Mar 06, 2025
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PSY85810 - Interventions with Military and Veteran Members(3 units) This 3-unit graduate level course explores the current research and clinical issues related to working with Veterans and US military members. It covers topics ranging from the effects of deployments and combat, and the impact of war-related trauma, to military culture and post-military service reintegration issues. Special attention will be paid to the signature injuries of the Iraq & Afghanistan conflicts (PTSD & Traumatic Brain Injury) as well as evidence-based treatment interventions, enhancing successful outcomes through cultural competence, and navigating aspects of “Warrior Culture” in clinical work. Additionally, an emphasis will be placed on exploring and familiarizing students with the vast range of available resources (online, government sponsored, Department of Defense, Center for Deployment Psychology, Veteran’s Administration, etc) for clinicians serving these populations.