2020-2021 Catalog 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


California School of Education

Core Faculty

James Adams
Systemwide Program Director, Educational Psychology
PsyD, Educational Psychology, 2013, Alliant International University
Research Interests: International School Psychology, Mental Health in Educational Settings, Mindfulness Training and School Neuropsychology

Evangeline Akridge
Systemwide Program Director, MAE/PPS School Psychology and School Counseling; Assistant Professor
PsyD, Educational Psychology, 2013, Alliant International University
Research Interests: Culture and Ethnic Diversity, Charter School Education, Mental Health, Social Emotional Learning

Sonja Lopez Arnak
Assistant Professor, Statewide Program Director, Teacher Education and MAE in Teaching
EdD, Educational Leadership & Administration, University of Southern California
Research interests: Teacher education, international and global education, multicultural education, and literacy

Donna Block
Assistant Professor
EdD, 2016, Alliant International University

Peter Byun
Associate Professor, San Diego, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
PhD, Linguistics; 2006; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Research Interests: Input, Interaction, and Output in SLA; Automaticity and skill-specificity; TESOL/TEFL program development

Stephen J. Cochrane
Associate Professor, San Diego; Program Director, Special Education
PhD, Education, 2005, Capella University
Research interests: Positive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, and Neurology interventions for learning disabilities and sensory processing disorders. 

Steven Fisher
Associate Professor, San Diego
PsyD, Clinical Psychology, 1998, United States International University
Research interests: Child maltreatment, school-based mental health services, and child/adolescent disruptive behavior disorders

Danielle Kaplan
Associate Professor, San Francisco
PhD, Human Development, Cognition, Learning, and Intelligent Technologies, 2001, Columbia University
Research interests: Cognitive development; learning; technology and media in education; instructional design

Kenneth Kelch
System Program Director, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and Language Education; and International Language Education and Cultural Center
EdD, TESOL, 2005, Alliant International University
Research interests: TESOL teacher education, curriculum development, research design and qualitative research

Beverly J. Palley
Assistant Professor, San Francisco; Educational Leadership, Policy and Community Practice
EdD, Educational Leadership and Change, 2003, Fielding Graduate Institute
Research interests: Teacher training programs, improving alternative certification approaches in teacher internship programs; CalTPA (California Teaching Performance) State Trainer for Teacher Credentialing and Online Master Education Curriculum Development

Cynthia Pancer
Assistant Professor, San Diego
EdD, Computer Education, 1987, United States International University
Research interests: Virtual learning, teacher preparation, charter schools, blended learning

Carlton Parks
Professor, Los Angeles
PhD, Developmental Psychology, 1986, University of Minnesota
Research interests: Developmental psychopathology, interpersonal relations, ethnically and culturally diverse youth, stress and coping resources/skills; multicultural education; school/clinical-child psychology

James Perren
Associate Professor, San Diego, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
EdD, CITE/TESOL; 2008; Temple University, Pennsylvania
Research interests: Service learning in applied linguistics, intercultural communication, language teaching methodology, technology in language education, and second language acquisition

Chris Pilkington
Assistant Professor, Program Coordinator, Educational Leadership and Management
EdD, Educational Leadership and Management, 2013, Alliant International University

Thomas Ryerson
Lecturer, Internship/Practicum Supervisor
PsyD, Educational Psychology, 2004, Alliant International University
Research interests: Families with dual sensory impaired children, school based mental health

Donald Wofford
Associate Professor, Systemwide Director of Clinical Practice
PsyD, Educational Psychology, 2002, California School of Professional Psychology/Alliant International University
Research interests: School based mental health

California School of Forensic Studies

Core Faculty

Diana M. Concannon
Dean, Associate Provost for Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships and Associate Professor
PsyD, Forensic Psychology, 2005, California School of Professional Psychology/Alliant International University
Research interests: Forensic Psychology, risk assessment, emergency mental health, disaster mental health, competency-based education and training 

Lissa H. Parker
Program Director, Assistant Professor
PhD, Forensic Psychology, 2009, California School of Forensic Studies/Alliant International University
Research interests: Violent behavior, decision-making within a criminological context, jury decision making, legal decision making, forensic psycholinguistics and threat assessment

Adjunct Faculty

Marion Chiurazzi
Adjunct Faculty
PsyD, Clinical Psychology, 1998, California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University
Research interests: Correctional psychology, correctional mental health treatment, psychopathy, suicide in correctional settings

Christopher L. Elg
Adjunct Faculty
MA.S., M.P.H.John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Research Interests: Law enforcement leadership, critical incident response, public safety

Kenneth Carr
Adjunct Faculty
PhD, MAOB, California School of Forensic Studies/Alliant International University
Research Interests: Justice Administration, Security Management, Law Enforcement Management

California School of Management and Leadership

Core Faculty

Ghassan Hanna
Assistant Professor, San Diego
PhD, Business Administration (Management), 2013, Northcentral University
Research interests: Information systems and technology (networking architecture, software and IT security, database design and management, and Internet of Things applications)

Rachna Kumar
Dean, Professor and Systemwide Program Director, Master’s, Business and Management Programs, San Diego
PhD, Management Information Systems, 1994, New York University, Stern School of Management
Research interests: Establishing trust in virtual teams, sustainable work design for success in outsourcing/offshoring contexts, impacts of technology on self-efficacy, transfer of technology skills to developing economies, technology synchronization and organizational performance, technology mediated learning

René Naert
Professor, San Diego
PhD, Administration, 1996, Walden University
Research interests: Sustainable networks as organic systems, and their impact on technology and organizational performance; building effective organizational networks: technological and knowledge based organic business nerve centers; factors influencing the strategic direction of business schools confronted with the disruptive innovations in the area of educational technology

Saba Ozyurt
Associate Professor and Program Director, Undergraduate Business and Management Programs, Undergraduate General Education (lower division) and MBA
PhD, Political Science and Government, 2009, University of California, Irvine
Research interests: Comparative politics, international relations, immigration, ethnic and gender relations in Western Europe and the United States

Huiyu Qian
Assistant Professor, San Diego
PhD, Applied Mathematics, 2009, Lehigh University
Research interests: Statistical analysis and modeling, predictive analysis and forecasting, quantitative research, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, marketing research, operational optimization, financial mathematics and statistics

Hamid Rahman
Professor, San Diego
PhD, Finance, 1987, Syracuse University
Research interests: An examination of U.S. institutional and individual investor sentiment effect on the Turkish stock market; idiosyncratic risk and earnings noncommonality; aborted stock repurchases and earnings quality

Aaron Wester
Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator, San Diego and San Francisco for Master of Science in Data Analytics
DM/IST, Information Systems Technology, 2013, University of Phoenix
Research interests: Quantitative research, data science, business intelligence, analytics, data management, user experience design, statistics, machine learning, web development, virtual reality integration, augmented reality design, responsive design, emerging video gaming innovations disruption, interaction design

Adjunct Faculty

Jeffrey Appel
Adjunct Faculty, San Diego
PhD, Computer Technology in Education, 2003, NOVA Southeastern University
Research interests: cloud computing, project management, information systems and technology, computer science and software engineering

Dexter Francis
Adjunct Faculty, San Diego
PhD, Business Administration (Management), 2013, Northcentral University
Research interests: Information systems and technology (networking architecture, software and IT security, database design and management, and Internet of Things applications)

John Franey
Adjunct Faculty, San Diego
PhD, Leadership Studies, 2013, University of San Diego
Research interests: leadership development and organizational culture and effectiveness. Training, motivation, and support for individuals and organizations to fully develop a foundation for making a difference

Hasan Galib
Adjunct Faculty, San Diego
DBA, Business Administration (Marketing), 2013, Alliant International University
Research interests: Customer relationship management, social media marketing, mobile marketing, digital marketing, consumer behavior, international marketing, cross-cultural marketing, internet marketing

Anna Gladys
Adjunct Faculty, San Diego
EdD, Organizational Leadership, 2014, Pepperdine University
Research interests: organizational leadership, business processes, and scientific foundations, team building and success across many organizational venues, forays into new methods and models for encouraging innovation, creativity, and productivity reflect a personal belief system where the individual is valued and respected.

Shelby Gordon
Adjunct Faculty, San Diego
MS, Professional and Technical Communication, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Research interests: Marketing, communication, social media and digital trends, market research

Susan Haugh
Adjunct Faculty, San Diego
M.Ed, Education Technology, SDSU
Research interests: Performance improvement, technology, hospitality, non-profit, strategic planning, project coordination

Yousef Ibrahim
Adjunct Faculty, San Diego
DBA, Strategy, 2014, Alliant International University
Research interests: strategic management, organizational behavior and global leadership, international marketing management, international business, change management, technology and innovation management

Brian Lesson
Adjunct Faculty, San Diego
MS, Hospitality and Tourism Management, 2009, Roosevelt University
Research interests: hospitality, and tourism, food and beverage, event management, operations management

Yvan Nezerwe
Adjunct Faculty, San Diego
DBA, Finance. 2011, Alliant International University
Research interests: stock returns, free trade agreement, financial management, dividend policy in financial distress, post-merger performance in healthcare

Janine Heiberger
Adjunct Faculty, San Diego
MBA, University of Phoenix; ICAgile Certified Professional (ICP), International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile), Project Management Professional (PMP), Project Management Institute (PMI)
Research interests: complex project management, execution and team leadership, process optimization, data analysis, client relationships, quality & continuous improvement

Arindam Guptaray
Adjunct Faculty, San Diego
MS, Computer Science, 1988, Wayne State University; MBA, Finance & MIS, 1994, University of Minnesota
Research interests: big data technology, statistics, data warehouse and visualization, SQL, Python, R, PySpark, Scala

Steve Romano
Adjunct Faculty, San Diego
PhD, Leadership and Change, 2014, Antioch University
Research interests: Bringing forth innovative learning strategies to deepen reflection and accelerate application, creates highly interactive and inclusive learning environment to help students achieve goals, collaborator who integrates work/life experiences, holistic thinking, contemplative and global perspective

Tamer Salameh
Adjunct Faculty, San Diego
DBA, Business Administration (Strategic Management), 1987, Alliant International University
Research interests: strategic management, strategic leadership, strategic behavior, strategic learning, strategic information innovation and entrepreneurship

California School of Professional Psychology

Core Faculty

Liana Abascal
Assistant Professor, San Diego, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2008, San Diego State University/University of California, San Diego
Research interests: Eating disorders, obesity, diabetes, health behaviors

Omar Alhassoon
Professor, San Diego, Clinical PhD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2003, San Diego State University/University of California, San Diego
Research interests: Neuropsychology and neuroimaging in the fields of substance abuse (alcohol, methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, etc.), HIV, personality disorders, and late-life depression, and dementia, refugee mental health and treatment. Clinical specialty: neuropsychological assessment in adults. Areas of future expansion: Transgender and bisexual discrimination and refugee mental health and treatment

Carolyn Allard
Professor and Program Director, San Diego, Clinical PhD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2008, University of Oregon
Research interests: Trauma risk and resiliency factors and treatment outcome predictors; differential effects of interpersonal trauma versus non-interpersonal trauma; betrayal, guilt and shame; individual and cultural diversity moderators, including gender and sexual identity, ethnicity, religiosity, and age; intervention development and testing

Matthew Baity
Professor, Sacramento, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2003, University of Arkansas
Research interests: Personality and neuropsychological assessment; personality disorders; treatment process, outcome and alliance; premature termination; prediction of substance abuse treatment relapse/success

John Bakaly
Professor, Los Angeles, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Counseling Psychology, 1988, University of Southern California
Research interests: Clinical intervention with children and adolescents and their families; treatment of depression, anxiety, and general childhood disorders

Debra Bekerian
Professor and Program Director, Fresno, Clinical PhD Program
PhD, Psychology, 1978, University of California, Berkeley
Research interests: Adult and child event memory (qualitative/quantitative paradigms); child development, including impact of abuse on development and attachment; cognitive models of trauma; applied psychology

Andrew Bertagnolli
Associate Professor, San Francisco, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 1996, California School of Professional Psychology - San Francisco Bay Area
Research Interests: Behavioral health integration, digital behavioral health, suicide prevention, medical/health psychology

Rebecca Bokoch
Assistant Professor, Los Angeles, Clinical PhD program
PsyD, Couple and Family Therapy, 2017, California School of Professional Psychology, Alliant International University, Los Angeles
Research Interests: Family systems, the interconnections between physical and mental health (i.e. pain, weight management, and affect), the effectiveness of creative therapeutic modalities (i.e. mindfulness, art, play therapy), trauma and resilience, trauma-informed care, school- and community-based program evaluations using both quantitative and qualitative methods

Steven F. Bucky
Distinguished Professor, San Diego, Clinical PsyD Program; Director of Professional Training, San Diego
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 1970, University of Cincinnati
Research interests: Childhood psychopathology; chemical dependency; alcoholic family; children of alcoholics; forensic psychology; ethics; sports psychology

Elaine Burke
Professor, Los Angeles, Clinical PsyD Program
PsyD, Clinical Psychology, 1989, University of Denver
Research interests: Multicultural and global issues particularly in the areas of race/ethnicity, trauma, health, socioeconomic status, sex roles and gender, and children; neuropsychology (with a specialty in pediatric and geriatric neuropsychology)

Molly Burrets
Associate Professor and Program Director, Los Angeles, Clinical PhD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2013, Texas A&M University
Research interests: Couple therapy process and outcome; evidence based cross-cultural assessment; infidelity; treatment of military sexual trauma; individual and family effects of PTSD in military and veteran populations; training approaches and supervision for family/couple therapists

John V. Caffaro
Distinguished Professor, Los Angeles, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 1989, The Fielding Institute
Research interests: Child maltreatment; sibling relationships; post-traumatic stress disorder; group psychotherapy

Merle Canfield
Professor, Fresno, Clinical PhD Program
PhD, Social Psychology, 1985, University of Kansas
Research Interests: Human systems, including individuals, personal contracts, events, groups, roles, communities, and settings; program evaluation; psychotherapy research; psychometrics; multivariate statistics; psychology taxonomy

Megan Carlos
Associate Professor, San Francisco, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Child Clinical Psychology, 2005, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
Research interests: Psychology of disability, child and adolescent psychology, attachment theory

Tai Chang
Associate Professor, San Francisco, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Clinical/Community Psychology, 1999, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign
Research interests: Acculturation and identity development processes as well as their relations to adjustment and help-seeking; the interface of counseling and the Internet, including online mutual help and self-help; Asian-American mental health

Eddie Yu-Wai Chiu
Professor, San Francisco, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 1996, California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles
Research interests: Ethnic minority stress and coping; immigrant and refugee mental health; culturally relevant assessment and intervention; problem gambling and other behavioral addictions; mindfulness; legal and ethics in clinical practice; child and family issues

Marion Chiurazzi
Associate Professor, Sacramento, Clinical PsyD Program
PsyD, Clinical Psychology, 1998, California School of Professional Psychology, Alliant International Univrsity
Research interests: Correctional psychology, correctional mental health treatment, psychopathy, suicide in correctional settings

Kristin Conover
Associate Professor, Los Angeles, Clinical PhD Program
PhD, Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology, 2015, University of California, Santa Barbara
Research interests: LGBTQ+ and physical disability populations; minority stress and health disparities; feminist and multicultural therapies

Iman Dadras
Assistant Professor, Los Angeles, MFT Program
PhD, Family Social Science, Couple and Family Therapy, 2016, University of Minnesota
Research Interests: Acculturative stress and immigrant families, self of the therapist, brain-based psychotherapy, justice-oriented psychotherapy, multicultural family therapy, a third order cybernetics and system change

Constance J. Dalenberg
Distinguished Professor, San Diego, Clinical PhD Program
PhD, Psychology, 1983, University of Denver
Research interests: Countertransference; memory for trauma child abuse; trauma-related disorders, dissociation; recovered or repressed memory; ethics and standards in psychology; empirical foundations of psychoanalytic concepts; trauma related to racism and discrimination; treatment of trauma-related disorders

Manijeh Daneshpour
Distinguished Professor, Irvine, MFT Program, and Systemwide Program Director, MFT Program
PhD, Marriage and Family Therapy, 1996, University of Minnesota
Research interests: Multicultural couple and family therapy, gender relations, social justice, and third wave feminism

Sean D. Davis
Distinguished Professor, Sacramento, MFT Program
PhD, Marriage and Family Therapy, 2005, Virginia Tech
Research interests: Common factors of Couple and Family Therapy; international MFT education; process and outcome research; observational research; bridging the scientist/practitioner gap in MFT

Ron E. F. Durán
Associate Professor, Los Angeles, Clinical PhD Program; Fellow, Rockway Institute
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 1994, University of California, Los Angeles
Research interests: Group-based interventions for persons living with chronic and life-threatening medical conditions; collaboration with community-based agencies to improve health-related service delivery; the measurement of social and academic adjustment of non-traditional undergraduate and graduate students

Nurcan Ensari
Professor, Los Angeles, Organizational Psychology Program
PhD, Social Psychology, 1999, University of Southern California
Research interests: Intergroup relations and prejudice, personalization and intergroup contact, leadership, multiculturalism and diversity management, and cross-cultural psychology

Sandra Espinoza
Assistant Professor and Branch Director, Los Angeles, MFT Program
PsyD, Marriage and Family Therapy, 2015; California School of Professional Psychology, Alliant International University
Research Interests: Latino individuals, couples and families, impact of immigration and deportation on mental health, qualitative methods, bilingual therapy, Emotionally focused therapy and attachment styles

Jan Estrellado
Assistant Professor, San Diego, Clinical Psychology Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2015, California School of Professional Psychology, San Diego
Research interests: Multicultural psychology; trauma psychology; race and ethnicity in trauma therapy; sexual orientation and gender identity; countertransference, supervision, and training

Cheryl Fisher
Assistant Professor and Director, Online, MA Clinical Counseling Program
PhD, Counselor Education and Supervision and Pastoral Counseling, 2013, Loyola University Maryland
Research Interests: the role of spirituality in overall well- being, and the therapeutic benefits of engaging in nature

Michi Fu
Professor, Los Angeles, Clinical PhD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2002, California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles
Research interests: Cross-cultural (Asian-American) mental health issues; sexual abuse and trauma of women and children; nonverbal therapies and female mental health issues; advocacy of diverse populations and mental health needs; sexually risky behaviors and prevention; personal adjustment

Katarzyna Z. Fuiks
Assistant Professor and Program Director, San Diego and Online, Organizational Psychology Program
PhD, Industrial-Organizational Psychology, 2008, Northcentral University
Research Interest: Leadership; organizational culture; organizational change and development; creativity and innovation in organization, multiculturalism, cross-cultural psychology

James Garbanati
Professor, Los Angeles, Clinical PhD Program
PhD, Developmental Psychobiology, 1980, University of Connecticut
Research interests: Interactions between health behavior and chronic disease conditions especially those influenced by cultural beliefs; interaction of psychological and biological factors on the response to or the experience of stress; political beliefs including international perspectives and health system attitudes; program evaluation of health and mental health agencies

Samuel Gerson
Professor, San Francisco, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 1978, University of Texas, Austin
Research interests: Intersubjectivity; gender and sexuality; interaction of affect and clinical judgment; the process of therapeutic interactions; schools of psychodynamic psychotherapy

Richard N. Gevirtz
Distinguished Professor, San Diego, Clinical PhD Program
PhD, Psychology, 1971, DePaul University
Research interests: Scientific study of mind/body medicine modalities; physiological patterning in stress-related disorders; clinical protocols for biofeedback training; mediators of autonomic control; anxiety disorders; heart rate variability (HRV) measurement and biofeedback

George Gharibian
Associate Professor, Los Angeles, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Counseling Psychology, 2014, University of Memphis
Research Interests: Counselors cognitive biases; Acculturation and multicultural issues in children, adults, and families; Generalized self-efficacy, stress and trauma

Shadi Gholizadeh
Assistant Professor, Los Angeles, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2018, San Diego State University/University of California, San Diego

Tatiana Glebova
Professor and Branch Director, Sacramento, MFT Program
PhD, Marital and Family Therapy, 2002, Fuller Theological Seminary
Research interests: Family therapy process and outcome research; observational research; contextual therapy; families with adolescents; adolescent risky behaviors including substance abuse; cultural issues

Peggy Grant
Assistant Professor, Fresno, Organizational Psychology Program
PhD, Human and Organizational Systems, 2010, Fielding Graduate University
Research Interests: Ethics, religion in society, feminism, complexity and organizations, technology and organizations

Julii Green
Associate Professor, San Diego, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2012, University of North Dakota
Research interests: Intimate partner violence and ethnically diverse family relationships; trauma and attachment; multicultural and community psychology; recruitment and retention of ethnically diverse graduate students; Native American/Alaska Native/& Indigenous mental health and wellness; ethnicity and underage substance use; child welfare system involvement, trauma and resilience; feminism and women’s issues (e.g. reproductive justice); cultural competency in mental health services; community-based participatory action research; mixed methods research

Robert Harris
Professor, Fresno, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 1986, University of Kansas
Research interests: Psychological assessment; ADHD; self-handicapping and the interface of clinical and social psychology

Noah Hass-Cohen
Professor, Los Angeles, MFT Program
PsyD, Clinical Psychology, 2008, Phillips Graduate Institute
Research Interests: Child and Adolescent treatment, art psychotherapy; attachment theory and clinical applications, interpersonal neurobiology, trauma, neuropsychological and psychoeducational assessment, dimensions in diversity teaching methodologies, and online learning

David Hoskins
Assistant Professor, San Francisco, Clinical PsyD Program
PsyD, Clinical Psychology, 2012, California School of Professional Psychology, Aliiant International University
Research interests: Behavioral health needs of Latinx Community; pediatric psychology; juvenile justice; traditional healing of Laitnx community; trauma informed assessment and treatment; assessment and treatment of substance use and misuse

Alexander Lin Hsieh
Associate Professor and Branch Director, Online MFT Program
PhD, Marriage and Family Therapy, 2013, Brigham Young University
Research interests: Cultural competency, minority issues, Asian-American families and couples in therapy, observational research, and adolescent internalized issues including shame, depression, and self-esteem

Fabiola Jean-Felix
Assistant Professor, Los Angeles, Clinical PsyD Program
PsyD, Clinical Psychology, 2018, William James College

Shari Jacob
Assistant Professor, Online, MA Clinical Counseling Program
PhD, Counselor Education and Supervision, 2018, Argosy University, Sarasota Florida
Research Interests: The lived experiences of infant attachment of mothers who have survived childhood sexual abuse

Valata Jenkins-Monroe
Professor and Program Director, San Francisco, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 1978, California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley
Research interests: Cognitive styles and problem-solving abilities of Third World children; development of children of substance abusive mothers; child sexual abuse treatment; African American women and substance abuse; intergenerational study of black teen parenting; race and racism; special needs children; forensic psychology

Eunie Jung
Associate Professor and Program Director, Sacramento PsyD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2007, University of California, Los Angeles
Research interests: Psychodynamic psychotherapy, functional neurological disorders, trauma and anxiety disorders, diversity issues, integrated care, supervision and training, therapy process

Debra Kawahara
Distinguished Professor, San Diego, Clinical PsyD Program, and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, CSPP
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 1994, California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles
Research interests: Multicultural psychology and cultural competency in clinical practice; Asian/Asian American mental health; family systems theory and therapy; feminism and women’s issues; qualitative research methodology

Mojgan Khademi
Professor and Program Director, San Diego, Clinical PsyD Program
PsyD, Psychology, 1992, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Research interests: Psychodynamic theory, attachment and personality; obesity and weight loss; prevention of eating disorders; suicide and bereavement; multicultural issues applied in clinical settings; feminism

Angela B. Kim
Associate Professor, San Diego, MFT Program
PhD, Counseling Psychology, 2010, Teachers College, Columbia University
Research interests: Asian American mental health and coping behaviors; immigrant and refugee youth and families’ cultural adjustment; acculturation and enculturation issues; differences between parent and child; career development of racial and ethnic minority youth; culturally appropriate interventions 

Amber J. Landers
Assistant Professor, San Francisco, Clinical Psychology Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2013, Purdue University
Research Interests: Access to care for children and families, ethnic minority, and underserved populations; implicit bias; behavioral health integration

Ya-Shu Liang
Associate Professor and Program Director, Fresno, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Counseling Psychology, 2006, University of Oklahoma
Research and clinical interests: Diversity; multicultural care; weight, eating and body image issues; Asian and Asian-American psychology.

Alan J. Lincoln
Distinguished Professor, San Diego, Clinical PhD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 1980, California School of Professional Psychology, San Diego; MSCP, Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2004, California School of Professional Psychology
Research interests: Early childhood psychopathology; biological and neuropsychological basis of autism and neurodevelopmental disorders; neurodevelopmental effects of child abuse; attention deficit/hyperactivity and severe language disorders; assessment of children; differential diagnosis and treatment of childhood psychopathology

Lisa Liu
Associate Professor, Los Angeles, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2010; University of California, Los Angeles
Research Interests: Diversity and multicultural issues; mental health of immigrant and ethnic minority youth and families; impact of family and sociocultural context on psychopathology; evidence-based treatments with diverse populations; Asian American mental health

Michael Loewy
Associate Professor, San Francisco, Clinical PhD Program; Fellow, Rockway Institute
PhD, Counseling Psychology, 1994, University of California, Santa Barbara
Research interests: Social justice in psychology and psychotherapy; multicultural competence; Health at Every Size; LGBTQIA issues; impact of social privilege and oppression, especially as regards to body size, physical appearance, sexual orientation, race, gender, gender expression, religion, age, and social class

Patricia Denise Lopez
Professor, Los Angeles, Organizational Psychology Program
PhD, Organizational Psychology, 1996, Columbia University
Research interests: Managerial and team effectiveness, motivation and employee engagement, organizational change, gender and cross-cultural management, organizational issues related to globalization

Jessie Lowell
Associate Professor, Los Angeles, Clinical PsyD Program
PsyD, Clinical Psychology, 2007, Loma Linda University
Research interests: Early childhood mental health; trauma, grief, and loss in the early childhood population; behavioral, emotional, and developmental outcomes of early trauma, neglect, and loss; assessment and treatment of high-risk infants and children; effects of prenatal and early environment exposure to alcohol and substances; parent, sibling, and caregiver functioning in families with children with chronic illnesses, developmental disabilities, and/or other behavioral/emotional difficulties.

Cristina Magalhaes
Professor, Los Angeles, Clinical PsyD Program; Fellow, Rockway Institute
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2005, Nova Southeastern University
Research interests: Human diversity; immigration and acculturation; LGBTQ psychology; resilience and coping; child psychology; expressive therapies; abuse/trauma

Gerald Y. Michaels
Associate Professor, San Francisco, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology and Developmental Psychology, 1981, University of Michigan
Research interests: Developmental psychopathology; transition to parenthood; parents’ and children’s social perceptions in the family; parent skills training; children of divorce; school-based mental health

Eduardo Morales
Distinguished Professor, San Francisco, Clinical PhD Program; Fellow, Rockway Institute
PhD, Counseling Psychology, 1976, Texas Tech University
Research interests: HIV; substance abuse; intervention for adolescents; community prevention; ethnic and sexual minorities; drug-exposed infants and parents; juvenile delinquency; workforce development and pipeline; Latino health and higher education

Rajeswari Natrajan-Tyagi
Professor and Branch Director, Irvine, MFT Program
PhD, Child Development and Family Studies, 2004, Purdue University
Research interests: Immigration; cross-cultural research; cultural immersion programs; self-of-therapist training and supervision; qualitative research; systemic training and evaluation

Alba Nino
Associate Professor, San Diego, MFT Program
PhD, Couple and Family Therapy, 2013, Drexel University
Research interests: Person of the therapist training and supervision; immigrant therapists; immigrant families; attachment based therapies; attachment focused therapies

Randy Noblitt
Professor, Los Angeles, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 1978, University of North Texas
Research interests: Cult and ritual abuse; child abuse; trauma and dissociation; dissociation of identity; disability determination; critical theory

Erin O’Callaghan
Associate Professor and Program Director, Los Angeles, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2007, University of Miami
Research interests: Pediatric health psychology; pediatric psychoneuroimmunology; psychological and neuropsychological functioning in children and adolescents with chronic health conditions

Rhoda Olkin
Distinguished Professor, San Francisco, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Counseling Psychology, 1981, University of California, Santa Barbara
Research interests: Distributive justice; Disability-Affirmative Therapy; models of disability; parents with disabilities; diversity training; case formulation, psychopathology, diagnosis, DSM & ICD; family therapy; cognitive behavior therapy and DBT

Hadas Pade
Assistant Professor, San Francisco, Clinical PsyD Program
PsyD, Clinical Psychology, 2004, California School of Professional Psychology, Alameda
Research Interests: Psychological testing and assessment, juvenile delinquency, early childhood mental health, parenting/parent-child interactions, teaching and training

David Paul
Assistant Professor, Fresno, Systemwide Program Director, MA Clinical Counseling Program
PhD, Counselor Education and Supervision and Marriage and Family Therapy, 2014, Barry University
Research interests: Counselor supervision, narrative analysis, vocational psychology, study abroad outcomes, and involuntary job loss

Veronica Perez
Associate Professor, San Diego, Clinical PhD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2008, University of Oregon
Research interests: Neural correlates of psychosis and schizophrenia, biomarkers of psychopathology, pathophysiology of cognition, EEG abnormalities in patients at clinical high-risk for psychosis, neurophysiological response to cognitive interventions

Matthew Porter

Associate Professor, San Diego, Clinical PsyD Program; Fellow, Rockway Institute
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2005, New School for Social Research
Research interests: Adjustment and development in response to existentially threatening life events; the role of self-regulation, social support and individualism-collectivism on same; non-individualistic conceptualizations of lifespan developmental outcomes; religion and spirituality in physical, mental and social health; quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods

Susan J. Regas
Distinguished Professor, Los Angeles, Clinical PhD Program
PhD, Marriage and Family Therapy, 1983, Purdue University
Research interests: Ronald McDonald House Family/Child and Couple clinical psychology internship; treatment of sex, intimacy and relationship problems; differentiation-based couple therapy; differentiation and sexual satisfaction assessment; couple therapy effectiveness; person of the therapist

Emil R. Rodolfa
Distinguished Professor, Sacramento, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Counseling Psychology, 1981, Texas A&M University
Research interests: The definition and assessment of competencies; the art and science of supervision; professional training; college student mental health; boundary issues and other legal and ethical issues in the practice of psychology

Irwin S. Rosenfarb
Professor, San Diego, Clinical PhD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 1986, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Research interests: Schizophrenia; mood disorders; the role of cultural factors in the course and treatment of severe psychopathology

Nicole Sabatini-Gutierrez
Assistant Professor, Irvine, MFT Program
PsyD, 2018; California School of Professional Psychology, Alliant International University
Research interests: Vicarious traumatization and post-traumatic growth of therapists; self-of-the-therapist development; sexual trauma; sexual identity development; addiction and the family; and addressing multiculturalism and client centered advocacy in education and clinical supervision

Sarah Samman, PhD
Assistant Professor, San Diego, MFT Program
PhD, Marital and Family Therapy, 2016, Loma Linda University
Research interests: Multiculturalism, gender, and power in couple and family relationships, integrating MFTs in health care settings; student clinical and research preparedness; qualitative research

Gita Seshadri
Associate Professor, Sacramento, MFT Program
PhD, Marital and Family Therapy, 2010, Loma Linda University
Research interests: Experiences of interracial couples and families, culture, process based research, qualitative research, parent-child relationships, factors influencing attachment in relationships, the impact of family of origin on self, couple, and family, how addiction impacts the family, and bullying/trauma

Tara Shuman
Assistant Professor, San Diego, PsyD Clinical Psychology Program
PsyD Clinical Psychology, 2000, Pepperdine University
Research Interests: Evidence based treatments for children, trauma informed treatment for children, countertransference, vicarious traumatization, clinical training and supervision

Jennifer Staples
Assistant Professor, San Diego, Clinical Psychology Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2017, University of Washington, Seattle
Research interests: Minority stress; trauma and posttraumatic growth; multicultural psychology; gender identity and sexual orientation; sexual health; DBT

Ronald Stolberg
Professor, San Diego, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2001, Pacific Graduate School of Psychology
Research interests: Personality assessment instruments with an emphasis on the MMPI-2/MMPI-A; assessment instruments use among practicing clinicians; standard of care practices; suicide; clinical work with adolescents

Anna Thomat
Assistant Professor, Los Angeles, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2015, University of California, Santa Barbara
Research interests: Identity and globalization; cultural diversity; body-mind integration; Gestalt; psychoanalytic and psychodynamic therapy

Steven R. Thorp
Professor, San Diego, Clinical PsyD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2001, University of Nevada, Reno
Research Interests: Psychological trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in adults, particularly in veteran populations and older adult populations. Psychotherapy outcome trials, including technologies for augmenting psychotherapy

Quyen Tiet
Professor, San Francisco, Clinical PhD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 1996, University of Colorado, Boulder
Research interests: Stress/trauma, coping and resilience; depression and suicide, PTSD, substance use, and dual diagnosis; treatment factors and patient outcomes; technology and integrative healthcare

Jonathan Troper
Assistant Professor, Los Angeles, Organizational Psychology Program
PhD, Psychological Studies in Education, 1997, University of California, Los Angeles
Research interests: Organizational change, organizational communication, management consulting, program evaluation, training new consultants and students as consultants, employee surveys, leadership assessment and development, training and development, performance assessments, group leadership and learning

Monica D. Ulibarri
Professor, San Diego, Clinical PhD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2005, Arizona State University
Research interests: HIV prevention with marginalized populations such as female sex workers, injection drug users, drug-involved couples, and commercially sexually exploited youth along the Mexico-U.S. border, with an emphasis on how gender-based violence, mental health, and substance use intersect with HIV risk behaviors

Lynne Valek
Associate Professor and Program Director, Fresno, Organizational Psychology Program
PhD, Human and Organizational Systems, 1999, The Fielding Graduate Institute
Research interests: Collaboration, organizational change, dialogue, conscious capitalism, sustainability, organizational culture

Donald J. Viglione, Jr.
Distinguished Professor, San Diego, Clinical PhD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 1981, Long Island University
Research interests: Rorschach and personality assessment; assessment of malingering and response manipulation; child psychopathology; trauma, dangerousness, and sexual offenses

Linna Wang
Professor, San Diego, MFT Program
PhD, Marriage and Family Therapy, 1996, Brigham Young University
Research interests: Cross-cultural issues; mental health service delivery issues; MFT training in the multicultural context; survey research; impact of family factors on children; Native American studies

Lisa Ware
Associate Professor, Sacramento, Clinical PsyD Program; Director of Professional Training, Sacramento
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 2006, West Virginia University
Research interests: Child behavior disorders, malingering, social phobia and children with autism and developmental disabilities

Scott R. Woolley
Distinguished Professor and Branch Director, San Diego, MFT Program
PhD, Marriage and Family Therapy, 1995, Texas Tech University
Research interests: Emotionally Focused Therapy; couples therapy; courtship, couples, marriage, therapy process, and outcome research; observational research; cultural issues in couple and family relationships; MFT supervision processes; MFT therapy training; chemical dependency

Randall Wyatt
Associate Professor, San Francisco, Clinical PsyD Program; Director of Professional Training, San Francisco
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 1989, California School of Professional Psychology, Alameda
Research interests: Creative arts and psychology; trauma and recovery; the interface of technology and psychology; child, family and society; spirituality and psychological well-being; cultural anthro-psychological approaches to diversity; clinical outcomes and the therapy relationship

Diane Zelman
Professor, San Francisco, Clinical PhD Program
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 1989, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Research interests: Health psychology; culture and health; chronic pain; sleep; disability; on-line pedagogy; neuropsychology; addictions; psychopharmacology

Affiliated Faculty

Tracy L. Heller
Associate Professor, Los Angeles, Clinical PhD Program; Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
PhD, Clinical Psychology, 1994, University of California, Los Angeles
Research interests: Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; behavioral, social, and cognitive components of ADHD; multimodal treatments of ADHD

Postdoctoral Master of Science in Clinical Psychopharmacology

Judith L. Steinman
Program Director
PhD, Psychobiology, 1982, Institute of Animal Behavior - Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology - Japan

Nahoko Nishizawa

Associate Professor and Program Director
PsyD, Clinical Psychology, 2004, California School of Professional Psychology, San Francisco

San Francisco Law School

San Diego Faculty

Michael Egenthal, JD
BA. University of Maryland, 2001; JD University of California, San Diego, 2008. Law Offices of Michael Egenthal. Ink Forms Rivers, Inc, Founder, law tutoring company; University of California, San Diego, instructor in Contracts and Business Law.
Courses: Academic Support, Legal Writing

Pamela Kleinkauf, JD
BA. San Diego State University, MA International Relations, University of San Diego, JD National University 1992. Law Offices of Pamela Kleinkauf, specializing in Business, Civil Litigation, Real Estate, and Bankruptcy; University of California, San Diego, adjunct paralegal professor in Bankruptcy, Business and Civil Law; San Diego State University, Professor, paralegal courses in Business Law, Corporations and Real Estate litigation; Palomar College, professor, Paralegal and Political Science courses, served on Paralegal Program Advisory Board.
Course: Civil Procedure

Gary LaFleur, JD
BA University of Minnesota, 1973; JD William Mitchell College of Law, 1979. Law Office of Gary LaFleur; Federal Bar Association, past president; FAB Board of Directors and Advisory Committee, present member, standing committee on discipline; US District Court, current; University of San Diego School of Law, former adjunct professor; Kaplan College, instructor Criminal Justice Program - Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Ethics, Criminology, Composition.
Course: Constitutional Law

Alex Landon, JD
JD from University of San Diego School of Law; BA California State University, Northridge. Certified legal specialist in Criminal Law. Former executive director of the Defenders Program of San Diego, the chair of the Commission of Legal Services to the Indigent Accused (State Bar). Prof Landon has taught Corrections and Sentencing at the University of San Diego School of Law.
Course: Criminal Law

Scott Pearce, JD
BA Pacific University, 1980; Oxford Institute of International & Comparative Law, 1982; JD University of Southern California, 1984. Law Offices of Scott Pearce, 1984-present, Civil Litigation, Business, Criminal and Entertainment Law; Catherine College of Business, Bar Exam review lecturer; University of West Los Angeles and University of San Diego, former adjunct professor, Legal Research & Writing Litigation; National University, former adjunct professor/online course design consultant, Paralegal Studies; Kaplan University School of Legal Studies, adjunct professor, 2008-present.
Course: Torts

San Francisco Faculty

Duke Amaniampong
B.S., Bentley College, 1981, MBA in Computer Information Systems, 1998, J.D., Santa Clara University School of Law, 1995. Mr. Amaniampong specializes in intellectual property and technology licensing matters.
Courses: International Business Law, Contracts, Contracts Writing, Torts

Marvin Applebaum
A.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1970, with Honors. J.D., University of San Francisco School of Law, 1988, Magna Cum Laude. Admitted to practice before the California state and Federal Courts, 1988. Student Extern with California Supreme Court, Justice Mosk, 1988. Worked as independent researcher and writer serving Bay Area attorneys 1990-present. Adjunct Faculty, Empire College of Law 1997. Faculty of San Francisco Law School since 1996.
Courses: Real Property/Remedies

Louise J. Belle
B. S. California State University, Sacramento; M.B.A. California State University Sacramento; J.D., Hastings College of Law, Trial Court Research Attorney, Private Practice, Adjunct Professor Empire College School of Law, GGU, JFK University, California State University, Hayward, Lincoln Law School, San Jose
Course: Torts

Hon. Carol Brown
B.A., University of Southern California, 1968. J.D., University of Southern California, 1984. Admitted to practice before the California and Federal Courts, 1985. Currently an administrative law judge with the California Public Utilities Commission.
Course: Remedies

Geoffrey Brown
B.A. University of California, Berkeley, 1966; J.D, San Francisco Law School. Professor Brown was admitted to the California Bar in 1971.  That same year, entered the San Francisco Public Defender’s Office, and in 1978 was elected the Public Defender of San Francisco an office he held for five terms.  In 2001 he was appointed as Commissioner of the California Public Utilities Commission.  He served as Dean of the John F. Kennedy University, School of law for several years.
Courses: Constitutional Law, Criminal Procedure and Evidence

George Butterworth
UC Hastings, JD; Member Hasting Law Journal, Associate Research Editor, Hastings Law Journal, Associate Attorney 2010-Present, Law Offices of Lynn Searle, 1976-2010, Office of the San Francisco District Attorney:  Criminal Prosecutions; 1974-1976, Research Assistant and Editor, Matthew-Bender Publishing; Taught at the following Schools:  Hastings College of Law, University of San Francisco, San Francisco Law School, Lecturer for California District Attorneys Association.
Course: Trial Practice

Janet Frankel
B.A., University of California, Los Angeles, 1986. J.D., Hastings College of Law, 1992. Admitted to practice in the State of California, 1992.
Course: Community Property

Paul Lufkin
Paul Lufkin has been an attorney on the staff of the Supreme Court of California (in San Francisco) since 1994.  Mr. Lufkin also teaches Constitutional Law and Immigration Law at the John F. Kennedy University School of Law, in Pleasant Hill, California.  Previously, Mr. Lufkin taught Immigration Law at McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento, California.  Prior to entering public service, Mr. Lufkin was for six years an associate in the law offices of Morrison & Foerster (San Francisco), where he specialized in securities litigation.  During that period, he served for two years in Tokyo, Japan, as a legal advisor to the Mori Sogo Law Offices (Otemachi District).  Mr. Lufkin is a graduate of the University of California at Santa Barbra (B.A., 1976), Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California Berkeley (Harvard Exchange 1988 - 89), and was admitted to the California Bar in 1989.  Mr. Lufkin’s publications include California’s Anti-SLAPP Statute As Tools for Protecting The Rights of Freedom of Speech and Petition: An Evolving Process (John F. Kennedy University Law Review 2007, with J. Partridge), Deconstructing Davis v. United States: Intention and Meaning in Ambiguous Requests For Counsel (Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 2005, with D. Kaiser), and Sisterhood is Global: The Emerging Use of International Human Rights Law (New College of California Law Review 2003)
Course: Constitutional Law

Geraldine McGrath
B.A., San Francisco State University, 1972. J.D., San Francisco Law School, 1982. Admitted to practice in California, 1982.
Courses: Advanced Legal Writing, Legal Writing

Christopher Reggie
J.D, The Harvard University; B.A., University of California, Berkeley; Fluent in Spanish; 2003-Present Founder The Reggie Law Firm; 1999-2002, Wild Brain, Inc., Vice President of Business Affairs and General counsel; Unc. Productions, Principal.
Courses: Corporations, Contract Drafting, E-Discovery

Laura Rosenthal
J.D., University of Denver College of Law; B.A. University of Denver; 2013-Present Laura C. Rosenthal, Attorney at Law; 2012-Present, Contract Legal Services, 2008-Present, Assistant Legal Department Head, Empire College School of Business.
Courses: E-Discovery, Law & Motion, Law Practice Management.

Roy Scheingart
B.S., California State University, Hayward, 1974.  J.D., San Francisco Law School, 1979. Currently a prosecutor for the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office. Professor Scheingart has served in the Career Criminal Division prosecuting recidivist criminals, and was responsible for all felony sentencing and prison certifications for the County of Alameda. Faculty of San Francisco Law School since 1995.
Course: Trial Practice

Undergraduate Faculty

Daniel M. Blumberg
Associate Professor, San Diego, Department of Undergraduate Psychology
PhD, Psychology, 1987, Clark University
Research interests: Police-Community Relations; Police Integrity and Moral Injury; Emotional Intelligence; Peer Mediation and Anti-Bullying Programs

Dawn Griffin
Associate Professor and Program Director, San Diego, Department of Undergraduate Psychology
PhD, Forensic Psychology, 2005, Alliant International University, Center for Forensic Studies, Fresno
Research interests: trauma informed systems of care; neurological development as a result of complex trauma; traumatology; developmental psychopathology with emphasis on attachment; presexualization

Cassondra Lochard
Assistant Professor and Program Director, San Diego, Undergraduate General Education
PhD, Mathematics and Science Education, 2009, University of California, San Diego/ San Diego State University
Research interests: mathematics and teacher education, e-mathematics course approaches

René M. Naert
Professor, San Diego
PhD, Administration, 1996, Walden University
Research interests: Sustainable networks as organic systems, and their impact on technology and organizational performance; building effective organizational networks: technological and knowledge based organic business nerve centers; factors influencing the strategic direction of business schools confronted with the disruptive innovations in the area of educational technology

Saba Ozyurt
Associate Professor and Program Director, Undergraduate Business and Management Programs, San Diego
PhD, Political Science and Government, 2009, University of California, Irvine
Research interests: Comparative politics, international relations, immigration, ethnic and gender relations in Western Europe and the United States

Hamid Rahman
Professor, San Diego
PhD, Finance, 1987, Syracuse University
Research interests: An examination of U.S. institutional and individual investor sentiment effect on the Turkish stock market; idiosyncratic risk and earnings noncommonality; aborted stock repurchases and earnings quality

Adjunct Faculty

Judy Law
Adjunct Faculty, San Diego, General Education
Ed.D, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Alliant International University
Research interests: teaching English to non-native English speakers, cross-cultural communication, enhancing communication competence

University Emeritus Faculty

I.M. Abou-Ghorra
CSPP Fresno

Sue Ammen
CSPP Fresno

Richard Baker
CSPP San Diego

David Bainbridge
San Diego

Linda Beckman
CSPP Los Angeles

Mary Ellen Butler-Pascoe
CSOE San Diego

John D. Cone
CSPP San Diego

James V. DeLeo
CSPP San Diego

Anwar Dil
San Diego

Dalia Ducker
CSPP San Francisco

Donald Eulert
CSPP San Diego

Bernardo M. Ferdman
CSPP San Diego

Lucy Rau Ferguson
CSPP San Francisco

Sharon L. Foster
CSPP San Diego

Thomas S. Gale

Kelin Gersick
CSPP Los Angeles

Robert-Jay Green
CSPP San Francisco

Bill R. Hampton
CSOE San Diego

Ann Hozier
Los Angeles

Davis Ja
CSPP San Francisco

Young Hum Kim
San Diego

Richard R. Kopp
CSPP Los Angeles

Arthur L. Kovacs
CSPP Los Angeles

Meenakshi S. Krishnamoorthy
San Diego

Ann Lawson
San Diego

Gary W. Lawson
San Diego

Paul C. Lebby
CSPP Fresno

Rodney L. Lowman
CSPP San Diego

Thomas F. McGee
San Diego

Julian Meltzoff
CSPP San Diego

Terry G. Newell

Nicholas Noviello
CSPP Los Angeles

Kevin O’Connor
CSPP Fresno

Suni Petersen
CSPP Sacramento

Mary Philips
San Diego

John D. Preston
CSPP Sacramento

Adele S. Rabin
CSPP San Diego

Neil G. Ribner
CSPP San Diego

Kenneth E. Richardson
San Diego

Mark Sherman
CSPP San Diego

Donald E. Smith
San Diego

Lawrence Solomon
CSPP San Diego

Richard C. Sorenson
San Diego

Patrick A. Sullivan
San Diego

Alan Swope
CSPP San Francisco

Dan Taube
CSPP San Francisco

Walter Teutsch
San Diego

Jeffrey Tirengel
CSPP Los Angeles

Christopher Tori
CSPP San Francisco

Reiko True
CSPP Tokyo

Steven R. Tulkin
CSPP San Francisco

Rebecca Turner
CSPP San Francisco

Jack Tygett
San Diego

Lelia Veaco

John R. Walker
San Diego

Sidney Warren
San Diego

Dennis Weis
San Diego

Paul D. Werner
CSPP San Francisco

Al Zolynas
San Diego