2022-2023 Catalog 
    Jul 26, 2024  
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Catalog Addendum

Revisions to the Alliant International University Catalog

The updates listed in this addendum apply to the 2022-2023 catalog. This catalog addendum contains new and updated information, as well as corrections of errors in the original catalog.

April 18, 2022

Other Updates

Academic Policies : added CSFS Doctoral and Master’s programs to the list of programs in which students need to retake course if receiving below a B- in the Minimum Level of Achievement subsection of the Grading Policy section.

April 20, 2022

Other Updates

Student Rights and Responsibilities : updated preferred name policy to align with current policy in Name Changes section.

April 28, 2022

Program Updates

Doctor of Psychology in Marital and Family Therapy (114-unit) : updated Modality(ies) from “On-ground, online” to “On-ground”.

May 31, 2022

Course updates

FOR80010 , FOR80020 , FOR80030 , FOR80040 , FOR80050 , FOR80060 , FOR80070 , FOR80080 , FOR80090 , FOR80100 , FOR80110 , FOR80130 , FOR80140 FOR99010 , FOR99020 , FOR99030  and FOR99040 : added course description.

June 8, 2022

Program Updates

Master of Arts in Clinical Counseling : updated Internship, Practicum, and/or Dissertation Information section.

June 15, 2022

Other Updates

Admissions and Registration : added in Program Specific Admissions Requirements for Doctor of Psychology in Marital and Family Therapy (69-unit); updated Program Specific Admissions Requirements for Master of Social Work; updated essay page requirements for all CSML Master and Doctoral programs under Program Specific Admissions Requirements.

June 28, 2022

Other Updates

Academic Policies : updated contact information for Vice President for Student Affairs under Student Evaluation and Review Committee.

Institutional Overview : updated contact information for Vice President for Student Affairs and Senior Director, Systemwide Human Resources under Governance and Management.

Student Rights and Responsibilities : updated contact information for Vice President for Student Affairs and Senior Director, Systemwide Human Resources under Non-Discrimination section and Problem Solving and Dispute Resolution Guidelines section; updated contact information for Vice President for Student Affairs under Animals on Campus section.

July 21, 2022

Program Updates

Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Management : updated Higher Education Administration track to Higher Education Leadership, updated K-12 Public School and Charter School Leadership track to K-12 Leadership, and removed Social Justice track under Emphasis/Concentration/Track Requirements section and 8-Week Calendar (for students entering with a Master’s degree) subsection of the Curriculum Plan.

Master of Arts in Education- School Counseling with Pupil Personnel Services Credential Master of Arts in Education- School Psychology with Pupil Personnel Services Credential Pupil Personnel Services Credential: School Counseling  and Pupil Personnel Services Credential: School Psychology : deactivated Training Model section.

July 22, 2022

Program Updates

Master of Arts in Education- School Counseling with Pupil Personnel Services Credential : updated internship hours requirements in Internship, Practicum, and/or Dissertation Information section.

Other Updates

Admissions and Registration : updated admissions requirements for PPS Credential in School Counseling, Master of Arts in Education in School Counseling with PPS Credential, Education Specialist in School Counseling with PPS Credential, PPS Credential in School Psychology, Master of Arts in Education in School Psychology with PPS Credential, and Education Specialist in School Psychology with PPS Credential under California School of Education Admissions Requirements section.

July 27, 2022

Course Updates

PPS61160 PPS61170 , PSY95410 PSY95420  and PSY95430 : added as new course.

Program Updates

Doctoral Respecialization Certificate in Clinical Psychology : replaced PSY96270 and PSY96280 with PSY95410 PSY95420  and PSY95430  under Curriculum Plan section.

Master of Arts in Education- School Counseling with Pupil Personnel Services Credential  and Pupil Personnel Services Credential: School Counseling : replaced PPS60160 with PPS61160  under Curriculum Plan section.

Master of Arts in Education- School Psychology with Pupil Personnel Services Credential  and Pupil Personnel Services Credential: School Psychology : replaced PPS60160 with PPS61170  under Curriculum Plan section.

July 28, 2022

Course Updates

ELM88110 ELM88580  and ELM88790 : added as new course.

Program Updates

Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Management : replaced ELM88560 with ELM88580 , ELM88780 with ELM88790 , and ELM88100 with ELM88110  under Emphasis/Concentration/Track Requirements section and 8-Week Calendar (for students entering with a Master’s degree) subsection of the Curriculum Plan.

Other Updates

Academic Policies : updated Exceptions to Academic Policies section.

July 29, 2022

Course Updates

FOR99950A FOR99950B FOR99950C FOR99950D  and FOR99950E : added as new course.

Program Updates

Doctor of Psychology in Educational Psychology : removed references to School Counseling track under Emphasis/Concentration/Tracks section and Curriculum Plan section.

Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology (San Francisco) : corrected exam requirement listing to include data analysis under Adancement to Candidacy section, and moved Statistics requirement from Advancement to Candidacy to Degree Requirements main section.

August 5, 2022

Course Updates

PPS60500 PPS60510 PPS60520 PPS60530 PPS60600 PPS60610 PPS61200 PPS61210 PPS61220 PPS61240 PPS61250 PPS61260 PPS61270 ,PPS61280 PPS61290 ,  PPS61300 PPS61310 PPS61320 PPS62000 PPS62010 PPS62020 PPS62030 PPS62040 PPS62050 PPS62060 PPS62070 PPS62080 PPS62090 PPS62100 ,  PPS70100 PPS70110 PPS70120 PPS70130 PPS70140 PPS70150 PPS70200 PPS70210 PPS70220  and PPS70230 : added as new course.

Program Updates

Master of Arts in Education- School Counseling with Pupil Personnel Services Credential : removed comprehensive exam, exit interview and exit survey requirements from Degree Requirements section; updated courses in Term 1 through Term 8 in Curriculum Plan section.

Master of Arts in Education- School Psychology with Pupil Personnel Services Credential : removed comprehensive exam, exit interview and exit survey requirements from Degree Requirements section; updated courses in Term 1 through Term 13 in Curriculum Plan section.

Pupil Personnel Services Credential: School Counseling : removed comprehensive exam requirement from Degree Requirements section; updated courses in Term 1 through Term 8 in Curriculum Plan section. 

Pupil Personnel Services Credential: School Psychology : removed comprehensive exam requirement from Degree Requirements section; updated courses in Term 1 through Term 13 in Curriculum Plan section.

August 8, 2022

Program Updates

Education Specialist Degree in School Counseling with an Emphasis on School Based Mental Health with a Pupil Personnel Services Credential : deactivated Training Model section; removed comprehensive exam, exit interview and exit survey requirements from Degree Requirements section; updated courses in Term 1 through Term 13 in Curriculum Plan section. 

Education Specialist in School Psychology (with Pupil Personnel Services Credential and Emphasis in School Based Mental Health) : deactivated Training Model section; removed comprehensive exam, exit interview and exit survey requirements from Degree Requirements section; updated courses in Term 1 through Term 14 in Curriculum Plan section. 

Other Updates

Academic Policies : updated Requirements for CSOE PPS EdS Programs: Non-Terminal Master’s Degree in Non-Terminal Master’s Degree section.

August 10, 2022

Course Updates

PPS61160 PPS61170 PPS61200 PPS61210 PPS61220 PPS61240 PPS61260 PPS61270 PPS61280 PPS61290 PPS61300 PPS61310 PPS61320 PPS62000 PPS62030 PPS62040 PPS62050 PPS62070 PPS62080 PPS62090  and PPS62100 : added course description.

PPS61250 , PPS62010 PPS62020  and PPS62060 : added course description and updated course title.

PPS60090  and PPS60460 : updated course description.

August 12, 2022

Other Updates

Admissions and Registration : updated resume requirement for Master of Science in Information Systems and Technology, Master of Science in Data Analytics and Master of Science in Healthcare Analytics under CSML Admissions Requirements.

August 22, 2022

Other Updates

Admissions and Registration : added in Admission Requirements for Alliant PPS Credential holders seeking to attain an Education Specialist in School Psychology or School Counseling under CSOE Admissions Requirements.

September 1, 2022

Other Updates

Admissions and Registration : updated resume and faculty interview requirements for Doctor of Business Administration and PhD in Leadership under CSML Admissions Requirements.

Admissions and Registration : updated resume requirement for Master of Business Administration under CSML Admissions Requirements.

September 9, 2022

Program Updates

Master of Science in Information Systems and Technology : corrected the program name listing from Master of Science in Information Systems Technology to Master of Science in Information Systems and Technology. 

September 22, 2022

Other Updates

Expenses and Financial Aid : added convenience fee information under Payment Methods.

Spring Supplement

Course Updates 

FOR35310 FOR35320 FOR35330 FOR60102 FOR61905 FOR62005 FOR70050 FOR70150 FOR70160 FOR70180 FOR70190 FOR70240 FOR70250 FOR70260 FOR70270 FOR70280 FOR70290 , FOR70320 , FOR71170 , FOR71270 , FOR72220 FOR72270 FOR72280 , FOR73160 FOR73170 , FOR73220 FOR73230 FOR73240 , FOR74120 FOR74160 FOR74180 , FOR74220 FOR74280 FOR74290 , FOR75340 HMG60010 PSY73410 PSY73420 PSY73430 PSY76054A  and PSY95003E : added as new course. 

BUS69000 , IND60010 , ORG91010 , ORG91020 , PSY63130 , PSY73600  and PSY73690 : updated course description. 

ORG62090 , ORG80120 , ORG91000 , ORG99610  and PSY61230 : updated course description and title.

PSY65140 : updated course description and unit.

HCA60300  and ORG62040 : updated course title. 

COU68990 : updated course unit. 

Program Updates 

Doctor of Business Administration : updated Program Description/Overview section. 

Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology (Fresno) : added PSY85032  to Teaching Courses, removed PSY75800 from Core Therapy Courses, PSY70360 and PSY70370 from Advanced Research Methods Courses, and PSY84650 and ELM78100 from Teaching Courses under Curriculum Plan section; updated Academic Year 3- Additional Courses under Curriculum Plan section; updated total elective units total to 12 under Credit Unit section. 

Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial and Organizational Psychology : added Degree Requirements section; added information about San Diego campus not accepting new application under Program Description/Overview section. 

Doctor of Philosophy in Leadership : updated Program Description/Overview section. 

Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology, Public Policy and Law : updated Emphasis/Concentration/Tracks section; updated concentration and course listing under Emphasis/Concentration/Track Requirements section.

Master of Business Administration : replaced HMG60000 with HMG60010  under Emphasis/Concentration/Track Requirements section; updated Program Description/Overview section.

Master of Arts in Marital and Family Therapy : updated Internship, Practicum, and/or Dissertation Information section.

Master of Arts in Organizational Psychology : added Internship, Practicum, and/or Dissertation Information section; updated Modality section and Program Description/Overview section.

Master of Science in Data Analytics   updated Program Description/Overview section. 

Master of Science in Forensic Leadership and Administration: deactivated program.

Master of Science in Forensic Behavioral Science : added FOR61905  to Term 5 and FOR62005  to Term 7, and replaced FOR60100 with FOR60102  in Term 1 under Curriculum Plan section; adjust course sequences under Curriculum Plan section; updated Emphasis/Concentration/Tracks; updated concentration and course listing under Emphasis/Concentration/Track Requirements.  

Master of Science in Healthcare Analytics : replaced HCA60000 with IST64880 , HCA60400 with MGT60000  and HCA60510 with IST64540  under Curriculum Plan section; updated Program Description/Overview section. 

Master of Science in Information Systems and Technology : updated Program Description/Overview section.

Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology (San Francisco) : updated Program Description/Overview, Emphasis/Concentration/Tracks, Program Learning Outcomes/Goals, Training Model, Licensure, and Internship, Practicum, and/or Dissertation Information sections. 

Professional Protection and Security- Advanced Practice Certificate : added as new program. 

Doctor of Psychology in Marital and Family Therapy (114-unit) : added Medical Family Therapy concentration; updated Internship, Practicum, and/or Dissertation Information section. 

Doctor of Psychology in Marital and Family Therapy (69-unit) : added Medical Family Therapy concentration; updated Internship, Practicum, and/or Dissertation Information section. 

Other Updates 

Academic Policies : clarified transfer credit limit language in Graduate Transfer Credit; updated Grade Appeals and Grading Policy under Grades; updated Grade Substitution. 

Admissions and Registration : replaced PSYCAS application and fee with Alliant application link and fee under CSPP Program Specific Admissions Requirements. 

Consumer Information : updated State Authorization Information section. 

Expenses and Financial Aid : updated Tuition and Fees; updated Schedule of Charges.

Faculty : added new faculty information to CSOE, CSML, CSPP; updated CSPP faculty information.

International Applicants and Students : updated Curricular Practical Training (CPT).

Program Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Codes : added the listing of Professional Protection and Security; removed listing of Forensic Leadership Administration (MS).

December 13, 2022

Course Updates

PSY85015B  and PSY85015C : corrected course title.

December 21, 2022

Other Updates

Academic Policies : updated Advanced Mentoring registration information under CSOE Program Specific Policies. 

Feburary 16, 2023

Course Updates

EDU61990  , EDU64990 PPS60990  and PPS72990 : added as new course.  

March 2, 2023

Course Updates

PSY93100 : updated course description. 

March 6, 2023

Course Updates

EDU61990  , EDU64990 PPS60990  and PPS72990 : revised course description.

Other Updates

Expenses and Financial Aid : added CSOE Advanced Mentoring/Supervision Fee to Refundable Fee.

March 17, 2023

Other Updates

Academic Policies : replaced Advanced Mentoring registration information with Extension Course registration information under CSOE Program Specific Policies. 

April 12, 2023

Course Updates

CTE74990  and ELM79990 : added as new course.  

Other Updates

Academic Policies : added ASC Crential Extension Course and CTEL Extension Course information to Extension Course under CSOE Program Specific Policies. 

April 18, 2023

Course Updates

EDU61990 : revised course description and title.

Other Updates

Academic Policies : updated automatic warning/probation process under Academic Standing; updated Extension Course registration under CSOE Program Specific Policies.

May 2, 2023

Program Updates

Master of Arts in Marital and Family Therapy : updated the description of the Chemical Dependency Concentration under Emphasis/ Concentration/ Track Requirements.

Other Updates

Academic Policies : removed Teacher Education and PPS internal procedures information from CSOE Program Specific Policies. 

November 20, 2023

Program Updates 

Master of Arts in Marital and Family Therapy : updated agency information under Licesure.

December 1, 2023

Course Updates

EDP99500A EDP99500B EDP99500C EDP99500D EDP99500E EDP99501 EDP99502 GSE99500A GSE99500B GSE99500C GSE99500D GSE99500E GSE99501 GSE99502 ORG99850A ORG99850C ORG99850D ORG99850E ORG99851 ORG99852 ORG99951 ORG99952 PSY99801 PSY99802 PSY99851 PSY99852 PSY99951  and PSY99952 : added as new course.