2018-2019 Catalog 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies


Course Information

Course Numbering

Certain courses may also have individual course prerequisites.


Pre-baccalaureate developmental courses. Courses are not applicable to degree requirements.


Lower division undergraduate courses that are general and introductory. They are intended to provide a foundation for advanced work. Students are expected to complete these courses in their freshman and sophomore years


Upper division undergraduate courses that generally assume prior knowledge and experience in the subject, with content more advanced or specific than lower division courses. Upper division courses are available to students with junior standing.


Prerequisite courses for master’s and doctoral programs.


Graduate level courses open to holders of a baccalaureate degree subject to prerequisite or other requirements as stated in program or course descriptions.

  • 6000-7999 are first and second year graduate level courses and credential courses. Courses for teaching credential candidates may be taken by undergraduate or post baccalaureate students who have been accepted into either the teacher education program or a seamless master’s program.
  • 8000-9999 are third year and above graduate level courses. Doctoral level courses and some master’s level courses. Check curriculum for specific program.

Independent Study Course Numbering

The following numbers are used for Independent Study courses not already in the course catalog:

(Disciplinary prefix) 1750, 2750

Used for lower division undergraduate courses

(Disciplinary prefix) 3750, 4750

Used for upper division undergraduate courses

(Disciplinary prefix) 6750, 7750

Used for graduate courses at either master’s level or doctoral level

(Disciplinary prefix) 8750, 9750

Used for doctoral courses only

Special Topics Course Numbering

From time to time, faculty design and offer special courses. Check with the program for course titles and descriptions of upcoming offerings.

The following numbers are used for Special Topic courses:

(Disciplinary prefix) 1999, 2999

Used for lower division undergraduate courses

(Disciplinary prefix) 3999, 4999

Used for upper division undergraduate courses

(Disciplinary prefix) 5999

Used for prerequisite courses to master’s and doctoral programs

(Disciplinary prefix) 6999, 7999

Used for master’s courses

(Disciplinary prefix) 8999, 9999

Used for doctoral courses

Fast-Track Courses

Fast-Track courses are graduate-level courses that are applicable to two (2) degree levels. These courses may be applicable to undergraduate, master’s, and/or doctoral level degrees. Fast-track courses may be available in some programs.

Prerequisite Courses for Program Entry

These courses are required for applicants missing specific coursework, but who otherwise meet all other admission requirements. Applicants must successfully complete the required prerequisite courses to be eligible for admission to a program. These courses provide the minimum foundational knowledge students require to be successful in the applicable program. Prerequisite courses are required for admission to the intended program only, and will not count toward the requirements for the intended degree program.

Some prerequisite courses are offered by Alliant’s Department of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning, which can be accessed on the Aliant website. Applicants should review the required prerequisite courses in the relevant program catalog page.

Prerequisite Courses Required for Other Coursework

Courses that provide the required knowledge for students before they can progress to another set of course(s). 

Course Content & Syllabi

Courses listed in this Catalog are not always available each session/semester at all campuses. The syllabi, course outlines, or lesson plans for courses in the programs of study at Alliant International University are subject to change at the discretion of instructors. Syllabi and other course materials used in prior terms or distributed at the start of a term may be altered or updated by the instructor or at the discretion of the University.

Variability in student learning needs, course material, and evaluative methods may result in changes in course design and delivery. Therefore, to be pedagogically responsible, the University allows that reading assignments, written assignments, examinations, daily topics, and the means and weights involved in the instructor’s evaluation of students can change as needed after instruction has begun. Instructors will alert their students to any changes in a timely manner.

Independent Study

Independent studies are a rare occurrence and are only available to students who, due to extenuating circumstances, and through no fault of their own, cannot follow course sequence or registration expectations. Most courses cannot be taken by independent study.

To receive credit for independent study, the student must develop a written learning contract with a professor which outlines specific objectives, learning activities and criteria for evaluation. All independent study courses must have prior written approval of the appropriate Dean or designee and clearance from the Registrar’s Office. Independent Study is to be used only in cases in which the course content is not available in a regular course and there is clear justification for offering the option.

Credit Hour Policy

Basic Definition

All work for which credit hours are assigned is designed to help students achieve competencies and learning outcomes specified in the course and is actively undertaken by students under the supervision of an Alliant faculty member, designated supervisor, or academic/professional mentor who verifies learning through evidence of student achievement. One credit hour at Alliant is defined as:

  1. A unit of academic credit which reasonably approximates not less than three (3) hours of work per week by a student for one regular semester, or its equivalent for executive or short-session courses or other academic activities, for a total of 45 hours of student work, or
  2. A level of student learning demonstrated to be equivalent to the learning taking place in item 1 above, through the assessment of student learning and competency.

Application of Policy to Various Types of Courses

The credit hour policy definitions and standards apply to all courses for which academic credit is given, including on-ground/face-to-face seminar courses, distance education and hybrid courses, practica/internships/field training/student teaching, supervised research/scholarship, laboratories or the equivalent, and independent study. Hours spent may vary by degree level, discipline, type of course, and type of assignments. The academic work for each course should reasonably approximate not less than the amount of academic work described below:

  1. On-ground face-to-face courses: One credit hour represents a class that meets weekly for one hour of direct or indirect faculty instruction plus student engagement in academic learning and scholarship for two hours each week for the standard semester for a total of 45 hours, or the equivalent in alternate calendar courses.
  2. Distributed education and hybrid courses: One credit hour is consistent with the standards of face-to-face instruction: faculty instruction may be direct or indirect and students will be engaged in academic learning and scholarship for 3 hours per week for a total of 45 hours, or the equivalent in alternate calendar courses.
  3. Practica/internships/field training/student teaching/professional practice: Students often work full-or part-time in an internal or external setting in a supervised or mentored experience to assist them in achieving their professional practice competencies or learning outcomes. Credit hours will be assigned to these activities according to the duration, intensity, and academic level of the experience consistent with disciplinary standards and expectations.
  4. Supervised research/scholarship: One credit hour is the equivalent of 45 hours of student engagement in academic learning and scholarship with appropriate direct instruction, indirect instruction, and/or other facilitation by the supervising faculty member(s).
  5. Laboratories or the equivalent: For labs in which credit is assigned separately from the didactic portion of the course, one credit hour is the equivalent of 3 hours a week of student engagement in academic learning and scholarship for a total of 45 hours over the standard semester, or the equivalent in alternate calendar courses.
  6. Independent study: One credit hour is the equivalent of 3 hours per week of student engagement with academic learning and scholarship with direct or indirect instruction from a faculty member for a total of 45 hours over the standard semester, or the equivalent in alternate calendar courses.
  7. Other: any courses which do not fall within these categories should meet the standards in the Basic Definition section above.

Transfer Credit

Basis for Institutional Transfer Credit

Transfer credits may be accepted from U.S.-based institutions with either regional or approved national accreditation.

Alliant will consider academic courses and units taken at previously-accredited institutions that have lost accreditation due to the accrediting body’s loss of recognition by the Department of Education at the institution eligible for transfer for up to one year after the loss of recognition of its accrediting body.

When a previously-accredited institution has lost accreditation due to lack of compliance with standards of its accrediting body, Alliant may consider academic courses and units taken at the institution eligible for transfer for up to six months after the loss of accreditation. The Dean or Program Director must make a determination whether the reasons for the loss of accreditation would have affected the academic rigor and quality of the courses.  If it is determined that the loss of accreditation was due to academic issues, courses/course units will not be eligible for transfer after the final accreditation date.

In all cases, the regular policies regarding the awarding of transfer credit on a course by course basis after careful review of syllabi, or on the basis of an articulation agreement, still apply.

Some Articulation Agreements may allow additional transfer credits to be accepted above the maximum guidelines detailed under the Transfer Credit policies in this Academic Catalog. Audited courses are not considered for transfer.

During the transfer credit evaluation process, academic work from other colleges and universities is compared to Alliant courses within the appropriate degree program. Students are responsible for ensuring they are not registered in any courses for which they believe they may receive transfer credit. Transfer credit cannot be applied for previously completed or in progress credits.

Transfer credit will be awarded on a case-by-case basis after careful review of syllabi, course descriptions, and any other supporting materials provided to determine if the transfer courses meet Alliant standards for course content and academic rigor. Courses taken more than seven (7) years prior to the start of the applicable session/semester of admission are not eligible for transfer. Some programs may have more stringent transfer policies and timelines.

Transfer credits earned outside the United States from government-recognized accredited institutions must have substantiating official, translated transcripts and a credential evaluation report from naces.org, a foreign educational credential evaluation service agency, or may be reviewed by our international evaluation office. The evaluations must contain the degree equivalency, U.S. semester credit and grade equivalent for each course, and U.S. grade point average. Transcripts and credential evaluation reports are evaluated for the minimum grade equivalency requirement and transfer eligibility. The Office of Admissions on behalf of the applicable academic departments reserve the right to request further course syllabi and descriptions for evaluation purposes.

Applicants to Alliant must submit official transcripts of credit from previously attended institutions to be reviewed for applicable transfer credits. Students who request transfer credit evaluations must meet all Transcript Requirements and Deadlines . Any student who seeks additional transfer credits after matriculation must gain prior approval from their Dean or designee. Any applicable grade points from the other institution(s) are not included in the Alliant GPA calculation nor does this previous GPA appear on the Alliant permanent record.

Students may not be able to transfer courses with fewer units than an otherwise equivalent Alliant course. For students who can transfer courses with fewer units than the equivalent Alliant course (as determined by the Dean or designee), all students must successfully complete any remaining program units. Transfer courses with more units than the equivalent Alliant course will forfeit excess units.

Transfer Credit Requirements

All transfer credit will be based on an individual evaluation of a student’s official transcripts. A quarter credit unit taken in transfer will be equated to two-thirds of a semester unit. The following provisions apply to all transfer credit evaluations:

  1. Transfer courses evaluated will not be accepted if they are duplicative of coursework already earned at Alliant; credit is never given for the same coursework twice.
  2. The course must be at or above the equivalent degree level.
  3. Credits must be successfully completed and meet all transfer grade requirements (including transfer timelines).
  4. The course must meet all other requirements for transfer credit.
  5. Limitations on the number and type of transfer credits accepted are set by each program.

Articulation Agreements/Transfer Agreements

Articulation agreements provide students with a simplified, guaranteed transfer of credit between two different institutions or between two different programs within Alliant. Each articulation agreement outlines specific courses and letter grades completed at the community college that will transfer to the university.

Students who transfer to an Alliant program of study under an articulation agreement are subject to the requirements stated in the agreement as well as all requirements outlined in the Academic Catalog.

For an up-to-date list of the articulation agreements maintained by Alliant International University, please visit https://www.alliant.edu/consumer-information/articulation-agreements/.

Undergraduate Transfer Credits

Undergraduate transfer credits may be accepted from regionally accredited and approved nationally accredited institutions if the grade earned is C or higher. Credit may be accepted where a D grade was received, if a next-higher course in a sequence has been completed, either at Alliant or at another institution, with a grade of C or better (e.g., course in mathematics, language, etc.). Undergraduate credits with Pass/Fail and Credit/No Credit are evaluated to ensure the grade is equivalent to a C or higher at the awarding institution. All undergraduate transfer credits must carry college-level academic credit; remedial/developmental course credits are not transferable.

A maximum of 90 semester units of credit earned may be accepted for transfer for Bachelor’s programs. Within the 90 transfer credit maximum, no more than 27 non-traditional units may be accepted for a bachelor program. Academic work acceptable for transfer credits must be appropriate to the degree program to be pursued at Alliant and approved by the Dean or designee.

Undergraduate students transferring to Alliant from approved institutions may meet some or all General Education requirements by presenting credit previously earned. Degree requirements are determined by combining the transfer credits allowed and the academic work required to be successfully completed at Alliant. Students who have questions about their degree audit should contact their Student Advisor.

For undergraduate transfer credits, Alliant accepts the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) certificate and CSU GE Breadth toward lower division general education requirements.

Undergraduate Transfer Students with Associate’s Degrees from California Accredited Institutions

Transfer students who have attained an associate’s degree from regionally accredited and approved nationally accredited institutions in California, including students who have completed an AA/AS-T, will be considered to have satisfied the University’s lower division requirements and will be accepted with junior standing with the following provisions:

  1. The Associates degree must include an equivalent of 60 credits;
  2. For those students with an Associate’s degree with more than 60 earned credits, an evaluation will be done to identify which courses apply to the required 60 units, and units exceeding 60 credits are forfeited; and
  3. For major-specific pre-requisites, an evaluation will be done to determine which courses will be acceptable, as students may be required to take prerequisites required for the major.

The University has various articulation agreements with community colleges and other schools, and students who transfer under the terms and conditions of any valid articulation agreement are subject to the requirements outlined in the applicable agreement. Students from out-of-state institutions without an articulation agreement will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Graduate Transfer Credits

A limited number of graduate transfer credits may be accepted from regionally accredited or approved nationally accredited institutions if the grade earned is B or higher. Graduate academic work acceptable for transfer credits must be appropriate to the degree program to be pursued at Alliant and approved by the Dean or designee. Graduate credits with Pass/Fail and Credit/No Credit are evaluated to ensure the grade is equivalent to a B or higher at the awarding institution.

Transfer credit into master’s and credential programs: Graduate coursework taken at an accredited institution can be considered for transfer credit. The maximum number of transfer credits that may be accepted depends on the length of the program the student has been accepted into:

  1. A maximum of 6 semester units of transfer credit may be accepted into a Master’s/Credential program of 40 semester hours or less.
  2. A maximum of 9 semester units of transfer credit may be accepted into a Master’s/Credential program of 41 to 59 semester units.
    1. A maximum of 18 semester units of transfer credit may be accepted into a Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credential or Master’s degree with PPS of 49 semester units or more. The additional units must come from appropriate graduate coursework in social work, psychology, clinical counseling, marital (couples) and family therapy, or other related/relevant fields.
  3. A maximum of 15 semester units of transfer credit may be accepted into a Master’s/Credential program of 60 semester units or more.
    1. A maximum of 21.5 semester units of transfer credit may be accepted into a Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credential or Master’s degree with PPS of 60 semester units or more. The additional units must come from appropriate graduate coursework in social work, psychology, clinical counseling, marital (couples) and family therapy, or other related/relevant fields.

The total number of actual transfer credits accepted may be less than or equal to the maximum dependent on thorough evaluation of each proposed transfer course. Transfer credit limits for previous coursework may vary by program.

Transfer credit into doctoral programs: A maximum of 30 units of graduate coursework may be accepted. Required petitions for transfer credit for previous coursework will vary by program. Advanced standing doctoral programs that require applicants to already have a master’s degree for admission have a lower limit on transfer credits that varies based on the length of the program. No more than 25% of a doctoral program’s total unit requirement may be met with transfer credits.

MFT Program Exceptions: Entering doctoral students may be eligible to receive credit for previous graduate work up to a maximum of 40 units from non-COAMMFTE MA programs and 55 hours for doctoral students from a COAMFTE MA program. Entering master’s students may be eligible to receive credit for previous graduate work up to 15 hours for MA students transferring from a master’s program. Any unit adjustment to student registration as a result of approved transfer credit or course waiver may affect financial aid, loan deferments, international student status and veteran’s benefits. It is the student’s responsibility to consult with appropriate university personnel to fully understand these ramifications.

More information relating to the total allowable course units, and courses that may be waived, may be obtained from the academic department or advisor.

Non-Traditional Transfer Credits

Alliant applicants and students may have previous learning or credit from types of education or training outside the traditional classroom. Alliant accepts a variety of these types of non-traditional credits in transfer. Undergraduates may be awarded up to 27 transfer units for non-traditional credit.

National Testing Programs

Transfer credit hours may be awarded for successful completion of national testing programs. Official score reports must be submitted for evaluation. Scores lower than the American Council on Education (ACE) recommendation will not be considered for transfer credit.

Advanced Placement (AP) Tests

Any student who has taken the College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement Tests in a secondary school or high school and who has earned satisfactory scores (3 or higher) are eligible for transfer credit and/or be placed in advanced courses.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Exams

Satisfactory scores on the General and Subject Examinations of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) are eligible for transfer credit.

DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) Credit

A student who has successfully passed the DSST exam is eligible for transfer credit.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Exams

Students who complete IB Exams are eligible to receive transfer credit based on the exam score. Alliant awards a student at least 3 credits for a score of 5, 6, or 7 on a Standard level exam and at least 3 credits for a score of 4, 5, 6, or 7 on a higher-level exam. Where applicable, these units will be applied to the lower division academic requirements.


Coursework recommended for undergraduate academic credit at the lower or upper division level by the American Council on Education will be considered for transfer if the coursework is applicable to the student’s program. Please see the Military and Veterans Service  section for more information.

Extension Courses

Undergraduate university-level extension courses can be considered for transfer credits at Alliant. The extension course must be similar in content to a course offered at the transferring institution and at Alliant. The student must have received a grade of “C” or better in the course. Acceptance of extension courses are considered on a case-by-case basis.

At the graduate level, California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) does not consider extension courses for transfer credit. Students in non-CSPP programs should consult the Program Director regarding the eligibility of extension courses for transfer credit.

Challenge Exam

Students who think they have education, training, and/or experience in a particular area of study covered in a required Alliant course may challenge that course by examination, provided it is acknowledged by the school as being eligible for challenge. To challenge, the student must pay the appropriate challenge exam fee (See Tuition and Fee Schedule). Students will be given credit for the course if they successfully pass the exam. Students should consult the Program Director to learn which courses are available for challenge, and for the limits on challenges.

Correspondence Courses

Alliant does not offer correspondence courses and does not accept credit for such courses.

Experiential & Prior Learning Assessment

Alliant does not award graduate students credit for experiential and Prior Learning Assessment.

Variant Courses

Vocational or technical courses, remedial high school courses and other courses below collegiate level are not accepted at Alliant as transfer credits even if the courses were completed at an accredited institution of higher education.

Waiving Courses

Any adjustment to student registration due to course waiver may affect financial aid, loan deferments, international student status and veteran’s benefits. It is the student’s responsibility to consult with appropriate university personnel to fully understand these ramifications.

Course Waiver

Students who can present acceptable proof that they have demonstrated competency that is judged to be the equivalent of course(s) associated learning outcomes may be granted a waiver from the required Alliant course(s). When a course requirement is waived, any associated units must be met through additional coursework. A course waiver does not reduce the unit requirements for the degree program. Course waivers are considered when the Transfer Credit/Course Waiver Request form is reviewed and approved by the Dean or designee as needed.

Writing Proficiency Assessment

CSPP Clinical Doctoral Programs Only

Students enrolled in the CSPP Clinical Doctoral programs are required to demonstrate their writing proficiency at the beginning of their graduate studies. Steps 1-3 must be completed by the end of the student’s first semester of enrollment.

Step 1:

A prerequisite for the CSPP Clinical programs is a score of 3.5 or higher on the GRE ScoreITNow Writing Exam or the Analytic writing portion of the GRE general test (The score on the Analytic writing portion of the GRE general test must be within the last 5 years). The writing exam should be taken prior to the week of orientation. (Note: This exam will not be used to make admissions decisions; it is solely a requirement for those admitted students intending to enroll). 

The GRE ScoreITNow costs $20, which includes two essays (1 hour) and can be accessed here. Select Test Experience Option and Purchase one Analyze an Issue topic and one Analyze an Argument topic (simulates the GRE Analytical Writing section).

Step 2:

Students scoring below a 3.5 are also required to complete a writing course that is in addition to the required units of the program and has been approved by the program director. Some possible options include but are not limited to:

  1. The free Stanford Online Writing Course
  2. A CSPP program’s writing course or workshop
  3. CSPP writing course (online) given through the CE program
  4. An approved course at community college or university

Step 3:

Once the writing course is completed, the student will re-take the GRE ScoreITNow

Step 4:

If a score of 3.5 is still not achieved on the second attempt, the student will be referred to SERC by the Program Director. A remediation plan for the specific writing deficits will be proposed by SERC, and the Program Director will make the final decision about the writing remediation plan. The program director will also track and monitor the student’s progress on this individualized plan.

Step 5:

Once remediation plan is completed, the student will re-take the GRE ScoreITNow once again. If a score of 3.5 is still not achieved on the third attempt, the student will be referred to SERC for development of a plan for further remediation. This process will continue until the student has successfully demonstrated the writing proficiency needed for the doctoral program.

Comprehensive Examinations

Most doctoral programs include comprehensive examinations designed to measure basic knowledge, theory and/or applications of knowledge and theory in the program. As such, they are an important part of the academic program. Successful completion of these exams may be required for advancement to doctoral candidacy or other program milestones, for accrual of internship hours, and for enrollment in certain coursework. For more information on the examination requirements of a program, contact the program office or the advisor.

Academic Calendar and Deadlines

Alliant has three (3) distinct Academic Calendars: a 15-week semester calendar with a 10-week summer, a 16-week calendar with aligned 8-week sessions, and an 8-week calendar.

The 15-week calendar with a 10-week summer includes 15-week Fall and Spring semesters, and a 10-week Summer semester. Any program on this calendar offers courses in the 15-week format during the Fall and Spring, and some courses in a 10-week format for the Summer semester.

The 16-week calendar with aligned 8-week sessions include three 16-week semesters (Fall, Spring & Summer) that each contain two distinct 8-week sessions within each semester. Programs in this calendar may offer all 16-week courses or a mix of 8 and 16-week courses in the program and/or by semester.

The 8-week calendar includes six 8-week sessions, and programs in this calendar offer all 8-week courses.

Academic credit is always given in semester units regardless of the Academic Calendar. Students are required to follow all academic and administrative deadlines listed in the Academic Calendar and other University publications.

Class Levels

Class levels are as follows:


  • Freshmen: Those with fewer than 30 semester units of college credit.
  • Sophomores: Those with at least 30 semester units of college credit but fewer than 60 semester units of college credit.
  • Juniors: Those with 60 semester units of college credit but fewer than 90 semester units of college credit.
  • Seniors: Those with 90 or more semester units of college credit.


  • Credential Students: Those who have completed a baccalaureate degree and who have been admitted by the University to work on a credential program. Note: Credential Students are not considered graduate students by the U.S. Department of Education.


  • Master’s Students: Those who have completed a baccalaureate degree (or its equivalent) and who have been admitted by the University to work toward a master’s degree.
  • Doctoral Students: Those who have completed a baccalaureate degree and/or a master’s degree (or the equivalent) and who have been admitted by the University to work toward a doctoral degree.

Grading System/Symbols Used on Transcripts

The following list of grade descriptions is a general overview.  In some cases, graduate program standards may be more stringent than the general University standards. Grade criteria varies by school and program. 

A Superior. The student has demonstrated a quality of work and accomplishment far beyond the formal requirements and shows originality of thought and mastery of material. A+ grades are not recognized as a valid grade in grade point average calculations and are not recorded on the student’s transcript.
B Above Average. The student’s achievement exceeds the usual accomplishment, showing a clear indication of initiative and grasp of the subject.
C Average. The student has met the formal requirements and has demonstrated good comprehension of the subject and reasonable ability to handle ideas.
D Below Average. The student’s accomplishment (while still passing for undergraduate programs) leaves much to be desired. Minimum requirements have been met but were inadequate. No credit is given at the graduate level.
F Failure. The student has not met the minimum requirements.
AU Audit. Does not yield credit.
CH Credit by challenge exam.
CR Credit. Used upon completion of thesis, dissertation, internship and for other specified courses.
CT Credit by transfer.
I Incomplete. Given only in extenuating circumstances. Work must be completed by the end of the succeeding term.
IP In Progress. To be used for certain theses, dissertations, practica and internships.
IS In Session.
MP Marginal Pass. The student’s accomplishments, although passing, were inadequate in several important respects. Minimal requirements of the course were met but with serious deficiencies.
NC No Credit. The student has not achieved the minimum expectations of scholarship or credit in terms of the course objectives. The NC is not to be used in situations in which a grade of F is justified. It is not used in computing grade point averages. A required course in which a No Credit grade is earned should be repeated within one (1) year.
NR No Report. Indication (to be used only by the Registrar) that as of the deadline for submitting grades, none had been received. See “Grade Reporting”.
W Withdrawal. Grade given to those who drop classes after the scheduled drop period.

Faculty members may use pluses and minuses when grades fall between two categories.

Quality Points and Grade-Point Average (GPA)

For each unit in which the student is enrolled, he or she will receive quality points as follows:

Grade A
4.0 quality points
Grade A-
3.7 quality points
Grade B+
3.3 quality points
Grade B
3.0 quality points
Grade B-
2.7 quality points
Grade C+
2.3 quality points
Grade C
2.0 quality points
Grade C-
1.7 quality points
Grade D+
1.3 quality points
Grade D
1.0 quality points
Grade D-
0.7 quality points
Grade F
0.0 quality points

GPA Calculation

A student’s grade point average is obtained by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of units undertaken, excluding courses in which the grades are CR, CT, I, IN, IP, MP, NC, NR, W and AU. Transfer units are not counted in calculating the GPA on the Alliant transcript. All Alliant credits counted toward a program are used in calculating the cumulative GPA, except as noted above.

Narrative Evaluations of Graduate Students

Narrative evaluations are used in some courses as an additional way of providing feedback to students about critical areas of performance. Credit or letter grades are given in addition to the narrative report. Narrative evaluations are only provided for select programs. Check with the Program Director or Academic Advisor for more information.

Students may receive copies of their narrative evaluations at the completion of each term or view them online via the Alliant portal. A student’s response to the evaluations will be incorporated into the student’s record upon request.

Credit for courses graded on a credit-no-credit basis is awarded when professional and academic competence is demonstrated by the student to the satisfaction of the course instructor. All required courses must be successfully completed with receipt of a passing grade (i.e., Credit, Marginal Pass or equivalent) before the doctoral degree can be conferred. Students in some graduate programs also receive comprehensive faculty evaluations concerning their progress.

CSPP Grading Policy

Minimum Levels of Achievement

In addition to Alliant policies regarding the assignment of grades, CSPP students should keep in mind this is a competency-based program. As such, students must achieve all program competencies in order to graduate. In keeping with this programmatic framework, grading in most courses is competency-based.  That is, students must demonstrate competence with respect to all the learning objectives in those courses to pass. Students who:

  1. Demonstrate all the course competencies at a graduate-level and do exemplary work in one or more areas can expect to receive a grade of A- or A.
  2. Demonstrate basic graduate-level competence with respect to all the learning objectives in a course should expect to receive a grade of B-, B, or B+.
  3. Demonstrate some but not all course competencies at a graduate level and the rest at least at a marginal level, and completes all the work at least at a marginal level can expect a grade of C-, C, or C+. In some instances, students may be required to retake the course; those courses will have this clearly stated on the syllabus.
  4. Fail to demonstrate competence with respect to any single learning objective can expect a failing grade of D or F.

In a competency-based program, a course grade of “C+” is below the threshold for graduate work. Students who receive a C+ grade or below have not demonstrated competency in at least one critical area and are at risk for incurring a GPA below 3.0. Thus, students receiving a less than or equal to C+ grade will be referred to the Student Evaluation and Review Committee (SERC) and expected to develop a remediation plan and demonstrate competency in a way that is approved by the program director (or equivalent). Course remediation does not result in a change of the original grade earned unless the student successfully repeats the course as part of the remediation plan.

Generally, students must repeat a course for which they do not receive credit. Both grades remain on the transcript. If the course in which the student failed is an elective and/or is not offered again in the next two semesters, the student may seek approval from the Program Director to substitute a course to make up for the failed course. If a substitute course is used, it will not replace the failed course in the GPA calculation.

Any student who receives 3 “Cs” during his or her tenure in the program will be placed on Academic Probation. However, for CSPP, a student who receives one or more C’s may be placed on Academic Probation at the recommendation of SERC to the Program Director.  A student who has two or more Cs and/or whose GPA falls below 3.0 may be dismissed from the program. Students who struggle academically (e.g., earn a C, D, F, or NC) will be referred to SERC.

Students placed on Academic Warning or Academic Probation will return to good academic standing upon remediation of the problem for which they were placed on Academic Warning or Academic Probation. That might mean receiving all A and B grades the following semester, bringing the GPA up to 3.0 or better, and/or meeting criteria set forth by the Program Director.

In addition to grades, faculty have the option of completing a rating form and a narrative of strengths and weaknesses and to indicate whether there is Some Concern or Serious Concern about the student.

Incomplete or In Progress Grades

Incomplete: Receiving an Incomplete in a course is a privilege granted to students when very specific, documentable circumstances have made it impossible for them to complete the course within the time allotted, such as illness, family tragedy, or similar difficulty. Students must arrange for an Incomplete grade with their instructor and Program Director (or equivalent) or relevant academic administrator.

Only students who have completed at least 75% of the course and have a passing grade may apply for an Incomplete. Even in such cases, students will not be granted an Incomplete in any course unless they have the permission of the instructor and Program Director (or equivalent) and complete the appropriate university paperwork. Completion of this paperwork, which must be completed with the faculty member teaching the course and submitted to the Registrar, is the responsibility of the student and must be completed before the end of the course so that an Incomplete can be awarded when grades are due.

Students do not re-register to finish incomplete coursework. The maximum time limit is no later than the end of the following session/semester (based on the length of the course), although instructors may choose to set an earlier deadline, particularly if there are only minimal requirements left to complete the course. The course must be completed with the instructor who assigned the Incomplete grade. Incomplete grades that are not removed by the deadline will be converted automatically to an “F” grade for graded courses and to an “NC” for credit/no credit courses. Receipt of a grade of “F” or “NC” grade may impact a student’s financial aid and academic status, and may subject the student to Academic or Financial Aid Dismissal.

In Progress: In Progress (IP) grades are used when a course is not expected to be completed within the applicable session or semester. The maximum time limit for an “IP” grade is no later than 12 months after the initial issuance of the IP grade. In Progress grades that are not removed by the deadline will be converted automatically to an “F” grade for graded courses and to an “NC” for credit/no credit courses.

Repeated Courses

Students may repeat courses to improve their academic record; however, some courses are not repeatable. All grades earned at Alliant will remain on the student’s transcript and when students repeat a course the higher grade earned will be used to compute the grade point average. No course may be taken more than twice (the original registration and one subsequent registration) without approval from the Dean or designee. GPA forgiveness is only granted for the first four (4) repeats in the program. Certain courses designed to be taken multiple times for credit (e.g. special topics courses, or general electives such as PSY8500) will not be recognized as repeats even if the student takes the same topic more than once.

The record for any repeated course will show the original grade accompanied by a notation signifying that the repeated course is shown elsewhere on the transcript. In all instances, the same structured class must be completed with the same grading type. Students may not choose to repeat a course via independent study. Courses to be repeated must be completed at Alliant.

If you have questions about whether a repeated course is eligible for financial aid, please contact Student Financial Services at financialaid@alliant.edu. Please note that when determining aid eligibility for a semester, some repeated classes may be excluded from the financial aid-eligible credit count.

Grade Reporting

Instructors are required to submit grades for each term online or via a grade roster. Grades must be submitted by instructors no later than the date published annually in the Academic Calendar.

If grades are not received on time, a “NR” (No Report) grade will be entered on the student’s transcript until the final grade is received. Students who receive “NR” for their grade should contact their instructor.

After a grade has been reported, the grade will not be changed unless a written grade change and an acceptable reason for the change are submitted to the Registrar by the instructor.

Grade Appeals

In general, grades represent the faculty member’s professional judgment of a student’s performance in a course and, as such, are final. However, students have the right to ask a faculty member for an explanation of any grade received and may appeal a grade when they perceive that a final grade was biased, arbitrary, or capricious. In those instances, students must follow the Grade Appeal Process outlined below. Please note that grade appeals filed towards the end of the academic year are reviewed when faculty are back on contract.

General Principles

  1. Students are encouraged to seek advice in matters of concern about grades from their instructor or Academic Advisor.
  2. Grade appeals can be made only in instances where procedural issues or biased, arbitrary, or capricious grading are in question, specifically:
    1. An obvious error in calculation.
    2. The instructor has applied more exacting standards to the particular student.
    3. The grade was given on some basis other than performance in the course.
    4. The grade represents a substantial departure from the instructor’s announced standards.

Grade Appeals Process

  1. Students should attempt informal resolution of grade concerns with the course instructor no later than five (5) business days of the official posting of the grade by the instructor or Registrar’s Office.
  2. In the event that informal resolution is not reached or satisfactory to the student, the student has the burden of proof to show that the grade was based on factors listed in General Principles (2) above. The student must submit a written request for a grade appeal to the Program Director or other appropriate campus administrator within ten (10) business days of the official posting of the grades by the Registrar’s Office.  
  3. Within two (2) weeks of the grade appeal request, or as soon thereafter as is practicable, the Program Director or School Dean appoints a Grade Appeals Panel consisting of three (3) faculty members. The Panel will reach a decision to either uphold the grade or change it. This decision is sent to the Program Director or School Dean who informs the instructor, student, and Registrar’s Office via a Grade Change form (when applicable). The Panel’s decision is binding.

Review of Students’ Performance

Each program has a procedure for regularly reviewing the overall performance of students, including whether the minimal grade point average has been met. Some programs also perform an annual evaluation of all students. Faculty, advisors, and/or committees are responsible for monitoring academic performance and for working with students whose performance needs special review. A committee review may lead to recommended remediation programs, Academic Warning, Academic Probation, or Academic Dismissal from the program.

Principles of Conduct

As a student at Alliant International University, you are expected to maintain the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct in both your roles as a student on campus and as a trainee in your field placements. Specifically, you must adhere to all the rules and regulations described in the Catalog, related Handbooks, and professional guidelines.

Arrests and Convictions

If Alliant becomes aware of any arrest(s) and/or convictions(s) on the record of a student (excluding traffic violations) who is seeking a training placement, the Office of Professional Training (OPT) staff, agent or representative will inform the training site of the arrest(s) and/conviction(s). Arrest(s) and/or conviction(s), dependent upon severity and nature, may compromise Alliant International University’s ability to place the student at the prospective - or alternative - training site and may compromise the student’s ability to obtain training hours necessary for the completion of academic requirements. Certain arrests and convictions can also impede students’ ability to complete the program or gain employment in certain fields.

Alliant International University has no authority nor bears any responsibility for ensuring placement at training sites for students with arrest(s) and/or conviction(s). All Alliant students must inform the training site and their Alliant Program Director, in writing, of any arrests or convictions, and the student is solely responsible for such reporting.  

Academic Standing

Students are expected to make academic and professional progress throughout their academic programs. Good Academic Standing and professional progress is generally defined as earning a GPA of 3.0 or higher at the graduate and credential level (2.0 or higher at the undergraduate level), adhering to all Codes of Conduct, adhering to professional and ethical standards and expectations, and completing educational programs within required timeframes. Degrees will only be awarded to students meeting all policies and requirements, and those in Good Academic Standing. Student grade point averages are not rounded up or down. Please note that these expectations are academic in nature, and are expected in addition to all Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) guidelines.

Any student who fails to achieve the minimum required cumulative GPA each term will be subject to being placed on automatic Academic Warning, Academic Probation or Academic Dismissal. The first session/semester below the required GPA will result in the student being placed on Academic Warning. If the student fails to raise their cumulative GPA above the minimum requirement, they will be placed on Academic Probation. After three sessions/semesters, if the cumulative GPA is still too low, the student will be academically dismissed. Students who are academically dismissed may appeal their cases to the Dean if there are extenuating circumstances. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the Dean who may establish a committee to review such appeals. The decision at this level is final.

In addition to the automatic process above, any student who fails to meet all the required guidelines each session/semester may be placed on Academic Warning, Academic Probation, or be subject to Academic Dismissal through the SERC process. The following are potential grounds for determining that good academic standing in a program is not being made or maintained:

  1. GPA below 2.0 for undergraduates or 3.0 in graduate/credential programs on a letter grading system
  2. Receipt of a No Credit grade in a course or field placement
  3. Receipt of two Incomplete or Marginal Pass grades
  4. A combination of Incomplete, No Credit and Marginal Pass grades
  5. Violation of professional or ethical conduct
  6. Failure to comply with school or campus rules or procedures
  7. Evidence of personal factors (personality, interpersonal, or intrapersonal functioning) that may hinder the student’s professional competence
  8. Little or no progress on the dissertation/doctoral project
  9. Failure of comprehensive examination
  10. Failure to meet academic program standards
  11. Failure to complete program within the Academic Maximum Time frame.  

When one or more of the above grounds for concern are present, the following procedures will be used to determine whether the student is failing to maintain good academic standing and/or whether an ethical/behavioral problem exists. The Program Director or equivalent will obtain information relevant to a student’s progress in an academic program. The Program Director will refer the information to the program’s SERC (e.g., in cases of grade point or other academic insufficiency, possible violations of the Academic Code of Conduct, or concerns about professional or ethical behavior).

Following a SERC referral by a Program Director or equivalent, the SERC will review the case using the procedures outlined in the University’s Student Evaluation and Review Committee (SERC) Rules and Procedures and submit its recommendation to the Program Director or equivalent related to sufficiency of a student’s academic and/or professional progress. After considering the SERC’s review and recommendation the Program Director or equivalent will make a determination and take action using the procedures outlined in the University’s Student Evaluation Rules and Procedures. A student determined not to be making satisfactory academic or professional progress in the academic program can be placed on one or more of the sanction categories outlined below.

For cases that result in a finding of insufficient academic performance or progress, professional practice field training unsuitability, or unethical or inappropriate behavior the following actions may be recommended by SERC and implemented by the Program Director or equivalent:

1. Academic Warning

Academic Warning Status, with or without a remediation plan, can be recommended by the SERC when a student’s academic work or professional development falls below University or program standards but the nature of the difficulty or infraction does not require more serious or more immediate action.

2. Academic Probation

Academic Probation status is recommended when a student’s academic progress or professional development has been inconsistent with University requirements. A student is given a specific amount of time (usually one term) in which to remediate the cause(s) of Academic Probation or will otherwise face Academic Dismissal from the program.

When a Program Director or equivalent acts to implement Academic Warning or Academic Probation the SERC is usually responsible for monitoring and advising the progression of a student in a remediation plan. The process for monitoring students includes regular reports from students and/or their advisors, reviewing student files and, as necessary and appropriate, recalling students to the Committee. It shall be the responsibility of the SERC in such circumstances to review the case and to determine whether the student has completed all of the requirements of the remediation, in which case the removal of the Academic Probation status will be recommended. In the event that the SERC determines that the conditions that resulted in Academic Probation have not been remediated, the SERC may recommend other action including a) continuance of the status of Academic Probation or b) that a more severe sanction be imposed. The Program Director or equivalent will review the recommendation of the SERC, make a determination as to appropriate action and send notification of this action to the student within ten (10) business days of receipt of the recommended action.

3. Academic Dismissal

A student may be academically dismissed from the academic program when conditions are judged to be of a serious nature and are not judged to be remediable, insufficient grade point average and/or multiple No Credit or Marginal Pass grades occurs, or when a serious violation of University or School standards of conduct and ethics occurs or when a student has failed to remediate previously identified deficiencies within the specified time. Academically dismissed students cannot be registered nor attend any Alliant courses.

Appeals Process

Students may not appeal Academic Warning or Academic Probation status. However, students have the right to appeal other Program Director (or equivalent) decisions to the relevant Academic Dean or alternate University official as long as the appeal meets the criteria below. Appeals will only be considered when they are received in writing within ten (10) business days of the date of the decision letter.

Appeals may be made only on the basis that one or more of the following factors that are alleged to have contributed to an unfair or unsupported SERC decision: a) the SERC process deviated from applicable SERC policy/procedures b) serious violation(s) of other University policies, rules or procedures c) preponderance of facts or other evidence not consistent with the SERC decision d) new information that was not available at the time the matter was originally considered by a SERC and/or e) bias or discrimination in the review process.

When an appeal is made, the SERC and Program Director or equivalent, at the request of the Academic Dean (or alternate University official), will cooperate fully in presenting and discussing the recommendations and actions. The same University official decides the appropriate process for consideration of the appeal.

Absent unusual circumstances, appeals processes should normally be completed within twenty (20) business days of receipt of the appeal. Appeal decisions made under this section are final.

Enrollment Policies

Continuous Enrollment

Continuous enrollment is defined as being enrolled and attending courses during all required sessions or semesters. All students must maintain continuous enrollment during the full academic year; this includes all required sessions and semesters in the Fall, Spring, and Summer (if required by program). Students in programs that require summer session/semester enrollment must be registered and attending courses to be continuously enrolled.

Students who wish to take any required session/semester away from the university must have an approved Academic Absence on file with the university for the applicable period. Any student who fails to maintain continuous enrollment by the Add/Drop deadline, and who does not have an approved Academic Absence, will be administratively withdrawn from the institution.

Students who complete all degree requirements within 365 days of their last date of attendance will be graduated.  Students outside this timeframe must re-apply.

Dual Enrollment

Alliant does not allow dual enrollment.

Cross Campus Enrollment

Any matriculated student in good academic standing, with permission from both programs, may be allowed to enroll in coursework at another campus or program if the units do not exceed program maximum for the session/semester, or as allowed by the program.


Dissertation Stages

All students in doctoral programs requiring a dissertation or dissertation project must complete the following stages:

  1. Proposal/Preliminary Oral Defense
  2. Final Oral Defense
  3. Dissertation Clearance

Some programs have additional stages such as pre-proposal.

Dissertation Clearance

Dissertation clearance means not only successful defense, but completion of any required revisions or edits, and submission of the dissertation in its final form to the University library. The dissertation clearance date is defined as the date the library signs off, indicating that the dissertation is complete.

Dissertation Sequence Registration

Students are expected to complete their dissertation while enrolled in the dissertation sequence within their curriculum. Dissertation sequence courses are normally only offered in Fall and Spring. Students who wish to make progress on their dissertation over the summer and want dissertation supervision and support from their faculty chair during this period may enroll in a one unit summer dissertation supervision course with approval from their faculty chair and program director. This unit is optional and not applicable toward degree requirements; it does not qualify for financial aid.

Dissertation Continuous Registration

All students are encouraged to complete their dissertation in the required courses applicable to their program. Should students need additional time to complete their dissertation beyond the required dissertation courses, they must register for a dissertation extension course. Students must be enrolled in dissertation or extension during the term in which they achieve dissertation clearance; no clearance can be gained, nor progress made in dissertation, without registration in a dissertation course. Students who submit their dissertation and achieve clearance between the end of one term and the start of the next term must be registered in a dissertation sequence course for the preceding term (or in dissertation extension if all standard dissertation sequence courses are already completed) and are responsible for any associated charges.

Three (3) units of dissertation extension qualify students as full-time enrollment, and for full-time federal financial aid, and students may receive financial aid for dissertation extension for a maximum of eight (8) sessions/four (4) semesters. Unsatisfactory progress while in dissertation extension may reflect unsatisfactory program performance and result in the student being referred to the Student Evaluation and Review Committee (SERC).

Dissertation Extension Registration

Students may only enroll in dissertation extension courses if all standard dissertation sequence courses have been completed. If a student clears their dissertation prior to end of the Add/Drop period they will not have to pay dissertation extension fees for that term (fall, spring, or summer). This applies to dissertation extension students only. Dissertation extension courses do not count towards the total required units necessary to a complete a degree.

Dissertation Extension while on Internship

Students registered in full and half-time internship who have exhausted their regular dissertation sequence courses but have not yet completed their dissertation must enroll in a single unit dissertation extension course at the per unit rate during the fall and spring semesters they are enrolled in internship. Summer enrollment in dissertation extension is not required unless the student plans to defend or submit their dissertation over the summer. Dissertation extension courses do not count towards the total required units necessary to a complete a degree.

Academic Absence

Students who cannot maintain continuous enrollment but intend to continue their studies must have an Academic Absence on file. Students on approved Academic Absences must return by the date specified, and will be permitted to resume their program without applying for readmission. Military students who need to take time off for deployment please see the Military and Veterans Service  section for applicable policies and procedures. International students must contact the Office of International Student Services to see how an absence will impact their immigration status.

Students may take up to 12 months of Academic Absence. Students may not take more than two (2) Academic Absences during their program enrollment. Academic Absence does not extend the time to degree completion.

Students who fail to return on the date specified, or who have withdrawn from the program without specifying an intent to return, will remain recorded as withdrawn on their transcripts and must follow all Re-Admission and Re-Entry policy guidelines.

Students on Academic Absence will be considered/reported as Withdrawn for enrollment purposes. Financial aid recipients who are on an Academic Absence during a session/semester will be expected to complete all Exit counseling. (See Financial Aid Refund Policy  section.)


All students are expected to attend and participate in all classes as scheduled, on time, and to continue attending classes for the full duration of the course, regardless of modality.  Each instructional week begins on a Monday and ends on a Sunday, and students who participate in a course prior to its official start date will not have that participation counted as attendance. 

Students enrolled in on-campus courses or in synchronous online courses are recorded as either present or absent for each course meeting, and submitting any academic assignment counts as present in the asynchronous online classroom. Students who have courses with both ground and online components will count attendance in the manner consistent with that modality. 

Students who do not attend a course at least once in any consecutive 14-day period will be dropped from the course. Students who are absent from all courses in any consecutive 14-day period, and do not notify the university in writing during this period of their intention to continue, will be administratively withdrawn from the University retroactive to the last date of recorded attendance (see withdrawal policy).

Students who are administratively withdrawn from a course or the University after the add/drop period will receive a “W” grade, based on the last date of attendance for the related course(s), which will count toward attempted hours at the University; a tuition refund, if applicable, will be calculated on a percentage basis per the University’s refund policy.

Students who do not meet attendance requirements and to whom Alliant has disbursed financial aid may be required to return financial aid. If a student believes his or her attendance was inaccurately recorded, the student must contact the instructor who will review the situation and, if necessary, will update the attendance record.

The University may schedule periods of non-enrollment during which no courses are held. When this occurs, such as on holidays or during the annual winter break, the non-enrollment period may extend the 14-day limit to include the scheduled break.

On campus Executive Format Courses, Dissertation, Doctoral Project, Thesis, Capstone Project, and any other courses without Regularly Scheduled Meeting Dates

Instructors will verify student engagement and participation every week. Students must engage in all required academic activities to be considered in attendance.

Attendance in Internship, Practicum, or Field Placement

Students generally enter a contract or other agreement with an agency or organization for community service, practicum, internship or field placement/training hours.  The actual hours each week may vary depending on the assignments, case load, or operational hours of the site or agency. Instructors will verify student engagement and participation every week. Students may be required to submit a timesheet (signed off by the supervisor at the placement) of hours worked in the internship, practicum, or field placement course upon request.

Excused Absence

Students are expected to attend all their scheduled classes; however, the university recognizes that there are some circumstances that may force students to miss a class. In all instances, it is the student’s responsibility to inform their instructor(s) ahead of time and to discuss how the absence will affect their ability to meet course requirements. Students must understand that not every course can accommodate absences and neither the absence nor the notification of the absence relieves them from meeting all course requirements.

Since missing classes may affect a student’s ability to meet course learning outcomes and develop required competencies, any absences may impact grades in particular courses. This not-withstanding, certain absences are always considered acceptable by the University. Acceptable reasons for an excused absence include:

  1. Student illness or injury;
  2. Death, injury, or serious illness of an immediate family member;
  3. Religious observance;
  4. Jury duty or other government obligation; or
  5. Any other unavoidable circumstance that necessitates the student’s absence from class.

Students must contact both their instructor and student advisor any time they must miss a course meeting. A student may be required to provide written documentation substantiating an excused absence, and all documentation must be sent to the student advisor. An approved excused absence indicates the student’s intent to remain enrolled in the course and at the institution, and will prevent students from being withdrawn.  

Instructors will individually work with students in these instances to determine if/how students can make up work and set timelines for assignment submissions. The University expects all instructors to be reasonable in accommodating students whose absence from class meets the guidelines above, and if a student’s grade is impacted by a legitimate absence or absences he/she may appeal through the normal grade appeal process.

Religious Holidays

In keeping with the institution’s commitment to respect and affirm cultural, religious, and spiritual diversity, the University supports the rights of students, staff, and faculty to observe religious/cultural/spiritual obligations that conflict with the University’s schedule.  Faculty instructors and staff/administrative supervisory personnel are expected to make reasonable accommodations when a student or an employee is absent from class or work because of religious/cultural/spiritual observance. 

Practical Training

A student on an F-1 visa may be eligible to engage temporarily in practical training in his or her field of study, both before and after completion of studies.

Practical Training is divided into two categories:

  1. Curricular Practical Training (CPT), before completion of studies
  2. Optional Practical Training before or after completion of studies (Pre-OPT, Post-OPT)

For more information about practical training, please visit the International Student Services section on MyAlliant.


Withdrawal from Courses

Students may withdraw from any course at any time. Withdrawal from a course will have academic and financial consequences, and may necessitate the return of financial aid. Withdrawn courses will remain on the student record with a grade of “W” if dropped after the Add/Drop deadline, and these grades will be entered on the student’s permanent record. All withdrawals are subject to the Tuition Refund policies.

Students are encouraged to discuss the potential implications of a course withdrawal with their Program Director, Academic Advisor, Student Business Services, and the Financial Aid office prior to submitting the request. International students must also consult with the Designated School Official (DSO) prior to making a course withdrawal as a change in enrollment status may impact immigration status. Students receiving military/veterans’ benefits should consult with the Veterans Service Office. A student who drops all courses will be administratively (unofficially) withdrawn from the institution.

Withdrawal from University

Students may withdraw from the university at any time. Withdrawal from the university will have academic and financial consequences, and may necessitate the return of financial aid. All withdrawals are subject to the Tuition Refund policies.

To withdraw from the university, a student must submit the official University Withdrawal form to the campus Student Affairs Office. Students are encouraged to discuss the potential implications of a withdrawal with their Program Director, Academic Advisor, Student Business Services, and the Financial Aid Office prior to submitting the request. International students must also consult with the Designated School Official (DSO) prior to making a withdrawal request as a change in enrollment status may impact immigration status. Students receiving military/veterans’ benefits should consult with the Veterans Service Office.

Administrative Withdrawal for Non-Continuous Enrollment

Students who do not register and attend courses, or are not approved for an Academic Absence, by the end of the Add/Drop period of any required session/semester will be administratively withdrawn from the University. Students must be registered to attend any classes. The student’s transcript record will be documented to reflect “withdrawn.”

Administrative withdrawal may also occur when a student:

  1. Fails to register for courses;
  2. Fails to maintain Continuous Enrollment;
  3. Fails to meet provisional requirements;
  4. Fails to meet attendance requirements;
  5. Fails to resolve account balances or meet payment plan requirements;
  6. Fails to return from an approved Academic Absence on time;
  7. Fails to resolve any holds or other outstanding issues; or
  8. Fails to meet any other program, university, and/or administrative standards.

The withdrawal may become effective at any time. Payment plans will not be automatically renewed.

Student withdrawals result in the following:

  1. Denial of access to campus facilities;
  2. Commencement of any allowable financial aid grace periods which may result in loan repayments; and
  3. Referral of the account to a collection agency if the withdrawal is based upon payment default.

Undergraduate Specific Policies

English and Math Placement Tests

Placement tests in English and mathematics are required for all entering undergraduate students who have not met the English or mathematics requirements for their degree. If a passing grade is not attained, registration for ENG0999 and/or MTH0999 is required.

Double Major

Undergraduate students may pursue two majors by completing the total requirements for one degree plus the prerequisite and major requirements of a second. Only one major may be designated on the diploma, and the official transcript will be the only documentation confirming the double major.

Double Minor

Undergraduate students may pursue two minors by completing the requirements for each minor. If a course is required for both minors, students must take an additional course. No course may be double counted. All course substitutions must be approved by the appropriate dean or designee.

Second Bachelor’s Degree

Students who already hold a bachelor’s degree and who wish to earn a second bachelor’s degree must complete:

  1. ENG1106 and ENG2206 if equivalent was not completed as part of the first bachelor’s degree
  2. all major and prerequisite requirements of the degree sought
  3. a minimum of 30 semester units in residence at Alliant after admission to the second degree program

Dean’s List

The names of full-time  undergraduate students whose session GPA’s are 3.5 or over will be included on the Dean’s List. Quality units are defined as units for which a letter grade has been assigned. Credit/no-credit courses are not considered quality units as they do not impact GPA calculation.


Graduating seniors who achieve the requisite cumulative grade point average and unit requirement during their undergraduate career will be entitled to graduate with honors, and the honors certification will be designated on their diplomas. The following honors categories are recognized by the University:

  • Cum Laude 3.50-3.69;
  • Magna Cum Laude 3.70-3.89; and
  • Summa Cum Laude 3.90-4.00 GPA.

For undergraduates at the Mexico City campus, the cumulative grade point average is computed considering all coursework attempted at Alliant except those completed through credit-by-examination (e.g. CLEP). To be eligible for Cum Laude or Magna Cum Laude recognition a student must have completed at least 45 semester units at Alliant. To be eligible for the distinction of Summa Cum Laude, a student must have completed at least 60 semester units at Alliant.

For undergraduates in the Degree Completion Programs, the cumulative grade point average is computed on all coursework applied toward the bachelor’s degree. To be eligible for Cum Laude or Magna Cum Laude recognition a student must have completed at least 36 semester units at Alliant. To be eligible of the distinction of Summa Cum Laude, a student must have completed at least 45 semester units at Alliant.

Advancement to Candidacy

Demonstration of competency to complete a doctoral program must be established prior to the advancement to candidacy for students enrolled in doctoral programs. Generally, this occurs after the second year of the program when all the master’s level requirements in the program(s) have successfully been completed. These requirements may include, but are not limited to, successful completion of all required coursework, passing all required comprehensive examinations and successful oral defense of the dissertation proposal. CSPP doctoral programs may have additional and/or unique requirements for advancement to candidacy. Reviews of students’ accomplishments by the faculty will determine whether students have qualified to be advanced to doctoral candidacy. Additional information can be obtained from the program office or faculty advisor.

Non-Terminal Master’s Degree

Students enrolled in some doctoral programs may petition to receive a master’s degree when all requirements for the work of the master’s degree or equivalent have been completed. In general, students who enter programs with credit for previous work or with prior master’s degrees do not qualify for master’s degrees at Alliant International University since they have already received master’s degrees for this work in their previous programs.

More information can be obtained from the program office or academic advisor. A fee is charged to process the application to be awarded the non-terminal master’s degree (see Tuition and Fee Schedule).

Requirements for CSPP Doctoral Programs: Non-Terminal Master’s Degree

Students enrolled in the CSPP doctoral programs must meet the following requirements to apply for a non-terminal master’s degree from California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University:

  1. 3.0 or above cumulative grade point average and in good academic standing.
  2. Completed all the G1 (first year) and G2 (second year) coursework designated in the program curriculum*, with a maximum of 9 units credited from transfer units applied toward the G1 and G2 requirements.
  3. Passed diagnostic writing assessment or successfully completed writing course or remediation plan if applicable.
  4. The student has not previously earned a master’s degree in the same field (major) (e.g., Clinical Psychology; Marital and Family Therapy or Couple and Family Therapy; Organizational Psychology).

If the above requirements are met:

  1. Students in the PhD and PsyD Clinical Psychology programs would be eligible to receive a Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology.
  2. Students in the PsyD Marital and Family Therapy programs would be eligible to receive a Master of Arts in Marital and Family Therapy.
  3. Students in the PhD Organizational Psychology programs would be eligible to receive a Master of Arts in Organizational Psychology.

Note: If the student has an outstanding balance or fee, the degree will be awarded, but the diploma and transcript will not be released until the balance is paid in full.

*The non-terminal master’s in Marital and Family Therapy requires completion of the following non-coursework requirements in addition to G1 and G2 coursework:

  1. Comprehensive exam
  2. Professional development hours
  3. Practicum completion

Students can reference the Master of Arts in Marital and Family Therapy  program page for more detailed information.

Respecialization Programs

Psychology Doctoral Respecialization Programs

Doctoral respecialization programs are intended for holders of doctorates in psychology, or closely related fields, from accredited institutions who wish to gain additional clinical skills, train in a new area of psychology, or to meet the requirements for licensing as a psychologist. More details can be found in the Programs  section.

All respecialization students seeking licensure are responsible for contacting the Board of Psychology or equivalent in the state in which psychology or other licensure shall be sought to be sure that their prior doctoral degree meets licensing requirements and to register with the Board so that training hours completed through Alliant International University can be counted toward postdoctoral hours required for licensure.

Psychology respecialization students seeking licensure are urged to stay in close contact with campus advisors and follow their recommendations on coursework and training to gather the background needed to be considered by the Board of Psychology for licensing at the end for the program.

Other Doctoral Respecialization Programs

Persons accepted for doctoral respecialization in areas other than psychology who are seeking licensure or credentialing in the new area of specialization also need to contact the relevant licensure or certification board to assure that the planned respecialization program will meet the desired certification or licensure requirements.

University Credit Completion Requirements

Undergraduate students must complete at least 25% of their program at the University, including the last four sessions/two semesters of their program. Graduate and credential students credit completion requirements vary by program.

Maximum Academic Time Limits for Completion

The time to completion within a program begins when a student officially starts the program. Maximum time to completion limits are not extended by any time a student may be away from the program, including any withdrawals, absences, dismissals, etc. Maximum academic time limits for degrees are as follows:

Undergraduate Degree 6 years
Credential Programs (except PPS) 3 years
Master’s Degree/PPS 5 years
Juris Doctorate (part-time only) 7 years
Doctoral Degree (CSFS) 7 years
Doctoral Degree (CSML/CSOE/CSPP) 8 years


Application for Graduation

All graduating students must submit an online degree application for graduation by the deadline date listed in the annually issued Academic Calendar. A non-refundable graduation fee must be paid to Student Business Services by all degree candidates at the time of application.


Commencement ceremonies are held once a year in May or June. Students may choose which campus ceremony they wish to attend as long as they meet the criteria below.

To participate in commencement:

  1. Undergraduate and master’s students (both terminal and non-terminal) must be in good academic standing and have completed at least 80% of the required units for their degree by the end of the Spring semester or April/May session.
  2. Doctoral students (excluding Juris Doctorate) must successfully complete all coursework by the conclusion of the Semester or Term immediately prior to the commencement ceremony, must successfully complete their final oral defense by the first Friday in May, and must be scheduled to complete their final internship by September 30th of the commencement year.
  3. Students in the Juris Doctorate program must be in good academic standing and have successfully completed at least 80% of the required units for their degree by the end of the Spring semester.

Degree Completion

Only the University Registrar or designee is authorized to issue confirmation documentation attesting to matters pertaining to a student’s academic work at the University. All degrees will be posted once all degree requirements are completed, assuming all applicable paperwork has been submitted. Requirements are considered complete when relevant documents are received in the Registrar’s Office and, in the case of thesis/dissertation, the date filed in the campus library.

Completion of academic requirements for a degree is termed graduation. The ceremony celebrating this achievement is commencement. Participation in the commencement ceremony does not guarantee graduation.

Degree Completion Date for Psychology Licensure

The degree completion date for purposes of the California Board of Psychology (BOP) eligibility for postdoctoral internship hours is the date on which all academic requirements have been completed (e.g., coursework, internship, psychotherapy and doctoral dissertation or project). Doctoral students normally begin accumulating post-doctoral hours from the date all academic requirements are completed.

For students who do not have administrative clearance due to financial reasons, the date of academic completion will remain the official completion date, but all academic records will be held until administrative clearance is completed.


The current Alliant diploma policy is posted on the Registrar’s website at www.alliant.edu/registrar. To receive diplomas, students must clear their accounts with the Student Business Services Office.

Exceptions to Academic Regulations

A request for an exception to a published University academic policy or a request for any special academic privilege must be made in writing and initiated through a Program Director (or equivalent) or an academic advisor. All documentary evidence in support of each application for academic exception or academic privilege should be submitted with the written request. Each case will be decided on its own merits. All exceptions, waivers and special privileges are subject to review by the academic dean for a final decision. Students are encouraged to maintain their own personal copies of all paperwork submitted.