Catalog 2016-2017 
    Feb 14, 2025  
Catalog 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Catalog Addendum


The updates listed in this addendum apply to the 2016-2017 Alliant International University Academic Catalog.  This catalog addendum contains new and updated information, as well as corrections of errors in the original catalog.

Revisions to the Alliant International University Academic Catalog


Added tuition information for Hong Kong programs.

Alphabetized section area listing on the online Academic Policies  section.

2 May 2016


Updated curriculum for Clinical Psychology: PsyD, Fresno  program.

9 May 2016


Deactivated MAEd TESOL from catalog as the program is only accepting applications for the 8-week program.

24 May 2016


Removed pricing and information for Room and Board, as Alliant will no longer offer on-campus housing.

Updated student insurance language in the Expenses and Financial Aid  section.

All international students attending Alliant International University are required to obtain health insurance coverage during their tenure at Alliant. To fulfill this health insurance requirement, students must purchase a health insurance policy that meets all US Immigration insurance requirements.  All new, incoming international students must demonstrate coverage on or before their arrival, with their own medical insurance coverage.  If students fail to demonstrate coverage upon their arrival, they will be required to show proof of coverage before registering for classes. F-1 and J-1 students are expected to communicate their intentions to the Office of International Students and Scholars on or before their arrival. All coverage choices for continuing international students must be evaluated on a yearly basis, consistent with Alliant University’s academic year period. All international students must show proof of compliant health insurance coverage at the start of each academic year. (or their first semester at Alliant if starting during an alternate semester or term). Without showing proof of health insurance each year, students will not be permitted to register for courses.

Students must choose health insurance that meets the provisions below:

a. Effective throughout the semester and renewable for continuous coverage
b. Minimum dollar coverage of $100,000 per illness or injury
c. Include outpatient care (doctor visits, outpatient surgery, etc.)
d. Include hospitalization
e. Repatriation for at least $25,000
f. Medical evacuation for at least $50,000
g. Cost of deductible, if any, does not exceed $500 per accident or illness

Please direct any questions you may have regarding health insurance coverage to your campus DSO or Student Advisor.

Updated Immunization policy in the Admissions and Registration  section to reflect Alliant no longer offering on-campus housing.


The University is committed to protecting the health and well-being of all our students. All students must meet a specific immunization requirement. If you have graduated from a California public high school, you may have already met this requirement. To meet this requirement, you may bring a completed immunization record form or send medical documentation or laboratory evidence as proof of immunity to the Director of Campus Services (to the Health Center for San Diego) after admission to the University. In addition to the immunizations required for all students, in order to reside in an on-campus housing facility students must have an immunization for Neisseria Meningitis.

Activated curriculum for Clinical Counseling: Master of Arts (MA-CC), Fresno, San Francisco  program.

Updated the state authorization/registration language for Minnesota.

Updated the curriculum listing for the Clinical Psychology: PsyD, San Francisco  program.

Updated the language for the Non-Terminal Master’s Degree:

Non-Terminal Master’s Degree

Students enrolled in some doctoral programs may petition to receive a master’s degree when all requirements for the work of the master’s degree or equivalent have been completed. In general, students who enter programs with credit for previous work or with prior master’s degrees do not qualify for master’s degrees at Alliant International University since they have already received master’s degrees for this work in their previous programs.

More information can be obtained from the program office or academic advisor. A fee is charged to process the application to be awarded the non-terminal master’s degree (see Tuition and Fee Schedule ).

Requirements for CSPP Doctoral Programs: Non-Terminal Master’s Degree

Students enrolled in the CSPP doctoral programs must meet the following requirements to apply for a non-terminal master’s degree from California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University:

  1. 3.0 or above Cumulative Grade Point Average and in Good Academic Standing.
  2. Completed all of the G1 (first year) and G2 (second year) coursework designated in the program curriculum, with a maximum of 9 units credited from transfer units. The specific program can designate what G1 (first year) and G2 (second year) courses will not be accepted for transfer or waiver and are required to be completed at CSPP at Alliant International University.
  3. Passed diagnostic writing assessment or successfully completed writing course or remediation plan if applicable.
  4. The student has not previously earned a master’s degree in the same field (major) (e.g., Clinical Psychology; Marriage and Family Therapy or Couple and Family Therapy; Organizational Psychology).

Any exceptions to the academic policy should be submitted to the Academic Dean from the Program Director with a detailed explanation about the reason for the exception to the academic policy.  Please use the Exception to Academic Policy form.

Note: If the student has an outstanding balance or fee, the degree will be awarded, but the diploma and transcript will not be released until the balance is paid in full.

Added courses:

Deactivated Applied Criminology program listing in standard catalog. Program is only offered in 8-week session.

25 May 2016


Added course description for PSY 6707 - Sexuality and Sex Therapy for Clinical Counseling :

Human sexuality issues will be explored, including the social construction of sex, gender, and sexuality; physiological, psychological, and social cultural variables associated with sexual behavior; assessment and intervention in mental health counseling practice. 

31 May 2016


Updated Infant-Preschooler Mental Health Certificates  to “not current accepting students”.

Added course PSY 8524 - Assessment in Neurophysiology: Theory and Clinical Applications  

8 June 2016


Updated the articulation agreement website to

Updated the verbiage clarifying the requirements for continuing into the PsyD program in Education Psychology for School Psychology: Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) with Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credential  students:

Students who finish the Masters of Arts in Education with PPS Credential in School Psychology, who pass the Systemwide Comprehensive Examination, take the Praxis 2 examination, and pass the portfolio requirement can then submit their application for approval by the Campus Program Director to continue with the Advanced Standing PsyD program in Educational Psychology.

14 June 2016


Updated LAW MBE - MBE Skills Building (Contracts, Torts and Crimes)  from 0 units to 1 unit.

15 June 2016


Updated the verbiage in the Non-Terminal Master’s Degree from:

Students enrolled in some doctoral programs may petition to receive a master’s degree when all requirements for the work of the master’s degree or equivalent have been completed. In general, students who enter programs with credit for previous work or with prior master’s degrees do not qualify for master’s degrees at Alliant International University since they have already received master’s degrees for this work in their previous programs.

More information can be obtained from the program office or academic advisor. A fee is charged to process the application to be awarded the non-terminal master’s degree (see Tuition and Fee Schedule).


Students enrolled in some doctoral programs may petition to receive a master’s degree when all requirements for the work of the master’s degree or equivalent have been completed. In general, students who enter programs with credit for previous work or with prior master’s degrees do not qualify for master’s degrees at Alliant International University since they have already received master’s degrees for this work in their previous programs.

More information can be obtained from the program office or academic advisor. A fee is charged to process the application to be awarded the non-terminal master’s degree (see Tuition and Fee Schedule ).

Requirements for CSPP Doctoral Programs: Non-Terminal Master’s Degree

Students enrolled in the CSPP doctoral programs must meet the following requirements to apply for a non-terminal master’s degree from California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University:

1.     3.0 or above cumulative grade point average and in good academic standing.

2.     Completed all of the G1 (first year) and G2 (second year) coursework designated in the program curriculum, with a maximum of 9 units credited from transfer units applied toward the G1 and G2 requirements.

3.     Passed diagnostic writing assessment or successfully completed writing course or remediation plan if applicable.

4.     The student has not previously earned a master’s degree in the same field (major) (e.g., Clinical Psychology; Marriage and Family Therapy or Couple and Family Therapy; Organizational Psychology).

If the above requirements are met:

Students in the PhD and PsyD Clinical Psychology programs would be eligible to receive a Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology.

Students in the PsyD Couples and Family Therapy programs would be eligible to receive a Master of Arts in Marital and Family Therapy.

Students in the PhD Organizational Psychology programs would be eligible to receive a Master of Arts in Organizational Psychology.

21 June 2016


Updated Academic Calendar , Executive Format Academic Calendar  and Law School Academic Calendar  to include revised “last day to withdraw” dates.

Corrected units for PSY 6544 - Introduction to Professional Psychology  in the Clinical Psychology: PsyD, San Francisco  program.

22 June 2016


Updated Goals for the Clinical Psychology: PhD, Los Angeles  program.

Updated Field Training for the Clinical Psychology: PhD, Los Angeles  program from:

At the predoctoral stage, students’ professional development occurs within the context of both formal coursework and clinical training experiences supervised by faculty and professionals in the field. Students develop and acquire clinical skills through professional training experiences in a variety of mental health service settings in the community. Such supervised professional training experiences include practica and internships..

Each student works with a professional field training liaison who meets regularly with the student to develop and implement an individualized training plan designed to assure (a) that the student receives a broad base of clinical experiences with a variety of clientele and professional role models and (b) that professional training experiences are chosen with due consideration of the student’s level of skill and longer-term professional goals.

In the second, third and fourth years of the program, Clinical PhD students are required to have  a practicum experience in a mental health setting. Students begin to assume clinical responsibility for assessment and intervention while being closely supervised at a level appropriate to their training and abilities. This clinical professional training experience varies with respect to the nature of clients served and the mental health setting in which the student serves, as well as with individual students’ skill levels, professional interests, and training needs. The total number of minimum required practicum hours per year is 800. Students typically receive a minimum of 2400 hours of clinical training prior to internship.

At the practicum level, students receive training in agencies that are formally affiliated with the school. All practicum training programs are carefully reviewed and monitored on an ongoing basis to assure consistent and high quality training. After completion of the three practica, students are required to apply competitively for an APA internship, participating in the APA/APPIC match process If a student does not obtain an APA internship after the initial application process, the student may reapply for an APA internship or pursue two half-time internships in consecutive years, the latter in the CAPIC match processes.

Face to face individual supervision provided by a licensed supervisor is required on a weekly basis.  Should a student fail to attend weekly supervision it is expected that the supervisor will notify the Supervisory Faculty Liaison assigned to the site. In addition, students receive evaluations from supervisors twice a year.

The majority of affiliated practicum training sites exist within a 40-mile radius of the campus. Students are encouraged to make full-time internship applications throughout the country. Currently, all APA internships and some CAPIC internships offer a stipend. The majority of half-time internships and virtually all practica do not offer stipends. Students should not count on training stipends as a means of financing their education.


At the predoctoral stage, students’ professional development occurs within the context of both formal coursework and clinical training experiences supervised by faculty and professionals in the field. Students develop and acquire clinical skills through professional training experiences in a variety of mental health service settings in the community. Such supervised professional training experiences include practica and internships..

Each student works with a professional field training liaison who meets regularly with the student to develop and implement an individualized training plan designed to assure (a) that the student receives a broad base of clinical experiences with a variety of clientele and professional role models and (b) that professional training experiences are chosen with due consideration of the student’s level of skill and longer-term professional goals.

In the second, third and fourth years of the program, Clinical PhD students are required to have  a practicum experience in a mental health setting. Students begin to assume clinical responsibility for assessment and intervention while being closely supervised at a level appropriate to their training and abilities. This clinical professional training experience varies with respect to the nature of clients served and the mental health setting in which the student serves, as well as with individual students’ skill levels, professional interests, and training needs. The total number of minimum required practicum hours per year is 800. Students typically receive a minimum of 2400 hours of clinical training prior to internship.

At the practicum level, students receive training in agencies that are formally affiliated with the school. All practicum training programs are carefully reviewed and monitored on an ongoing basis to assure consistent and high quality training. After completion of the three practica, students are required to apply competitively for an APA internship, participating in the APA/APPIC match process If a student does not obtain an APA internship after the initial application process, the student may reapply for an APA internship or pursue two half-time internships in consecutive years, the latter in the CAPIC match processes.

Face to face individual supervision provided by a licensed supervisor is required on a weekly basis.  Should a student fail to attend weekly supervision it is expected that the supervisor will notify the Supervisory Faculty Liaison assigned to the site. In addition, students receive evaluations from supervisors twice a year.

The majority of affiliated practicum training sites exist within a 40-mile radius of the campus. Students are encouraged to make full-time internship applications throughout the country. Currently, all APA internships and some CAPIC internships offer a stipend. The majority of half-time internships and virtually all practica do not offer stipends. Students should not count on training stipends as a means of financing their education.

Updated faculty for the Clinical Psychology: PhD, Los Angeles  program.

5 July 2016


Updated PSY7906 into PSY 7906A  and PSY 7906B 

7 July 2016


Updated the goals and objectives for Clinical Psychology: PhD, San Francisco 

Updated curriculum and degree requirements for Clinical Psychology: PhD, Fresno 

8 July 2016


Updated personnel names and titles.

Corrected typographical error of course number in Clinical Psychology: PhD, San Francisco  program - corrected to be PSY 7521 - Psychological Assessment III: Integration 

13 July 2016


Reactivated Certificate in California Teachers of English Learners (CTEL) Leading to CLAD Certification  in this catalog.

Updated the address for the Japan campus.

14 July 2016


Added the tuition pricing for the Online LPCC program.

Personnel updates.

22 August 2016


Added course descriptions:

LAW CALIFEDCP - California Federal Civil Procedure  

LAW ELIMBIAS - Elimination of Bias  

LAW FRSTLAB - First Year Lab  

LAW INTROIM - Introduction to Immigration Law  

LAW LEGWAR - Legal Writing and Research  

23 August 2016


Updated verbiage in Academic Policies :

Degree Completion

Only the University Registrar or designee is authorized to issue confirmation documentation attesting to matters pertaining to a student’s academic work at the University. All degrees will be posted to the permanent record at the end of the term in which the once all degree requirements are completed, assuming all applicable paperwork has been submitted. Requirements are considered complete when relevant documents are received in the Registrar’s Office and, in the case of thesis/dissertation, the date filed in the campus library.

Degree Completion Date for Psychology Licensure

The degree completion date for purposes of the California Board of Psychology (BOP) eligibility for postdoctoral internship hours is the date on which all academic requirements have been completed (e.g., coursework, internship, psychotherapy and doctoral dissertation or project). Doctoral students normally begin accumulating post-doctoral hours from the date all academic requirements are completed. The date on the diploma is determined by the end date of the semester in which the student completes all academic requirements (end of the fall term, end of the spring term and end of the summer term).

30 August 2016


Updated personnel.

Updated website URL.

6 September 2016


Updated personnel.

Update the graduate admissions requirement regarding transcripts. 

A transcript from only the bachelor degree granting institution is needed unless there are prerequisite courses taken at another institution.   The student will then need to provide that transcript that reflects the course and grade.

8 September 2016


Updated the San Diego campus Wellness Fee. New fee is $30 per semester for 16-week session students, $15 a session for 8-week session students.

9 September 2016


Updated tuition rates for Mexico City programs.

Removed Georgia from State Authorization listing.

26 September 2016


Updated Curriculum and Degree requirements for Clinical PhD, Fresno program.

Updated CSPP Faculty member listings.

3 October 2016


Updated the general requirements for the PsyD in Couple and Family Therapy program from

The CFT doctoral program includes all the requirements in the CFT master’s program including passing the MA comprehensive exam. Practicum program requirements are described in the Master of Arts in Couple and Family Therapy program description and in the Couple and Family Therapy Clinical Training Manual. The doctoral program requires students to be continuously involved in the practice of couple and family therapy. Students are to do a min 9-month predoctoral internship of at least two components: clinical, teaching, research, supervision, or public policy. Students must supplement their program with 100 hours of professional development activities; up to 25 of these hours may involve personal counseling or psychotherapy with a licensed person who is not full-time faculty at Alliant. The program requires completion of 114 units.


The CFT doctoral program includes all the requirements in the CFT master’s program including passing the MA comprehensive exam. Practicum program requirements are described in the Master of Arts in Couple and Family Therapy program description and in the Couple and Family Therapy Clinical Training Manual. The doctoral program requires students to be continuously involved in the practice of couple and family therapy. Students are to do a minimum 9-month pre-doctoral internship of two components: clinical, teaching, scholarship, supervision, or policy and administration. Each of the following option is 50% of the total internship. Students must supplement their program with 100 hours of professional development activities; up to 25 of these hours may involve personal counseling or psychotherapy with a licensed person who is not full-time faculty at Alliant. The program requires completion of 114 units.

Updated course description for PSY 9360 - Internship Supervision .

4 October 2016


Updated ORG 8800 - Advanced Seminar in Organizational Psychology  for Organization Development: PsyD, Fresno, San Francisco  program. Corrected one 4-unit course listing in second year to two 2-unit course listings.

27 October 2016


Made the following updates to Clinical Psychology: PhD, Fresno :

Updated PSY 6530  (2 units) to PSY 6530A  (1 unit)

Moved PSY 6112  from First Year to Second Year 

Added PSY 7156  to Second Year

Updated distribution of core theory courses among Second, Third and Fourth Years.

3 November 2016


Replaced Alliant School of Management (ASM) with new school name, California School of Management and Leadership (CSML) in all relevant sections.

Replaced Shirley Hufstedler School of Education (HSOE) with new school name, California School of Education (CSOE) in all relevant sections.

Updated unit value of PSY 7127A  and PSY 7127B  from 0 to 0.5 in Clinical Psychology: PhD, Fresno .

Added diploma reissue fee to Expenses and Financial Aid .

9 November 2016


Removed affiliated research faculty list from Clinical Psychology: PhD, San Diego .

Updated program description in Clinical Psychology: PhD, Fresno .

Added PSY 7913  to course database.

Added PSY 7913  to G1 Spring and replaced PSY 7911  with PSY 7913  in G2 Fall in Clinical Psychology: PsyD, San Diego .

10 November 2016


Added PSY 6576  to G1 Summer, replaced PSY 6576  with PSY 7576  in G2 Summer, replaced PSY 8571  with PSY 8577  in G3 Fall, and replaced PSY 8572  wtih PSY 8578  in G3 Spring in Clinical Psychology: PhD, Fresno .

15 November 2016


Redistributed elective unit amounts in Clinical Psychology: PhD, Fresno  

22 November 2016


Updated certificate description in The Rockway Certificate in LGBT Human Services and Mental Health .

01 December 2016


Revised “Curriculum and Degree Requirements” section in Clinical Psychology: PhD, Fresno .

Redistributed dissertation unit amounts between years in Clinical Psychology: PhD, Fresno .

05 December 2016


Revised content in the Attendance section of Academic Policies .

5 January 2017


Updated content listings in Admissions and Registration .

Updated content listings in Expenses and Financial Aid .

6 January 2017


Revised “Curriculum Plan” section in School Psychology: Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) with Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credential .

19 January 2017


Removed Teach Out Transfer programs.

24 January 2017


Revised “Curriculum Plan” section in School Counseling: Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) with Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credential .

26 January 2017



Removed the following certificate programs:


Certificate in Sports and Sustainability

Certificate in Sustainability Leadership: Executive

Certificate in Sustainable Management

Cleantech Certificate in Sustainable Energy Management


Infant-Preschooler Mental Health Certificates (made inactive)


Certificate in Cross-Cultural Studies (Domestic or International)

Certificate in International Teacher Preparation

Certificate in Technology Online

26 January 2017


Revised “Curriculum Plan” section in School Counseling: Credential, Pupil Personnel Services  and School Psychology: Credential, Pupil Personnel Services .

2 February 2017


Added PSY8522, PSY8521 to the course database. Corrected course number for PSY 8524 .

9 February 2017


Merged Clinical Counseling: Master of Arts (MA-CC), San Francisco and Clinical Counseling: Master of Arts (MA-CC), Fresno into one program listing: Clinical Counseling: Master of Arts (MA-CC), Fresno, San Francisco .

Updated Faculty  list.

13 February 2017


Updated Faculty  list.

Updated faculty information in Clinical Psychology: PhD, Los Angeles .

23 February 2017


Reordered courses in Educational Psychology: Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) .

27 February 2017


Updated faculty information.

Updated elective information in Clinical Counseling: Master of Arts (MA-CC), Fresno, San Francisco .

Removed Health, Multilcultural and International, and ABA emphases in Clinical Psychology: PhD, San Diego .

02 March 2017


Removed therapy hour requirement for Clinical Counseling: Master of Arts (MA-CC), Fresno, San Francisco .

03 March 2017


Fixed website link in Military and Veterans .

06 March 2017


Updated faculty information.

20 March 2017


Revised language in “Transfer Students with Associate’s Degrees from California Accredited Institutions” in Academic Policies .

Revised the content in Course Descriptions  and Course Numbers .

22 March 2017


Deactivated PPS6015, PPS6042, PPS6020, and PPS6027.

23 March 2017


Updated personnel title.

30 March 2017


Revised language in “International Student” in Admissions and Registration .

Added PSY 7656 .

03 April 2017


Removed the “Professional Growth” paragraph from “Curriculum and Degree Requirements” section in Clinical Psychology: PhD, San Diego .

Updated description for PSY 9901 PSY 7360  and PSY 7369 .

Deactivated PSY9902, PSY9903 and PSY6369.

Updated program goals for Clinical Psychology: PhD, Fresno .

05 April 2017


Updated personnel information.

Revised curriculum for Clinical Counseling: Master of Arts (MA-CC), Fresno, San Francisco .

12 April 2017


Revised curriculum for Clinical Psychology: PsyD, Fresno .

13 April 2017


Revised curriculum for Clinical Psychology: PsyD, Fresno .

Deactivated Preliminary Administrative Services credential.

17 April 2017


Revised Notes section in Couple and Family Therapy: PsyD, Irvine, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and San Diego .

Revised descriptions for PSY 9901 PSY 9980 PSY 7360 PSY 7369 , PSY 9388 , and PSY 9940 .

19 April 2017


Revised curriculum for Clinical Psychology: PsyD, Fresno .

26 April 2017


Updated personnel information.

27 April 2017


Updated PSY 7605  course description.

01 May 2017


Revised curriculum for Clinical Psychology: PhD, San Diego .

08 May 2017


Removed “Full Time Curriculum” from Law: JD, San Francisco .

Revised description for San Francisco Law School .

Added ORG 8225 .

Revised curriculum for Organization Development: PsyD, Fresno, San Francisco .

09 May 2017


Revised description for PSY 8500 .

Updated “Time to Degree” section in Academic Policies .

Revised language in Independent Study .

10 May 2017


Revised PPS 6580 PPS 6016 .

18 May 2017


Updated personnel information.

25 May 2017


Revised PSY 7330 .

09 June 2017


Revised curriculum for Organizational Psychology: MA | Los Angeles, San Diego, Irvine, Sacramento .

Revised curriculum for Clinical Psychology: PhD, Los Angeles .

06 December 2017


Revised “Curriculum and Degree Requirements” section in Couple and Family Therapy: PsyD, Irvine, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and San Diego .

Revised curriculum for Clinical Psychology: PsyD, Los Angeles .

07 December 2017


Revised curriculum for Clinical Psychology: PsyD, Los Angeles .

04 April 2018


Revised curriculum for Clinical Psychology: PhD, San Diego .

19 April 2018


Updated credit value of PSY 9927  and PSY 9928  from 3 to 1.

Updated elective units from 3 to 7 in Other Course Requirements and removed reference of “3 credits” of PSY9927/PSY9928 from Note(s) under Curriculum Plan section in Clinical Psychology: PhD, San Francisco .

Added unit value to PSY9926 in Clinical Psychology: PhD, San Francisco 

02 November 2020


Added PSY7521  (2 units) as a new course.

Replaced PSY7521 (3 units) with PSY7521 (2 units) in Second Year - Summer and updated elective units from 7 to 8 in Other Course Requirements under Curriculum Plan section in Clinical Psychology: PhD, San Francisco .

06 November 2020


Added PSY 7505  (3 units) and PSY 7506  (3 units) as new courses.

Replaced PSY7505 (2 units) with PSY7505 (3 units) and PSY7525 (3 units) with PSY7525 (2 units) in Second Year - Fall; replaced PSY7506 (2 units) with PSY7506 (3 units) and PSY7526 (3 units) with PSY7526 (2 units) in Second Year - Spring under Curriculum Plan section in Clinical Psychology: PhD, San Francisco .

13 November 2020