Governing Arizona Campus Leadership
- Jeff Keith, Chairman of the Board of Trustees
- Andy Vaughn, President of Alliant International University
- Christoph Winter, Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President
- Tracy Heller, Ph.D., Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs
- Sherrie Palmieri, Founding Dean, School of Nursing & Health Sciences
- Paul Nelson, Director, Campus Services and SIMS Technician
Admissions and Completion Information
BSN Admission Requirements
Applicants can refer to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Pre-Nursing Pathway) and Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Core Nursing Pathway) under Admissions and Registration section of the catalog for information.
BSN Completion Requirements
Students are expected to make academic and professional progress throughout their academic programs. Good Academic Standing and professional progress is defined as earning a GPA of 2.5 or higher at the undergraduate level, completing educational program within required timeframes, adhering to all Codes of Conduct and professional, ethical standards and expectations. Degrees will only be awarded to students meeting all policies and requirements, and those in Good Academic Standing. Please note that these expectations are academic in nature and are expected in addition to all Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) guidelines.
Any student who fails to achieve the minimum required cumulative GPA at the end of each trimester (as applicable to the calendar of the program in which the student is enrolled) will be subject to being placed on automatic Academic Warning or Academic Probation. The first trimester below the required GPA or failure of any required course will result in the student being placed on Academic Warning. If the student fails to raise the cumulative GPA above the minimum requirement the next trimester, the student will be placed on Academic Probation.
In addition to the automatic process above, any student who fails to meet all the required guidelines each trimester (as applicable to the calendar of the program in which the student is enrolled) may be placed on Academic Warning, Academic Probation, or be subject to Academic Dismissal through the Student Evaluation and Review Committee (SERC) process. The following are potential grounds for determining that good academic standing in a program is not being made or maintained:
- GPA below 2.5 for undergraduates or 3.0 in graduate programs on a letter grading system
- Pass all courses with a 75% or higher
- For clinical courses, the student must pass the didactic, laboratory, and clinical components of the course to pass the course
- Receipt of a No Credit grade in a course or field placement
- Receipt of two Incomplete grades
- A combination of Incomplete or No Credit grades
- Violation of professional or ethical conduct
- Failure to comply with school or campus rules or procedures
- Evidence of personal factors (personality, interpersonal, or intrapersonal functioning) that may hinder the student’s professional competence
- Failure to meet academic program standards
- Failure to complete program within the Academic Maximum Time frame.
When one or more of the above grounds for concern are present, the following procedures will be used to determine whether the student is failing to maintain good academic standing and/or whether an ethical/behavioral problem exists. The Program Director or designee will obtain information relevant to a student’s progress in an academic program. The Program Director or designee will refer the information to the designated SERC (e.g., in cases of grade point or other academic insufficiency, possible violations of the Academic Code of Conduct, or concerns about professional or ethical behavior).
MSN-DE Admission Requirements
Applicants can refer to Master of Science in Nursing, Direct Entry (MSN-DE) under Admissions and Registration section of the catalog for information.
MSN-DE Completion Requirements
Students are expected to make academic and professional progress throughout their academic programs. Good Academic Standing and professional progress is defined as earning a GPA of 3.0 or higher at the graduate level, completing educational programs within required timeframes, adhering to all Codes of Conduct and professional, ethical standards and expectations. Degrees will only be awarded to students meeting all policies and requirements, and those in Good Academic Standing. Please note that these expectations are academic in nature and are expected in addition to all Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) guidelines.
Any student who fails to achieve the minimum required cumulative GPA at the end of each trimester (as applicable to the calendar of the program in which the student is enrolled) will be subject to being placed on automatic Academic Warning or Academic Probation. The first trimester below the required GPA or failure of any required course will result in the student being placed on Academic Warning. If the student fails to raise the cumulative GPA above the minimum requirement the next trimester, the student will be placed on Academic Probation.
In addition to the automatic process above, any student who fails to meet all the required guidelines each trimester (as applicable to the calendar of the program in which the student is enrolled) may be placed on Academic Warning, Academic Probation, or be subject to Academic Dismissal through the SERC process. The following are potential grounds for determining that good academic standing in a program is not being made or maintained:
- GPA below 3.0 in graduate/credential programs on a letter grading system
- Pass all courses with a 75% or higher
- For clinical courses, the student must pass the didactic, laboratory, and clinical components of the course to pass the course
- Receipt of a No Credit grade in a course or field placement
- Receipt of two Incomplete grades
- A combination of Incomplete or No Credit grades
- Violation of professional or ethical conduct
- Failure to comply with school or campus rules or procedures
- Evidence of personal factors (personality, interpersonal, or intrapersonal functioning) that may hinder the student’s professional competence
- Failure to meet academic program standards
- Failure to complete program within the Academic Maximum Time frame.
When one or more of the above grounds for concern are present, the following procedures will be used to determine whether the student is failing to maintain good academic standing and/or whether an ethical/behavioral problem exists. The Program Director or designee will obtain information relevant to a student’s progress in an academic program. The Program Director or designee will refer the information to the designated SERC (e.g., in cases of grade point or other academic insufficiency, possible violations of the Academic Code of Conduct, or concerns about professional or ethical behavior).
BSN and MSN-DE Equipment Technology Requirements and Competencies
Each student is provided with a primary, and if requested an alternate preferred name, email address through Microsoft Office 365 which is the official method for communicating all relevant Alliant information and provides access to Alliant’s online student resources. Students are required to access and utilize Alliant email as this is the primary communication device for the University.
Alliant students are also provided a license for Microsoft’s Office365. This includes all Office applications - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Email, Skype/Teams, OneDrive, and others. The Alliant Student Portal ( and other resources are provided to help manage the student experience.
Students are expected to know how to use the internet and type a paper or presentation using a typewriter or a computer software program such as MS Word or Pages by Apple. The school has a resource/computer lab that is Wi-Fi enabled and students may use this lab during normal business hours.
BSN and MSN-DE Graduate Employment Opportunities
Graduates who successfully pass the Arizona Board of Nursing NCLEX Exam and who have received their license maybe eligible to work as a Registered Nurse in a variety of settings. Following is a breakdown of where most Registered Nurses can seek employment opportunities:

Figure 1: Source: Emsi Buring Glass -
Requirements for BSN and MSN-DE Graduates to Practice
Graduates must apply for their Registered Nurse License through the Arizona State Board of Nursing. Many questions about the application process can be answered by visiting the RN / LPN Licensure by Examination FAQs.
Application Instructions for RN / LPN Licensure by Examination
Please read this flyer for detailed instructions.
To check the status of your application please log into your nurse portal and check the message center for updates. Please allow up to 30 days for your application to show up in the license verification system before contacting the Board.
Arizona is a Compact State:
- Arizona is part of the Enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact (eNLC) and no longer part of the Original Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC).
- A list of states participating in the Enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact is available at
- An applicant for licensure as a Registered Nurse or Licensed Practical Nurse who meets certain requirements is eligible for multistate licensure. Once the Board grants the multistate license, the nurse can then engage in nursing practice in any of the Enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact states without having to obtain additional licenses. Your application will be reviewed to determine if you meet the criteria for issuance of a multistate license. If you do not meet the criteria for a multistate license but you do meet the criteria for a single state license, a single state license will be issued to you.
- Requirements for Multistate Licensure:
- Meet the requirements for licensure in the state of Arizona
- Has graduated from a board-approved education program or has graduated from an international education program (approved by the authorized accrediting body in the applicable country and verified by an independent credential review agency
- Has passed an English proficiency examination (applies to graduates of an international education program not taught in English or if English is not the individual’s native language
- Has passed the NCLEX or predecessor exam
- Is eligible for or holes an active unencumbered license (i.e., without active discipline)
- Has submitted fingerprints for state and federal background becks
- Has no state or federal felony convictions
- Has no misdemeanor convictions related to the practice of nursing
- Is not currently a participant in an alternative program
- Is required to self-disclose current participation in an alternative program
- Has a valid United States social security number
- RN applicants hold a Diploma, Associate Degree or Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing from an approved program. LPN applicants hold a Diploma or Certificate from an approved program.
- Visit RN / LPN Exceptions to view the list of exceptions.
- Passing score on NCLEX exam.
- Graduates of out of state schools - Transcripts, including graduation dates and type of degree, sent by your school to Arizona State Board of Nursing.
- Board approval for applicants who are under investigation.
Items to Complete for Licensure
- COMPLETE THE NCLEX REGISTRATION by going to OR by phone 866-496-2539
- REQUEST OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPTS - Sent by the program directly to Arizona State Board of Nursing (for out-of-state graduates)
- All applicants must upload a copy of documentation regarding citizenship/nationality/alien status. A copy of the document must be submitted on an 8½ x 11 sheet of plain white paper and submitted with the application. For a list of acceptable documents visit the Citizenship and Alien Status page.
- You are required to submit a full set of fingerprints, for the purpose of obtaining State and Federal criminal record checks.
- You are only exempt from this requirement if you have submitted a fingerprint card to the Arizona State Board of Nursing within the previous two years.
- A copy of a clearance card issued by DPS is not a substitute.
- A fingerprint card will NOT be issued from the Arizona State Board of Nursing. A fingerprint card can be obtained from any local facility that offers fingerprinting services.
- Please remember to submit your fingerprint card as soon as possible to expedite the process.
- A permanent license will not be issued until fingerprint results are received.
- Results can take up to 6-8 weeks to receive.
Additional Information
Fees and Payment Methods
All fees are in US Dollars and are non-refundable.
- Application Fee: $150.00
- Writing for NCLEX Fee: $150.00
- Fingerprint Fee: $50.00 (required, unless submitted within the previous 2 years).
- Credit/Debit Card
Felony Convictions
The Board shall revoke a nursing license or multistate privileges or deny licensure if the applicant has one or more felony convictions that have not previously been disclosed to the Board and has not received an absolute discharge from the sentences for all felony convictions 3 or more years prior to the date of filing an application. If this law pertains to you, your application will be processed, and proceedings for revocation of your Arizona license or multistate privileges in Arizona or denial of your application shall be instituted by the Board.
Reporting of Criminal Charges
Applicants for licensure / certification must notify the Arizona State Board of Nursing of criminal charges within 10 days of being charged.
Undesignated Offense
For purposes of the Nursing Board’s felony bar statutes, A.R.S. Sections 32-166(B)(17) & 1646(B), the commission of any felony offense on or after July 23, 2010, which results in a conviction of an undesignated offense, shall be treated by the Board as a felony “until such time as the court may actually enter an order designating the offense a misdemeanor” pursuant to A.R.S. Section 13-604(A).
Time Frames for Licensure
The Board is required to process applications for licensure within certain time periods, per R4-19-102 in the Nurse Practice Act.
Deficiency Notice
When you submit an application, the Board will send you a deficiency notice identifying any elements of the application process which remain outstanding. If you fail to respond to a deficiency notice within the applicable time period, your application will be withdrawn. After withdrawal, if you are still interested in obtaining licensure you would need to submit a new application and applicable fee.
Generally, candidates must repeat a course for which they do not receive credit. Both grades remain on the transcript. If the course in which the candidate failed is an elective and/or is not offered again in the next two trimesters (as applicable), the candidate may seek approval from the Dean to take an academic absence or substitute a course to make up for the failed course. If a substitute course is used, it will not replace the failed course in the GPA calculation.
Any candidate who receives 3 “Cs” during their tenure in the program will be placed on Academic Probation. A candidate who receives one or more C’s may be placed on Academic Probation at the recommendation of SERC. A candidate who has two or more Cs and/or whose GPA falls below 3.0 may be dismissed from the program. Candidates who struggle academically (e.g., earn a C, D, F, or NC) will be referred to SERC.
Candidates placed on Academic Warning or Academic Probation will return to good academic standing upon remediation of the problem for which they were placed on Academic Warning or Academic Probation. That might mean receiving all A and B grades the following trimester, bringing the GPA up to 3.0 or better, and/or meeting criteria set forth by the Dean. In addition to grades, faculty have the option of completing a rating form and a narrative of strengths and weaknesses and to indicate whether there is Some Concern or Serious Concern about the student.
For more information on Grades, please see the Academic Policies section.
Nursing Progression Policy
In order for a student to progress through their nursing program they must meet the following requirements:
- Passing all courses with a 75% or higher
- For clinical courses, the student must pass the clinical component to pass the course
- Can only repeat a nursing course once
- Please note, students may be permanently dismissed from the university if they were withdrawn for the following reasons:
- Failed any one course twice
- Failed two nursing courses
- Failed 2 sciences and a nursing course
- Second dismissal for any reason
- If failing a course at midterm the student will be required to do the following:
- Meet with the course faculty
- Discuss with the faculty a remediation plan for success
- Can be placed on a performance improvement plan (PIP)
Appealing a Dismissal Due to Poor Academic Performance
Students who are appealing to return from re-entry to the university after a dismissal should reach out to their Academic Advisor for deadlines. Student will be required to sit out for at least one trimester prior to re-entry. The following deadlines apply:
- Re-entry students - Appeals must be received at least 2 weeks prior to a trimester start date to be processed in time for the upcoming trimester. Appeals that are received after this date will be reviewed for re-entry the following trimester.
Academic Calendar
2024-25 Academic Calendar can be found on Alliant’s website (