2017-2018 Catalog 
    Mar 02, 2025  
2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Authorization in Autism Spectrum Disorder

School: California School of Education

Modality(ies): Online

Calendar(s): 8-week term

Program Description/Overview

The program is a CCTC-approved program which enriches both the practice and knowledge of the education specialist. This program provides students with education to increase their knowledge, skills and abilities for providing classroom interventions and support for K-12 students with autism spectrum disorders. The content covers the language/communication, socialization, behavioral, sensory, and academic needs of student with ASDs, as well as classroom accommodation and classroom interventions. The program also focuses on the development of collaborative student support relationships with other school-based service providers such as speech/language pathologists, school psychologists and behavioral interventionists. A focus on working with families is also incorporated in this program.

Program Learning Outcomes/Goals

The candidate:

  1. Will identify the unique characteristics of students with ASD; specifically, the candidate will demonstrate unique knowledge of cognition and neurology and the core challenges associated with language and communication, social skills, behavior, and processing and their implications for program planning and service delivery.
  2. Will demonstrate knowledge, skills, and abilities to implement evidence-based and multi-faceted methodologies and strategies necessary in teaching and engaging students with ASD from acquisition through generalization.
  3. Will demonstrate the ability to collaborate as a member of a multidisciplinary team with all service providers and effectively interact with families.

Program-Specific Admission Requirements

  1. Students must have a Preliminary Education Specialist Credential for Mild/ Moderate Disabilities in California, without an embedded Autism Spectrum Disorders Added Authorization. 
  2. Current employment within a California PK-12 school
  3. All credential coursework completed (minimum GPA of 3.0 required)
  4. California Education Specialist Teaching Credential (preliminary or clear) in one of the following:
    1. Mild/Moderate Disabilities
  5. English language proficiency must be demonstrated by applicants not previously educated in English. Minimum TOEFL score of 550 paper/213 computer/80 internet or equivalent.


Candidates must have a Preliminary or Clear Education Specialist (Mild/ Moderate) Credential in California.

Programmatic Accreditation

California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC)

Internship, Practicum, and/or Dissertation Information

45 hours of experience working with students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

Credit Units

Total Credit Units: 8

Total Core Credit Units: 8

Total Elective Credit Units: N/A

Total Concentration Credit Units: N/A

Degree Requirements

In order for candidates to be recommended for the Autism Spectrum Disorders Authorization to CCTC, the following are required:

  1. 41-4 credential application form;
  2. All credential coursework completed (B or higher/minimum GPA of 3.0 required);
  3. Tuition balance paid in full;
  4. Proof of valid Education Specialist Instruction (Mild/Moderate Credential; and
  5. Program Completion Document.

Curriculum Plan