendation the Program Director or equivalent will make a determination and take action using the procedures outlined in the University’s Student Evaluation Rules and Procedures. A student determined not to be making satisfactory academic or professional progress in the academic program can be placed on one or more of the sanction categories outlined in the next section.

For cases which result in a finding of insufficient academic performance or progress, professional practice field training unsuitability, or unethical or inappropriate behavior the following actions may be recommended by SERC and implemented by the Program Director or equivalent:

  1. Warning

Warning Status, with or without a remediation plan, can be recommended by the SERC when a student’s academic work or professional development falls below University or program standards but the nature of the difficulty or infraction does not require more serious or more immediate action.

  1. Probation

Probationary status is recommended when a student’s academic progress or professional development has been inconsistent with University requirements. A student is given a specific amount of time (usually one term) in which to remediate the cause(s) of probation or will otherwise face dismissal from the program.

When a Program Director or equivalent acts to implement Warning or Probation the SERC is usually responsible for monitoring and advising the progression of a student in a remediation plan. The process for monitoring students includes regular reports from students and/or their advisors, reviewing student files and, as necessary and appropriate, recalling students to the Committee. It shall be the responsibility of the SERC in such circumstances to review the case and to determine whether the student has completed all of the requirements of the remediation, in which case the removal of the Probationary status will be recommended. In the event that the SERC determines that the conditions that resulted in Probation have not been remediated, the SERC may recommend other action including a) continuance of the status of Probation or b) that a more severe sanction be imposed. The Program Director or equivalent will review the recommendation of the SERC, make a determination as to appropriate action and send notification of this action to the student within ten (10) business days of receipt of the recommended action.

  1. Mandatory Leave of Absence

A student is recommended for Mandatory Leave of Absence in those cases in which the academic work or professional development, in the opinion of the Program Director (or other relevant administrative authority) and taking into consideration the SERC’s recommendations, requires serious remediation that necessitates withdrawal from the University in order to complete the required remediation. In all cases, the required leave of absence causes student loans to go into a repayment status, with no recourse for loan deferment. Financial aid recipients who are placed on a Mandatory Leave of Absence may ask lenders for forbearance.

  1. Termination

A student may be terminated from the academic program when conditions are judged to be of a serious nature and are not judged to be remediable, insufficient grade point average and/or multiple No Credit or Marginal Pass grades occurs, or when a serious violation of University or School standards of conduct and ethics occurs or when a student has failed to remediate previously identified deficiencies within the specified time.

Appeals Process

A student has the right to appeal a Program Director’s (or equivalent) decision to the relevant Academic Dean (or alternate University official, in the event of a possible conflict of interest).

Appeals will only be considered when they are received in writing within ten (10) business days of the date of the decision letter.

Appeals may be made only on the basis that one or more of the following factors that are alleged to have contributed to an unfair or unsupported SERC decision: a) the SERC process deviated from applicable SERC policy/procedures b) serious violation(s) of other University policies, rules or procedures c) preponderance of facts or other evidence not consistent with the SERC decision d) new information that was not available at the time the matter was originally considered by a SERC and/or e) bias or discrimination in the review process.

When an appeal is made, the SERC and Program Director or equivalent, at the request of the Academic Dean (or alternate University official), will cooperate fully in presenting and discussing the recommendations and actions. The same University official decides the appropriate process for consideration of the appeal.

Absent unusual circumstances, appeals processes should normally be completed within twenty (20) business days of receipt of the appeal. Appeal decisions made under this section are final.

Dissertation Clearance

Dissertation clearance means not only successful defense, but completion of any required revisions or edits and submission of the dissertation in its final form to the University library. The dissertation clearance date is defined as the date the library signs off, indicating that the dissertation is complete.

Dissertation Continuous Registration

Continuous enrollment in dissertation ensures that students continue their progress toward the completion of their dissertation, provides the mechanism for evaluation and monitoring in cases where progress is insufficient, and reflects the continued mentoring by the faculty chair.

Dissertation Sequence Registration

Students are expected to complete their dissertation while enrolled in the dissertation sequence within their curriculum. Dissertation sequence courses are normally only offered in fall and spring. Students who wish to make progress on their dissertation over the summer and want dissertation supervision and support from their faculty chair during this period may enroll in a one unit summer dissertation supervision course with approval from their faculty chair and program director. This unit is optional and not applicable toward degree requirements so it does not qualify for financial aid.

Dissertation Extension Registration

Students who exhaust the regular dissertation sequence units within their curriculum but have not yet completed their dissertation are expected to maintain continuous enrollment in the dissertation extension course (fall and spring semesters). Students must be enrolled in dissertation during the term in which they achieve dissertation clearance (this includes summer). If a student clears their dissertation prior to end of the add/drop period they will not have to pay dissertation extension fees for that term (fall, spring, or summer). This applies to dissertation extension students only. The dissertation extension course is a three unit course at a flat fee except as noted below.

Dissertation Extension while on Internship

Students registered in full and half time internship who have exhausted their regular dissertation sequence courses but have not yet completed their dissertation must enroll in a single unit dissertation extension course at the per unit rate during the fall and spring semesters they are enrolled in internship. Summer enrollment in dissertation extension is not required unless the student plans to defend or submit their dissertation over the summer.

Three units of dissertation extension qualifies students for federal financial aid for a maximum of four terms (including summers). International students can obtain a waiver to continue enrollment with only three units of dissertation extension. Unsatisfactory progress while in dissertation extension may reflect unsatisfactory program performance and result in the student being referred to the Student Evaluation and Review Committee (SERC).


A student who is dismissed from their program for academic or other reasons who wishes to seek readmission to their original program of study or to another Alliant program must (re)apply through the regular admissions process.

Financial aid awards that have been terminated because students have not registered for the required number of units may be reinstated when the student conforms to the requirements specified in this catalog within the prescribed registration deadlines.

Leave of Absence

Alliant International University is committed to working with students who have health, financial, and/or personal difficulties that are generally beyond the control of the student by granting a leave of absence when warranted. However, a leave of absence is not automatically granted.

Students requesting a Leave of Absence must be in good academic and administrative standing or have been granted a waiver of these requirements due to extenuating circumstances.

There is a one-year maximum time limit on leaves from the University. Because of the sequential nature of most programs, a leave of absence is usually not granted for less than one year. However, a leave of shortened duration may be granted at the discretion of the designated University representative. Students who are absent from the University for two terms or more, and who have not received an approved leave of absence, will be officially administratively withdrawn and must reapply for admission, be reviewed by the program and, if readmitted, must enter a program offered at the time of readmission (i.e., may not enter the program or curriculum in which they were previously enrolled if it is no longer offered or if the curriculum has changed).

Most leaves are for reasons that are planned in advance and requested prior to the beginning of the academic term. However, others are sought in response to urgent and unanticipated matters that constitute a bona fide emergency. Such (documented) emergency leaves may be requested at any time. In either case, the student must petition to receive a leave, and must complete the appropriate application form. In cases of leaves for medical reasons, prior to being allowed to return to the University a medical release must be obtained from medical doctor confirming the ability to return to school and stating any restrictions that may affect the individual’s ability to perform in the program.

Doctoral students enrolled in a dissertation sequence must maintain continuous enrollment (summer term enrollment required only if the student plans to clear in summer), unless a leave of absence has been approved by the Program Director (or other relevant program administrator). During the leave of absence, doctoral students may not consult with their chairperson or University faculty until the end of the absence and the student is re-enrolled.

Students need to be aware that there are consequences for students who have obtained financial aid and subsequently request a leave of absence.

The following policies apply to students who have outstanding student loans and are granted a leave of absence:

  1. If a student takes a leave, federal (U.S.) regulations permit continuing loan deferment for up to 180 days. In this case, the student is not considered withdrawn for financial aid purposes. If the student’s leave continues beyond 180 days, the date of withdrawal (and therefore, repayment) reverts to the first day of the leave.
  2. If a student takes a leave greater than 180 days, repayment begins on the date of withdrawal.
  3. If the leave is longer than 180 days, repayment will occur according to the following terms:
    1. Federal William D. Ford Unsubsidized Direct Loan Program: Repayment begins six months after commencement of the leave. When the student returns from leave to at least half-time status, the in-school deferment resumes.
    2. Perkins: Repayment begins after a grace period of nine months (for most loans). If the leave is shorter than nine months, the student will then continue to have the full nine-month grace period available and does not enter repayment. If the leave is greater than nine months, the grace period is no longer available and repayment begins in the tenth month, lasting until the student returns to the program in at least half-time status.
    3. Direct Loan: Same as Perkins, except that the grace period lasts six months instead of nine months (for most loans).
    4. Federal William D. Ford Unsubsidized HEAL Direct Loans: Same as Perkins, except the student must return in full-time status.

A leave of absence does not change the time limits for degree completion. More information may be obtained from the financial aid office.

Administrative Suspension/Termination

Students who do not register or apply for a leave of absence by the end of the add/drop period of the second term of absence will be administratively withdrawn from the University and dismissed from the academic program. If the student’s plans are not clarified by the end of the second term in question, the school will assume that the student has chosen to withdraw from the program. The student’s transcript record will be documented to reflect “withdrawn.” The student may request reinstatement to the academic program within 14 business days of the date posted on the notification letter. In cases in which the reinstatement is denied, the student may appeal the dismissal from the academic program to the Academic Dean within 14 business days of the date posted on the dismissal letter.

Administrative dismissal may also occur when a student does not meet the terms of a deferment contract. The suspension/dismissal may become effective at any time. Defaulted deferment agreements will not be automatically renewed.

Suspension/termination of a student results in the following:

  1. Sealed records and denial of access to campus facilities
  2. Commencement of any allowable financial aid grace periods which may result in loan repayments
  3. Referral of the account to a collection agency if the suspension is based upon payment default
  4. Payment of the Reinstatement into Academic Program Fee.

Students who fail to meet their financial obligations within the time period following suspension/dismissal specified by their campus will be subject to dismissal from the University.

Upon meeting all financial obligations, the student is required to notify the school of his or her intention to be reinstated at least 20 days before the first day of the term, and is required to pay the reinstatement into academic program fee.


Students may withdraw in good standing from any course or from their entire academic program at any time before the deadline as published in the Academic Calendar . To withdraw from the academic program, a student should submit the official withdrawal form to the campus Student Affairs Office prior to the deadline. Students wishing to withdraw from their entire academic program must obtain the approval of the appropriate University personnel in order to withdraw in good standing. Students who have withdrawn from the program and wish to re-enter must reapply through regular application procedures. Admission is not guaranteed for re-applicants.

Financial aid recipients who withdraw from Alliant during a term may be required to repay a proportional amount of the aid awarded. (See Financial Aid Refund Policy  section.)

Cross Campus or Program Enrollment

Any matriculated student in good academic standing, with permission from both programs, may be allowed to enroll in coursework at another campus or program as long as the units do not exceed program maximum for the term, or as allowed by the program. If class space is limited, resident students have priority over students visiting from another campus or program. For more information, contact the program office or academic advisor.

Transferring to Another Alliant Program or Campus

Transfers between programs at Alliant can often be accommodated. Applicants who are considering transfer are reviewed through a transfer application process at the campus to which they wish to transfer. Those who are accepted for transfer may need to take additional coursework required by the program to which they transfer. For more information about transfers, contact the Program Director (or equivalent) at the campus-specific location.


The University expects regular class attendance by all students. Each student is responsible for all academic work missed during absences. When an absence occurs, students should contact the instructor both as a courtesy and to check for missed assignments. The statement of attendance criteria for each class and the monitoring of this attendance are the responsibility of the instructor.

Complete attendance at weekend seminars is the minimum requirement for a satisfactory grade. Each instructor will maintain a class attendance roster during the term in order to document attendance.

If the first class session is missed, the instructor may assume that the course has been dropped, so all students need to contact the instructor if they cannot attend or have missed the first class session.

If a student will be absent for an extended period of time, they should contact their Program Director (or equivalent), who will discuss the duration of the absence and options available to them. Agreements reached about these issues will be committed to writing and included in student’s file. This may include a leave of absence.

It is the student’s responsibility to drop a course they have stopped attending. Student who are dropped for non-attendance will be charged a $60 fee per course.

Religious Holidays

Alliant International University does not officially observe any religious holidays. However, in keeping with the institution’s commitment to respecting cultural diversity as well as for humanitarian considerations, faculty are encouraged to appreciate students’ religious observances by not penalizing them when they are absent from classes on holy days relevant to their religion. Alliant International University faculty is expected to be sensitive to these matters. Students should be similarly respectful of faculty members’ rights to observe religious days.

Academic Residency Requirements

Undergraduate students must be in attendance at the University for at least 25 percent of their program, including the last two semesters of their programs. Graduate students must complete a minimum of 60 percent of their courses at the University. Special residency requirements may be imposed by individual schools or programs. Students should confer with their academic advisors or Program Director (or equivalent).


Application for Graduation

All graduating students must make a formal application for graduation by the deadline date listed in the annually issued Academic Calendar .

Commencement ceremonies are held once a year on each campus in May or June. Applications for graduation are obtained from the academic advisors, program office or online.

Students must file a completed Application for Graduation with the academic affairs office no later than the deadline specified in the Academic Calendar . To participate in commencement:

  1. Undergraduate students must have no more than 15 units to be completed in the Summer Term (or 18 units if qualified to take an overload). Students must be registered in advance for these units.
  2. Terminal degree master’s students must have completed all degree requirements by the end of the term of graduation.
  3. CFT Masters students in good academic standing can participate in commencement exercises if they have completed all academic course requirements except those required in the summer of the second year, and have a) successfully completed at least one semester of practicum and b) currently enrolled in practicum.
  4. Doctoral students must have completed all coursework and successfully completed their final oral defense by the date specified by the University.

If degree requirements are not completed on time, a graduation application for the next awarding of degrees must be filed.

In order to receive diplomas, students must clear their accounts with the Student Business Services Office.

A non-refundable graduation fee must be paid to Student Business Services by all degree candidates at the time of application.

Degree Completion

Only the University Registrar or designee is authorized to issue confirmation documentation attesting to matters pertaining to a student’s academic work at the University. All degrees will be posted to the permanent record at the end of the term in which the degree requirements are completed, assuming all applicable paperwork has been submitted. Requirements are considered complete when relevant documents are received in the Registrar’s Office and, in the case of thesis/dissertation, the date filed in the campus library.

Completion of academic requirements for a degree is termed graduation. The ceremony celebrating this achievement is commencement. Participation in the commencement ceremony does not guarantee graduation.

Policy on Required Units and Completion of Degrees

Students must complete the total number of units required by their degree programs as specified in the programs’ curricula in the university catalog in the year of their entry.

Students are permitted to transfer units into their program under the guidelines of transfer policies at the university, school, and program level. These transferred units are generally designated as contributing to the total number of units required. Decisions regarding the transfer of courses into the program are made by the programs and appear on the students’ transcripts as transfer units.

If students gain approval to waive units or if students complete a requirement such as dissertation prior to enrollment in all of the programs’ units for that requirement, students will be required to take elective coursework or complete alternative projects for independent study units (e.g., preparing dissertation for presentation or publication), so that they enroll in and complete the necessary number of units for the conferring of the degree as established by the faculty of the programs and communicated to the public and accreditors.

Degree Completion Date for Psychology Licensure

The degree completion date for purposes of the California Board of Psychology (BOP) eligibility for postdoctoral internship hours is the date on which all academic requirements have been completed (e.g., coursework, internship, psychotherapy and doctoral dissertation or project). Doctoral students normally begin accumulating post-doctoral hours from the date all academic requirements are completed. The date on the diploma is determined by the end date of the semester in which the student completes all academic requirements (end of the fall term, end of the spring term and end of the summer term).

For students who do not have administrative clearance due to financial reasons, the date of academic completion will remain the official completion date, but all academic records will be held until administrative clearance is completed.


The current Alliant diploma policy is posted on the Registrar’s website at

Student Code of Conduct and Ethics: Academic

The University is committed to principles of scholastic honesty. Its members are expected to abide by ethical standards both in their conduct and in their exercise of responsibility towards other members of the community.

This Student Code of Conduct and Ethics: Academic is established to lend greater definition and meaning to the principles of scholastic honesty and integrity and to outline standards that will guide the actions of the academic community. Any student who violates the Code of Conduct and Ethics will be subject to sanctions up to and including dismissal from the University. A student accused of a violation is guaranteed an impartial hearing and the right to an appeal. Procedures and guidelines for the hearings and the appeals are described in this section and in the relevant (graduate or undergraduate) Student Handbook. Students also need to be in compliance with the Student Code of Conduct and Ethics: Non- Academic, which is included in the student handbooks.


As it is with other members of the academic community, each student’s conduct is expected to be in accordance with the standards of the University.

Students bear the responsibility not only for their own academic integrity, but also for bringing instances of suspected violations of the Academic Code of Conduct to the attention of the proper University authorities.

Faculty and Administration

Faculty and administration are obligated to the University and to the students they teach and serve to uphold ethical standards. They must deal fully and fairly with instances of academic misconduct. Any evidence that a faculty member has intentionally acted in a manner not consistent with this policy (including failure to report instances of suspected misconduct) will be subject to a referral to the faculty member’s Dean for appropriate action.

Acts of Misconduct

The Student Code of Conduct and Ethics: Academic prohibits certain acts of misconduct by students enrolled at the University. Other University policies and procedures may also apply. Depending on the circumstances, the acts of misconduct described below may be considered as either a violation or an infraction.

Students who engage in conduct that disrupts the orderly functioning of the University maybe subject to probation or dismissal from the program as set forth in the academic and non-academic codes of conduct. In the case of dismissal for cause, no fees will be refunded.


The following acts are examples of violations.

  1. Examination Behavior: Any intentional giving or use of external assistance during an examination without the express permission of the faculty member giving the examination.
  2. Fabrication: Any falsification or invention of data, citation, or other authority in an academic activity
  3. Plagiarism: Any passing off of another’s ideas, words, or work as one’s own.
  4. Unauthorized Collaboration: Collaboration in any academic exercise unless the faculty member has stated that such collaboration is permitted.
  5. Previously Submitted Work: Presenting work prepared for and submitted to another course.
  6. Unauthorized Research: Failure to obtain approval of the Institutional Review Board for research involving human subjects.
  7. Alteration or Misuse of Academic Documents: Any alteration or misuse of academic documents, including acts of forgery and/or furnishing false information
  8. Disruption of Academic Activity: Disruptive behavior, willful disobedience, profanity or vulgarity in a learning environment not limited to the classroom, practicum, and Internship sites.
  9. Violations Defined by Faculty Member: Any other intentional violation of rules or policies established by a course faculty member/academic supervisor.
  10. Assisting other Students in Acts of Academic Misconduct

Under certain exceptional circumstances involving serious violations listed above which pose a threat to the health and safety of the University community, disciplinary procedures administered by the campus senior administration may replace the procedures outlined below. These include circumstances in which a matter has been referred by the Program Director or equivalent or Dean. In the case of a violent act, the faculty member or administrator immediately contacts the appropriate individual as listed in the University Violence Prevention Policy as stated in the Employee Handbook, Faculty Handbook, and undergraduate or graduate Student Handbook.


The following acts are examples of infractions. Students found to have committed these acts are subject to sanctions described, as applicable, for infractions in the Sanctions section.

  1. Any unintentional act that, if it were intentional, would be a serious violation.
  2. Any serious violation of the rules or policies established for a course or academic exercise.

Note: repeated infractions may be considered for treatment as serious violations.


For cases which find infractions or serious violations under Academic Code of Conduct, the following actions may be taken by the Program Director or equivalent:

  1. Infractions of the Academic Code of Conduct
    1. Warning – A letter is placed in the student’s academic file indicating that an infraction of the Academic Code of Conduct occurred along any recommended or required remediation.
    2. Probation – “Probationary status” is a sanction imposed when the violation is judged to be more severe than a Warning but not so serious as to require a more serious sanction such as termination from a class, program or from the University. In cases in which a student has been placed on Probation for violation of the Academic Code of Conduct, any subsequent violations of the Academic Code of Conduct (whether they are infractions or more serious violations) will result in an automatic application of the sanctions imposed in areas of serious violations (described below).
    3. Work assignments, Service to the University or other related discretionary assignments – This category of sanction may be required separate from or in addition to any action taken regarding an Infraction
    4. Restitution – A student may also be directed to provide compensation for loss, damage, or injury attributed to the student’s actions or behavior. This may, at the discretion of the appropriate University authority, take the form of appropriate service, monetary/materials replacement or both.
  2. Serious Violations of the Academic Code of Conduct

    Actions in this section may be taken when the violation of the Academic Code of Conduct is judged to be more serious than an Infraction. Relevant disciplinary actions that may be taken include:
    1. Suspension from class for the remainder of the term in which case the student must re-take the course, pay the required tuition for the course when it is retaken and forfeit all tuition and fees paid for the course.
    2. Suspension from the University for a term or more with no transcript notation. Conditions for readmission will be specified when this sanction is imposed.
    3. Termination from the University with no transcript notation.
    4. Termination from the University with transcript notation indicating “Academic Misconduct Termination.”
    5. Work Assignments and/or Restitution – A student found to have had a Serious Violation of the University Academic Code of Conduct may also be mandated to provide compensation for loss, damage, or injury. This may, at the discretion of the Action Officer, take the form of appropriate service or monetary/material replacement or both.

Process and Procedures

Suspected instances and allegations of academic misconduct should be reported to the Program Director or equivalent. They will be reviewed and processed under the University’s Student Evaluation and Review Committee Rules and Procedures. These rules and procedures can be found in the Student Handbook. Upon written request, the results of disciplinary proceedings in cases of violence or non-forcible sex offenses will be shared with the victims of the crime.

Educational Records

The record of the final determination in all cases will be maintained in the educational record of the student in the registrar’s office for a period of not less than five years after the student’s departure from the University. A request for removal of transcript notation of “Academic Misconduct Termination” may be submitted by the student to the office of the academic dean after three years. The decision of the dean with respect to such removal shall be final.


Alliant International University is committed to providing helpful and informed advising to all students in all programs. Faculty advisors or mentors are available to consult with students on issues of performance, policies, regulations, rules and curriculum requirements. Depending on the specific issues, students may obtain advice from campus student services offices, Program Directors (or equivalent) and advisors for students with special needs, such as international students and students with disabilities.

Some programs assign staff advisors to students; other programs incorporate faculty into the advising process. The advising process for each program is described in the school policy and procedures information; contact the program office or Program Director (or equivalent) for more information on advising resources.

In preparation for the design and research of their dissertations, doctoral students select their respective dissertation chairpersons from among a school’s core or research faculty. Customarily, faculty chosen serve as advisors and professional mentors. At the discretion of the Academic Dean, and with the approval of the relevant Program Director (or equivalent), qualified non-core faculty may serve as dissertation chairs. Dissertation chairs or committee members may not have an inherent conflict-of-interest (e.g., dual, multiple, or personal relationship, etc.) when serving in such roles.

PsyD students also receive advising from core faculty, either individually or in groups, during completion of their PsyD projects or dissertations.

Advancement to Candidacy

Demonstration of competency to complete a doctoral program must be established prior to the advancement to candidacy for students enrolled in doctoral programs. Generally, this occurs after the second year of the program when all the master’s level requirements in the program(s) have successfully been completed. These requirements may include, but are not limited to, successful completion of all required coursework, passing all required preliminary or comprehensive examinations and successful oral defense of the dissertation proposal. Reviews of students’ accomplishments by the faculty will determine whether students have qualified to be advanced to doctoral candidacy.

More information can be obtained from the program office or academic advisor.

Double Major

Undergraduate students may pursue two majors by completing the total requirements for one degree plus the prerequisite and major requirements of a second (if open electives are part of the “first” major, they may be used for courses in the “second” major, if applicable). Only one major may be designated on the diploma, and the official transcript will be the only documentation confirming the double major.

Double Minor

Students may pursue two minors by completing the requirements for each minor. If a course is required for both minors, students must take an additional course. No course may be double counted. All course substitutions must be approved by the appropriate dean or designee.

Second Bachelor’s Degree

Students who already hold a bachelor’s degree and who wish to earn a second bachelor’s degree must complete:

  • ENG1106 and ENG2206 if equivalent was not completed as part of the first bachelor’s degree
  • all major and prerequisite requirements of the degree sought
  • a minimum of 30 semester units in residence at Alliant after admission to the second degree program

 Non-Terminal Master’s Degree

Students enrolled in some doctoral programs may petition to receive a master’s degree when all requirements for the work of the master’s degree or equivalent have been completed. In general, students who enter programs with credit for previous work or with prior master’s degrees do not qualify for master’s degrees at Alliant International University since they have already received master’s degrees for this work in their previous programs.

More information can be obtained from the program office or academic advisor. A fee is charged to process this master’s degree diploma (see Tuition and Fee Schedule ).

Respecialization Programs

Psychology Doctoral Respecialization Programs

Doctoral respecialization programs are intended for holders of doctorates in psychology, or closely related fields, from accredited institutions who wish to gain additional clinical skills, train in a new area of psychology, or to meet the requirements for licensing as a psychologist. Areas of respecialization in psychology include clinical, industrial-organizational or school psychology. More details can be found in the section of the catalog within the specific academic program.

All respecialization students seeking licensure are responsible for contacting the Board of Psychology or equivalent in the state in which psychology or other licensure shall be sought to be sure that their prior doctoral degree meets licensing requirements and to register with the Board so that training hours completed through Alliant International University can be counted toward postdoctoral hours required for licensure.

Psychology respecialization students seeking licensure are urged to stay in close contact with campus advisors and follow their recommendations on coursework and training in order to gather the background needed to be considered by the Board of Psychology for licensing at the end for the program.

Other Doctoral Respecialization Programs

Persons accepted for doctoral respecialization in areas other than psychology (e.g., Marriage & Family Therapy, education) who are seeking licensure or credentialing in the new area of specialization also need to contact the relevant licensure or certification board to assure that the planned respecialization program will meet the desired certification or licensure requirements.

Conditional Admission Status

Some students are offered conditional acceptance to the University based on one of two conditions:

  1. That certain requirements that are not currently met be met prior to the first day of enrollment
  2. That a certain satisfactory level of academic achievement is demonstrated during the first year of enrollment

Students enrolling under the first condition are given a date at which time documentation of all the requirements having been met must have been delivered to the University. If such documentation is not available, the student may be placed on probation and/or administrative suspension pending delivery of the documents; the student may also be terminated at the discretion of the University. Students enrolling under the second condition must exhibit satisfactory academic progress and will have their progress reviewed by the Registrar or the Student Evaluation and Review Committee for continuation in the program.

Non-matriculated Enrollment Status

Students seeking non-degree study should contact the Admissions Office, Program Office, or the designated campus representative for a part-time application form. Information about courses, deadlines and registration procedures is available from the Student Affairs Office or the Registrar website ( Not all courses are available to part time, non-degree-seeking students.

Students attending on a non-matriculated basis may not earn a degree and must register for courses on a space-available basis (enrollment in such courses is not guaranteed).  They may not apply more than twelve (undergraduate) or nine (graduate) units of their academic work to count toward an Alliant degree. Students on a non-matriculated status are not eligible for federal, state or institutional financial aid.

Exceptions to Academic Regulations

A request for an exception to a published University academic policy or a request for any special academic privilege must be made in writing and initiated through a Program Director (or equivalent) or an academic advisor. All documentary evidence in support of each application for academic exception or academic privilege should be submitted with the written request. Each case will be decided on its own merits. All exceptions, waivers and special privileges are subject to review by the academic dean for a final decision. Students are encouraged to maintain their own personal copies of all paperwork submitted.