Catalog 2016-2017 
    Feb 12, 2025  
Catalog 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services and Administrative Policies

Student Services (All Campuses)

Alliant campuses provide a range of student co-curricular activities to supplement the academic programs and to enrich the educational and social experience. The campuses also provide services needed by students in support of their studies and for their health and well-being. These services include academic support, advising, admissions, registration, financial aid, disability services, and international student services.

Each Alliant campus offers special-interest activities, student-sponsored events, and student publications. One of the most important extra-curricular activities on every campus is student government. Alliant students participate in University decision-making through University Student Government Association (USGA) and student representation on the Board of Trustees.

Alliant students are provided with an educational technology infrastructure to support their coursework. Students are required to access and utilize Alliant email as this is the primary communication device for the University Computer Labs offer state-of-the-art computer facilities available to students on all campuses and provide e-mail contact with the Information Technology (IT) unit that maintains and supports the labs. Through the Online HELPDESK, students can contact the IT unit that troubleshoots problems on the University computer network. There are web links to information about courses and events available online.

The student e-mail page provides information about and access to student e-mail-a free, convenient way for students to keep in touch with their professors, each other, and family and friends back home.

Students at all sites can access much of their individual student information online, including their academic history, grades, financial aid awards and student accounts.

Alliant’s several libraries are interlinked and accessible via Alliant’s website, providing access to the complete library catalog, a selection of online professional databases, research resources, and other services.

Academic Support Center

The Higher Achievement, Wisdom and Knowledge (HAWK) Tutoring Center is committed to helping Alliant students achieve their academic goals by offering the resources they need to complete their programs of study successfully.

The Center offers students various resources to promote academic success: assistance in writing, mathematics and statistics through face-to-face tutoring and/or online supplemental instruction video tutorials. The following services and resources are available:

Professional Writing - Alliant offers tutoring on aspects of the writing process (brainstorming, outlining, composing, evaluating, revising and editing). The tutors’ goal is to develop effective writers by giving students skills they can transfer to most forms of written expression, including outlines, summaries, reflective responses, essays, case studies, book reviews, and research papers. Tutors help students improve their grammar, spelling and punctuation; format papers using correct APA style, and use Microsoft Word more effectively. Numerous handouts on a variety of writing topics are available in hard copy and online.

Quantitative Skills - Alliant offers face-to-face tutoring, online supplemental instruction and video tutorials to students who need assistance in beginning to advanced algebra, statistics, and other math-related courses. A solid understanding of math principles and practices provides the basis for careers in psychology, business, finance, and economics. The additional instruction provided by math/stats tutors and computer-aided practice helps students to develop fundamental math/stats skills needed for success in all of these professions.

The Higher Achievement, Wisdom and Knowledge (HAWK) Moodle courses are designed as a supplemental resource to support statistics students in Alliant statistics courses across the University. Video tutorials range from introductory stats to multivariate analysis, complete with examples, and Excel and SPSS step-by-step video tutorials.

For more information on these programs, please visit the San Diego HAWK Offices in Building M-8, the Director of Campus Services or call (858) 635-4642.

Accessibility Services

The University provides reasonable access to facilities and services and to programs for which students are otherwise qualified without unlawful discrimination based upon qualified disability The University will provide reasonable accommodations to individuals who currently have a disabling condition, either physical or mental, that is severe enough to substantially limit a major life activity.

Students with disabilities may obtain details about applying for services from the Office of Accessibility at each campus. Students must provide documentation from a qualified professional to establish their disability, along with suggested reasonable and necessary accommodations. Students should request accommodations at the start of each semester.  For more information, visit the Office of Accessibility Services at your campus or go to

Alliant Library

The collections of the Alliant Library are represented in the University’s online library catalog and total over 140,000 physical volumes, 300 current print journal subscriptions, and 1,500 videos. The Alliant Library shares access to online resources, including 50 research databases, full-text content from over 16,000 journals, and 70,000 e-books. Resources that are not available on-site may be requested from other Alliant locations via the shared online catalog or from LINK+, a network of California and Nevada libraries, with over thirty million titles.

In each Alliant library location, computers are available to access the Internet, electronic books and journals, and online research databases, such as PsycINFO, Lexis-Nexis, OCLC FirstSearch, Digital Dissertations, Social Science Citation Index, Medline, ERIC, and Criminal Justice Periodical Index. Most of these online resources may also be accessed from home or office. The Alliant Library is also open to the public.

The San Francisco Law School law library is available to students Monday through Saturday during class and office hours. The Law Library is accreditation compliant and the hard copy collection includes United States Supreme Court Cases, California Appellate and Supreme Court cases, annotated California Statutes, the full Witkin series, specialized Treatises, and other legal research and reference materials. Students and faculty at San Francisco Law School have access to comprehensive on-line legal materials provided by LexisNexis, which can also be utilized by the computers in the quiet, library setting.

An accomplished staff of librarians and support personnel provide services across the University and to distance learners. Services include reference, bibliographic research consultation, information literacy instruction, interlibrary loan, document delivery, and course reserves.  Please visit for additional information. To start using the library, follow the link and log in with your last name as username and your Alliant ID# as password (note that this login is different than that used to access other Alliant resources online). Begin by perusing the research guides at and if additional assistance is needed, contact a librarian at


ALLiantHELP is a one-stop support center for seamless assistance with student accounts, financial aid, registration, academic policies and procedures. In addition, ALLiantHELP serves as an information resource about additional specialized University services.  Our mission is to provide a “one stop” solution, where outstanding customer service is prioritized.

Connect with an ALLiantHELP team member by phone (858.635.4357 or 844.313.4357 - toll-free), email ( ,or by Live Chat on the university webpage (  Hours of operation Monday-Thursday 9am-9pm (PST), Friday-Saturday 9am-5pm (PST).

Career Services

Career Services assists graduate and undergraduate students to develop and implement their career and educational goals throughout their years at Alliant, but there is no guarantee on employment, likelihood of employment, level of employment or the type of job title a student shall receive.

Individual Career Counseling sessions can be scheduled to discuss and explore any career related concerns. Limited Career Assessments are available for students. These are an excellent way to pinpoint career options based on personality, interests, values, and skills. Career events including workshops, informational sessions, panel presentations, recruiting events, and classroom and club presentations are offered throughout the year on various topics of interest to students. For more information, go to

Counseling Services - San Diego

The primary mission of the Counseling Center on the San Diego campus is to assist students with personal problems, to help them develop their personal and academic potential, and to promote mental health. Counseling sessions are confidential except for state-mandated exceptions to confidentiality. Individual, couples and group counseling is provided to assist students with personal problems that impair their functioning or enjoyment of life.

Competency Exam Review

At some Alliant campus locations, Competency Exam Reviews are given by specially trained graduate student Mentors who provide review sessions for doctoral students studying to take their competency exams.

E-mail and Internet Access

Each student is provided with an email address as the official method for communicating deadlines and other important information.


Alliant campuses do not operate dormitory or other housing facilities. The campuses are within commuting distance from a number of other residential communities. Apartment rents generally range from $600 to $2,500+, depending up on the campus area. Local housing information is made available at each campus. The University bears no responsibility in finding or assisting students in finding housing.

International Student Services

Services for students from countries other than the United States are provided by the International Student Service Office (ISSO). The ISSO provides pre-arrival information to help international students prepare for their Alliant programs, gives advice on matters of concern to international students, and refers students to appropriate resources. The ISSO serves as liaison to organizations sponsoring international students and to U.S. government agencies.

All international students and scholars are required to comply at all times with United States laws and regulations pertaining to their status; the ISSO assists international visitors in understanding and following these U.S. laws and regulations.

The ISSO also encourages and develops co-curricular activities to help students and others understand and appreciate the variety of cultures represented at Alliant.


Orientation is extremely important for all new students as they become members of the Alliant International University community. Orientation familiarizes students with policies, procedures, programs and services. Orientation also offers new students the opportunity to interact with and to get to know faculty, administrators and new and returning students.

Public Safety (San Diego)

The University’s Public Safety Department on the San Diego campus is on duty 24 hours a day. Public Safety Officers are uniformed University officials and provide public safety services to the San Diego campus and help maintain a safe educational community. Public Safety Officers report serious crimes to the San Diego Police Department, intervene in student issues in collaboration with University staff when necessary, work closely with the university on safety and related security issues, provide parking management and investigate all crimes reported on University property in cooperation with state and local law enforcement agencies.

Student Assistance Program - All Campuses

To assist students with personal issues and problem solving, from relationships to finances to elder care, Alliant International University offers the Student Assistance Program. For more information, visit the Student Services office at your campus or go to


Tutors are available to help students with many course-based or exam-based needs. Students are advised to check with the Student Services staff on each campus to determine the specific tutoring services available on that campus.

Veterans Affairs

Please refer to the section on Military and Veterans  

Consumer Information

Alliant International University annually publishes information about its policies on the use of illegal drugs and alcohol on campus, crime statistics on campus including sex crimes and school policies regarding sexual and other forms of harassment. This information is located on Alliant’s website at and is distributed annually to all students and employees.


Alliant International University does not have a pending petition in bankruptcy, is not operating as a debtor in possession, has not filed a petition within the preceding five years, nor has had a petition in bankruptcy filed against it within the preceding five years that resulted in reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code (11 U.S.C. Sec. 1101 et seq.).


Alliant International University prohibits unlawful discrimination in employment and in its educational programs and activities, including internal promotions, training, opportunities for advancement, terminations, relationships with outside vendors, use of contractors and consultants and in its admission or access thereto, on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin or descent, color, creed, religion, sex, age, marital status, disability (including physical, disease, psychiatric or psychological disability), medical condition, pregnancy, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identification or expression, or physical characteristics. The University will conduct its programs, services and activities consistent with applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and orders.

The following persons are designated to coordinate the University’s responsibilities under the law and to insure compliance with the University’s policy against discrimination:

Mary Oling-Sisay, EdD
Vice President for Student Affairs Policy Assurance
San Diego
(858) 635-4701

Chief Human Resources Officer
San Francisco
(415) 955-2007

Directors of Campus Services at Fresno, Irvine, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego and San Francisco.

Sexual Harassment

The prohibition against sexual harassment, a form of discrimination on the basis of sex, is set forth in the University “Policy on Non-Discrimination.” The term “sexual harassment” means unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. This behavior is unacceptable in the academic environment and in other University-related settings such as University-sponsored activities or University-related social events. The entire policy is available in the Human Resources offices.

Student-Initiated Discrimination Grievance

It is University policy that all persons should enjoy freedom from unlawful discrimination of any kind, including harassment or retaliation for reporting a complaint. This policy applies to prohibit discrimination between members of the University community, including between students and between employees and students.

Alliant encourages prompt reporting of complaints so that a rapid response can be made and appropriate action can be taken. Note that reporting a complaint need not be limited to someone who was the target of the discrimination.

The compliance officers listed in the section on non-discrimination and others are available to help students resolve problems informally. The University encourages discussion between the parties directly involved in a grievance, especially in the early stages of a dispute before the respective parties have assumed official or public positions which may polarize the dispute and render a solution more difficult. In any event, students have the right to file a formal written grievance-either initially or if informal resolution is not possible.

Filing a Formal Grievance

Any student who feels that he or she has been subjected to discrimination by a student or by the University through any of its employees, entities, policies, procedures, or programs may report the matter in writing to:

Chief Human Resources Officer
Alliant International University
1 Beach Street, Suite 200
San Francisco, CA 94133
Telephone (415) 955-2007

An explanation of the entire procedure is available from the above office and is published in the relevant undergraduate or graduate student handbook.

Disclosure or Release of Student Information

Student Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. To protect the privacy of students, the law sets certain conditions on the disclosure of personal information kept by the University.

Student name, address, telephone number(s), e-mail address, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received and most recent previous school attended are designated by Alliant as Directory Information and may be disclosed without the student’s prior consent. Students may request that Directory Information not be released by providing a written statement to the Registrar’s Office.

Academic records and attendance records are retained by the Registrar’s Office of Alliant International University for the purpose of any future inquiries by the student or any institution designated by the student for reception of that information.

Copies of the complete student records privacy policy may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office or the Student Business Services office. A notice to students of their rights regarding their education records is published in the student handbook.


Alliant International University expects all students to adhere to the civil laws and regulations in effect at the location where they are enrolled and the academic and non-academic codes of conduct published in the University’s student handbooks and School published academic policies. In addition, students are expected to meet and uphold the ethical standards of the professions for which they are receiving training. The University reserves the right to define professional competence and demeanor.

A student’s agreement to abide by the policies and procedures of the University is implicitly confirmed when the student accepts Alliant International University’s admissions offer and upon registration each term. Students are expected to respect the various administrative and academic deadlines listed in the academic calendar and to completely and accurately provide all financial aid information required. Failure to abide by any of the above constitutes grounds for probation or dismissal from the University.

Students who engage in conduct that disrupts the orderly functioning of the University may be subject to probation or dismissal from the program as set forth in the academic and non-academic codes of conduct. In the case of dismissal for cause, no fees will be refunded.

Student Consumer Complaint Process

Beginning July 1, 2011, the U.S. Department of Education regulations to improve the integrity of programs authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act (HEA), as amended (the “Program Integrity Rule”), took effect. The Program Integrity Rule requires, among other things, that each college or university authorized to offer postsecondary education in one or more States ensure access to a complaint process that will permit student consumers to address the following:

  • Alleged violations of State consumer protection laws that include but are not limited to fraud and false advertising;
  • Alleged violations of State laws or rules relating to the licensure of postsecondary institutions; and
  • Complaints relating to the quality of education or other State or accreditation requirements.

Alliant International University is committed to maintaining a University environment in which its members can live and work in an atmosphere of acceptance, civility and mutual respect for the rights, duties and sensibilities of each individual. Occasionally, however, complaints or concerns arise, the timely resolution of which is important to maintaining the desired University atmosphere. The University will treat each complaint or concern seriously, and attempts to resolve issues quickly and effectively using informal processes. Alliant encourages the prompt reporting of complaints so that a rapid response can be made and appropriate action taken.

We urge students to utilize all methods of complaint resolution including the formal complaint process offered by Alliant International University, but in the event that students believe they have been unfairly treated or have issues with the College that cannot be resolved by the methods outlined in the College’s publications, they have the right to contact our accreditation agency, Department of Education Ombudsmen and/or various state and other governmental agencies. As Alliant is WASC accredited, students are to use the compliant process found on the Alliant website in place of going to the state authority.

On the Alliant website is a PDF listing contact information for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S territories and should not be construed as a complete list of states/agencies regulating Alliant International University. Through the relevant agencies or Attorneys General Offices, complaints can be accepted regardless of whether Alliant International University is required to be registered in that jurisdiction. Alliant International University has made a reasonable effort to ensure that this list is accurate.

A student or any member of the public may file a complaint about this institution with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education by calling (888) 370-7589 or by completing a complaint form, which can be obtained on the bureau’s internet web site (

Problem Solving and Dispute Resolution Guidelines

The purpose of Alliant International University’s problem solving and informal dispute resolution guidelines and policies is to resolve problems in a manner that maintains positive relationships. The guidelines outline a series of steps which you should use if you feel you have been adversely affected by decisions, differences, misunderstandings, or problems that have arisen with faculty, staff, administrators, or other students. The full policy and procedure is in the student handbook and can be found at life & services/registrar.

In brief, the policy provides:

Dispute Resolution Process

  1. Discussion: When you are faced with a concern or problem, seek the information you need, if any, and address the issue by talking with the person/people with whom you have the dispute and attempt to resolve it with him/her/them. The problem may involve academic or administrative policy, procedure, decision, or conduct. Make a good faith attempt to resolve the problem through one or more discussions about the problem with the person or people most directly involved.
  2. Seeking collaborative assistance from a University-designated individual: If you feel unsure about where to go, if you need advice about how to engage in a discussion about difficult issues, if you have attempted direct discussion and the problem does not seem to be moving toward resolution, or if you would like additional help or support in continuing the resolution process, you may seek assistance from your local Director of Campus Services.
  3. Written complaint: If the problem is still not resolved to your satisfaction after using the assistance provided by one of the individuals who is designated to assist you, you may present the situation in writing to the program director in the case of academic issues or to the director of campus services in the case of administrative issues. That person will investigate the issue.
  4. Grievance: The Grievance Procedure may be used only if the problem solving and dispute resolution processes described above have been followed and have been unsuccessful in resolving the matter. Filing of a grievance is rare but may occur when students believe they have been adversely affected by an action of another member or members of the community in certain serious circumstances.

For complete information on the policies and for a copy of the guidelines, please contact the Director of Campus Services.

Student Consumer Complaint Process - Georgia Students

Students residing in Georgia are permitted to follow the Complaint Process posted on the Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission (NPEC) of Georgia.

The NPEC of Georgia Complaint Form located at