The updates listed in this addendum apply to the 2015-2016 Alliant International University Academic Catalog. This catalog addendum contains new and updated information, as well as corrections of errors in the original catalog.
Revisions to the Alliant International University Academic Catalog
Updated Admissions and Registration section to include Waitlist Policy.
23 June 2015
Added course description for ORT 5000 - Online Student Orientation
30 June 2015
Updated the title for IST 6010 - Technology for Managerial Decision Making
Updated the title for FIN 6010 - Financial Management
2 July 2015
Updated university leadership information in the General Information section.
15 July 2015
Updated catalog to include non-toll-free phone number for BPPE.
Updated verbiage regarding Notice Concerning Transferability of Credits and Credentials Earned at Our Institution
Updated Admissions and Registration to include Undergraduate Admissions.
Updated Admissions and Registration to include Auditing Courses policy.
20 July 2015
Updated the Schedule of Charges in Expenses and Financial Aid
22 July 2015
Updated Academic Calendar dates.
27 July 2015
Updated leadership listings.
Updated list of programs requiring Electronic Content Fee.
3 August 2015
Updated SGA fees in the Expenses and Financial Aid section to “Students only in Full-Time Internship or only in Doctoral Extension will not be charged student association fees”.
11 August 2015
Updated Faculty and Leadership listings.
13 August 2015
Updated catalog links.
20 August 2015
Updated formatting for STRF verbiage in Expenses and Financial Aid section.
Updated Cancellation Policy, Institutional Refunds for Withdrawal and Tuition Adjustment Policies in Expenses and Financial Aid section.
Updated International Students section of Admissions and Registration with regard to vouching for students with visas.
Updated Admissions and Registration with
Faculty Feedback on Assignments
Faculty members are required to provide feedback that includes specific commentary and a grade or score on all assignments. This feedback should include comments on strengths as well as areas for improvement for all assignments no later than 3 days from the submission of the assignment. If the submission of feedback needs to be longer, faculty must communicate this to students.
8 September 2015
Updated definition of half-time enrollment for graduate students to 3-units of required coursework for degree completion per session, in the Expenses and Financial Aid section.
Updated the Undergraduate Admissions section of Admissions and Registration with regard to transcripts to include
Moreover, students needing copies of transcripts submitted from other schools attended must request these from the original schools. Copies will not be provided by Alliant.
Updated Admissions and Registration section with infomation on Immunizations.
The University is committed to protecting the health and well-being of all our students. All students must meet a specific immunization requirement. If you have graduated from a California public high school, you may have already met this requirement. To meet this requirement, you may bring a completed immunization record form or send medical documentation or laboratory evidence as proof of immunity to the Director of Campus Services (to the Health Center for San Diego) after admission to the University. In addition to the immunizations required for all students, in order to reside in an on-campus housing facility students must have an immunization for Neisseria Meningitis.
Entities exempted from this policy are: Students only taking classes on line. For immunization requirements please visit:
Updated DS-2016 to DS-2019 in Admissions and Registration .
Updated Admissions and Registration section regarding international applications including:
International Students should apply through the online application process. Access the online application at:
Alliant reserves the right to require a student to take additional English instruction as demonstrated by his/her academic performance.
Some international students may find it difficult to obtain a transcript evaluation in a timely manner. As a paid service, Alliant can arrange for a evaluator to perform a transcript evaluation using the original transcripts at a non-refundable cost of $280 USD. Simply email to request instructions. Once the original, translated transcripts are received by Admissions, Alliant will send them for evaluation. This process will take approximately 2 business days.
As part of the Admissions process, a $2,500 USD Tuition Deposit is required prior issuing an I-20. The tuition deposit will be applied in full to the first term/semester tuition. In the event that the visa application is denied or that plans change and the student will not be attending Alliant International University at the agreed upon start date, the student may request a full refund, in US currency, by sending an email to Student Business Services with the reason for the request.
Updated the Specialized Admissions Requirements for Business Administration: MBA (Fresno, Irvine, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Francisco)
English Proficiency (International applicants):
- ASM will admit students with IELTS score of 6.0 with no individual band score below 5.5 (or equivalent). Students can start their academic program immediately on entry into their program.
- ASM will conditionally admit students with IELTS score 5.5-5.9 with no individual band score below 5.5 (or equivalent). Students will start in an English program and upon successful completion will start their academic program
- Students with IELTS scores 5.0-5.4 will be admitted to a full ESL program. Upon successful completion of the ESL program, they will start their academic programs.
Upon receipt and review of all documentation, the candidate will be considered for final admission. Final admissions decision will be made by the Program Faculty.
Alliant reserves the right to require a student to take additional English instruction as demonstrated by his/her academic performance.
Updated the Specialized Admissions Requirements for Business Administration: MBA (San Diego)
English Proficiency (International applicants):
- ASM will admit students with IELTS score of 6.0 with no individual band score below 5.5 (or equivalent). Students can start their academic program immediately on entry into their program.
- ASM will conditionally admit students with IELTS score 5.5-5.9 with no individual band score below 5.5 (or equivalent). Students will start in an English program and upon successful completion will start their academic program
- Students with IELTS scores 5.0-5.4 will be admitted to a full ESL program. Upon successful completion of the ESL program, they will start their academic programs.
Upon receipt and review of all documentation, the candidate will be considered for final admission. Final admissions decision will be made by the Program Faculty.
Note that students may apply for admission in the final year of their undergraduate program if they are confident they will meet the admission requirements below upon completion of their Bachelor degree. A completed Bachelor’s degree, with appropriate GPA, is required to remain enrolled after admission. Final transcripts of the completed Bachelor degree need to be submitted before students will be allowed to register for classes.
Alliant reserves the right to require a student to take additional English instruction as demonstrated by his/her academic performance.
23 September 2015
Updated Graduate Admissions to include
Documents submitted to the University in support of a student’s application become the property of the University. The documents cannot be returned or forwarded. Moreover, students needing copies of transcripts submitted from other schools attended must request these from the original schools. Copies will not be provided by Alliant.
25 September 2015
Updated the Attendance policy for online courses
Online: In order to be in attendance for the week, a student must submit at least two “assignments” on at least one day during the seven-day online week. An “assignment” is defined as anything that is worth points in the course.
28 September 2015
Updated various campus descriptions to include:
Many classrooms are equipped with projection screens, TV monitors and DVD/VCR units as well as WIFI connectivity.
Removed Tuition Adjustment Policies - Adjustments for Dropping Courses from the Expenses and Financial Aid section.
Tuition Adjustment Policies
Adjustments for Dropping Courses
If a student drops a course he/she will be entitled to a credit according to the following schedule:
Students will be credited according to the following schedule for courses at least 10 weeks in length:
100% credit if officially recorded during the add/drop period
80% credit if officially recorded within 7 calendar days after the add/drop period
60% credit if officially recorded within 14 calendar days after the add/drop period
For courses that are at least 6 weeks but less than 10 weeks in length:
100% credit if officially recorded within 7 calendar days of the start of the course
80% credit if officially recorded within 8-10 calendar days of the start of the course
60% credit if officially recorded within 11-14 calendar days of the start of the course.
For courses that are less than 6 weeks in length:
100% credit if officially recorded within 3 calendar days of the start of the course
80% credit if officially recorded within 4-5 calendar days of the start of the course
60% credit if officially recorded within 6-7 calendar days of the start of the course.
For a weekend only course:
100% credit if officially recorded before the beginning of the course
No partial credit option is available for weekend only courses
For any course shorter than ten weeks, please note that the first calendar day is always the first day of instruction.
Students on financial aid who withdraw from a course(s) must contact their financial aid counselor for assistance in determining the impact this action has on their student account balance and financial aid prior to dropping classes.
After a credit balance occurs on a student account, refunds and return of funds to lenders will follow appropriate regulations. Credit balances will be refunded to the student after all lenders funds have been returned, if applicable.
30 September 2015
Updated personnel and titles.
06 October 2015
Updated personnel and titles.
20 October 2015
Updated course description for IST 6320 to read
This course is designed to provide the students with a thorough understanding of both the role that Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERPs) play in an organization and the challenging task of managing the Information Systems (IS) function. Projects utilizing systems provide students with experience in analyzing real-life business scenarios. Students are prepared with the knowledge sought by businesses looking to use technology to maintain their competitive edge in the market place by the end of the course.
Updated Online and Hybrid MBA concentration offerings.
Removed Accounting, Applied Criminology Applications to Business, Business Intelligence, Corporate Finance, Data Analytics, Entrepreneurship, Forensic Applications to Business, Information and Technology Management, Innovation Management, International Business, International Investments Management, International Marketing, Internet Marketing, Leadership in Organizations, Management, NGO Management / Non-profit Management and Project Management.
Added Leadership and Management Concentration
Updated San Diego MBA concentration offerings.
Updated personnel.
30 November 2015
Updated personnel.
05 January 2016
Updated personnel.
13 January 2016
Updated personnel.
Updated course descriptions to only included courses utilized by 8-week programs.
25 January 2016
Updated Board of Trustees.
3 February 2016
Updated Undergraduate Admissions section with regard to English Proficiency from the following:
English Language Proficiency
All courses taught in the US, except those which are for learning an additional language, are offered in English. Academic performance at Alliant may reveal the necessity for further English language study by a student.
Student Exempt from TOEFL
- Student provides evidence qualifying exemption from TOEFL by:
- Student whose first language is English
- Student is a citizen of an English speaking country
- Student has graduated from a US accredited university
- Students has graduated from a US High School
- Students whose transcript stipulates that the language of instruction for their school/program was English.
Student Meets English Proficiency Requirements for Enrollment in Degree Courses
- English is the official language of student’s home country
- Student graduated from U.S. university with AA, AS, BA, BS, MA, or MS degree
- Transfer with Freshman Composition grade of B or higher from a U.S. college or university
- Minimum TWE score of 5
- Minimum TOEFL score require for all programs (except TESOL program): 550 paper; 213 computer ; 80 Internet-based (6.0 IELTS score)
Alliant reserves the right to require a student to take additional English instruction as demonstrated by his/her academic performance.
Student Does NOT meet English Proficiency Requirements for Enrollment in Degree Courses
Students who meet all other admissions requirements but do not meet the English Proficiency requirement for acceptance into their degree program of choice have an option to enroll in Alliant International Universities ESOL program. Students who are granted conditional admission without meeting English proficiency will remain in the ESL program until they complete Level 5. This may take 12 months or longer depending on the student’s proficiency at the time of arrival at Alliant.
While not for the beginning English speaker, students achieving a minimum overall IELTS score of 5.5 may enroll in the ESOL program. An Admissions Counselor will assist the student with this process.
Based on the results of the Alliant English Placement Test (EPT), students may be required to take one or more prerequisite, non-degree credit ESL courses for one or more semesters. Students at the highest level of ESL courses will be allowed to enroll concurrently in academic degree courses upon approval of the ILEC director and the student’s academic advisor. Academic performance at Alliant may reveal the necessity for further English language study by a student. The University reserves the right to make the final determination of a student’s English proficiency level in all cases.
TOEFL requirements may vary by school and are listed under the school section of the catalog.
Revised Undergraduate Admissions English Proficiency Requirements:
English Language Proficiency
All courses taught in the US, except those which are for learning an additional language, are offered in English. Academic performance at Alliant may reveal the necessity for further English language study by a student.
Student Exempt from English Language Test Requirement
Student provides evidence qualifying exemption by:
- Student whose first language is English
- Student is a citizen of an English speaking country
- Student has graduated from a US accredited university
- Students has graduated from a US High School
- Students whose transcript stipulates that the language of instruction for their school/program was English.
Student Meets English Proficiency Requirements for Enrollment in Degree Courses
- English is the official language of student’s home country
- Student graduated from U.S. university with AA, AS, BA, BS, MA, or MS degree
- Transfer with Freshman Composition grade of B or higher from a U.S. college or university
- Minimum TOEFL score require for all programs (except TESOL program): 75 Internet-based test, 6.0 IELTS score, or 50 PTE.
- Alliant reserves the right to require a student to take additional English instruction as demonstrated by his/her academic performance.
Student Does NOT meet English Proficiency Requirements for Enrollment in Degree Courses
Students who meet all other admissions requirements but do not meet the English Proficiency requirement for acceptance into their degree program of choice have an option to enroll in Alliant International Universities ESOL program.
While not for the beginning English speaker, students achieving a minimum overall TOEFL 45 IBT,IELTS 5.0, or PTE 36 may enroll in the ESOL program. Students who are granted conditional admission without meeting English proficiency will remain in the ESL program until they complete Level 5. This may take 12 months or longer depending on the student’s proficiency at the time of arrival at Alliant. An Admissions Counselor will assist the student with this process.
Based on the results of the Alliant English Placement Test (EPT), students may be required to take one or more prerequisite, non-degree credit ESL courses for one or more semesters. Students at the highest level of ESL courses will be allowed to enroll concurrently in academic degree courses upon approval of the ILEC director and the student’s academic advisor. Academic performance at Alliant may reveal the necessity for further English language study by a student. The University reserves the right to make the final determination of a student’s English proficiency level in all cases.
English Language Test requirements may vary by school and are listed under the school section of the catalog.
Updated Graduate Admissions section with regard to English Proficiency from the following:
English Language Proficiency
Any graduate applicant who has not been residing in the U.S. or an English-speaking country since the age of 13 must submit results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) from the Educational Testing Service (ETS), even if the applicant is now a United States citizen or permanent resident. The following are requirements for English Proficiency:
The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the Test of Written English (TWE) may be required for non-native speakers. Students whose native language is not English or who have not earned an undergraduate or graduate degree from an accredited U.S. higher education institution are required to show English proficiency by taking the TOEFL or IELTS. Alliant International University requires a minimum TOEFL score of 80 for the Internet based test, a score of 213 for the computer based test or a score of 550 for the paper based test in addition to a TWE score of 5. or an ILETS score of 6.5 for all programs except TESOL. The TESOL master’s Program requires minimum scores of 575 for the paper-based TOEFL plus TWE of 5; or computer-based 233; or internet 80 for masters and 83 for EdD. Please call 1-866-U-ALLIANT FREE or check the admissions section of our website, Please contact TOEFL directly at, to request an official score report; Alliant’s TOEFL code is 4039.
Some academic programs may allow students who do not fully meet the English proficiency criteria to be enrolled in one or more degree courses. Please check with the specific academic program of interest to determine if this option is available.
Please note that academic performance at Alliant may reveal the necessity for further English language study by any student. The University reserves the right to make the final determination of a student’s English proficiency in all cases.
All courses taught in the US, except those which are for learning an additional language, are offered in English.
Revised Graduate Admissions English Proficiency Requirements:
English Language Proficiency
Any graduate applicant who has not been residing in the U.S. or an English-speaking country since the age of 13 must submit results of an approved English Language Test even if the applicant is now a United States citizen or permanent resident. The following are requirements for English Proficiency:
Students whose native language is not English or who have not earned an undergraduate or graduate degree from an accredited U.S. higher education institution are required to show English proficiency by taking the TOEFL, IELTS or PTE. Alliant International University requires a minimum TOEFL score of 75 for the Internet based test,an ILETS score of 6.0 for all programs except TESOL. The TESOL master’s Program requires minimum scores of 80 internet based test for masters and 83 for EdD. Please call 1-866-U-ALLIANT or check the admissions section of our website, You may contact TOEFL directly at, to request an official score report; Alliant’s TOEFL code is 4039.
Some academic programs may allow students who do not fully meet the English proficiency criteria to be enrolled in one or more degree courses. Please check with the specific academic program of interest to determine if this option is available.
Please note that academic performance at Alliant may reveal the necessity for further English language study by any student. The University reserves the right to make the final determination of a student’s English proficiency in all cases.
All courses taught in the US, except those which are for learning an additional language, are offered in English.
Updated Business Administration: MBA (San Diego) English Proficiency requirement from the following:
English Proficiency (International applicants):
ASM will admit students with IELTS score of 6.0 with no individual band score below 5.5 (or equivalent). Students can start their academic program immediately on entry into their program.
ASM will conditionally admit students with IELTS score 5.5-5.9 with no individual band score below 5.5 (or equivalent). Students will start in an English program and upon successful completion will start their academic program
Students with IELTS scores 5.0-5.4 will be admitted to a full ESL program. Upon successful completion of the ESL program, they will start their academic programs.
Upon receipt and review of all documentation, the candidate will be considered for final admission. Final admissions decision will be made by the Program Faculty.
Revised Business Administration: MBA (San Diego) English Proficiency Requirements:
English Proficiency (International applicants):
ASM will admit students with IELTS score of 6.0 with no individual band score below 5.5 (TOEFL IBT 75, PTE 50). Students can start their academic program immediately on entry into their program.
ASM will conditionally admit students with IELTS score 5.5-5.9 with no individual band score below 5.5 (TOEFL IBT 60, PTE 42). Students will start in an English program and upon successful completion will start their academic program
Students with IELTS scores 5.0-5.4 (TOEFL 45, PTE 36) will be admitted to a full ESL program. Upon successful completion of the ESL program, they will start their academic programs.
Upon receipt and review of all documentation, the candidate will be considered for final admission. Final admissions decision will be made by the Program Faculty.
Updated Business Administration: MBA (Fresno, Irvine, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Francisco) English Proficiency requirement from the following:
English Proficiency (International applicants):
ASM will admit students with IELTS score of 6.0 with no individual band score below 5.5 (or equivalent). Students can start their academic program immediately on entry into their program.
ASM will conditionally admit students with IELTS score 5.5-5.9 with no individual band score below 5.5 (or equivalent). Students will start in an English program and upon successful completion will start their academic program
Students with IELTS scores 5.0-5.4 will be admitted to a full ESL program. Upon successful completion of the ESL program, they will start their academic programs.
Revised Business Administration: MBA (Fresno, Irvine, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Francisco) English Proficiency Requirements:
English Proficiency (International applicants):
ASM will admit students with IELTS score of 6.0 with no individual band score below 5.5 ( TOEFL IBT 75, PTE 50). Students can start their academic program immediately on entry into their program. Students who do not meet ESL requirements are encouraged to enroll at our San Diego campus where they may receive ESL instruction and support..
5 February 2016
Activated Business Administration: MBA Executive Format (San Francisco) for catalog.
Activated Academic Calendar for Business Administration: MBA Executive Format (San Francisco) program.
Updated course descriptions for courses in Business Administration: MBA Executive Format (San Francisco) .
12 February 2016
Deactivated Online Organizational Psychology program.
18 February 2016
Updated Trustee listing.
22 February 2016
Updated personnel listing.
25 February 2016
Updated Trustee listing.
4 March 2016
Updated International Students information in Admissions and Registration from
Alliant welcomes applications from international students whose academic work and English proficiency are of the highest levels. Because academic degrees and coursework must be equivalent to those earned in the United States, international students must submit official, translated transcripts and results from an educational credential evaluation service agency. The evaluation must include degree equivalency to a 4 year bachelor’s degree from an accredited university, U.S. semester credit and grade equivalent for each course, and U.S. grade point average. Any master’s level courses and/or degrees should also be included in the evaluation. To locate an agency, go to Some international students may find it difficult to obtain a transcript evaluation in a timely manner. As a paid service, Alliant can arrange for a evaluator to perform a transcript evaluation using the original transcripts at a non-refundable cost of $280 USD. Simply email to request instructions. Once the original, translated transcripts are received by Admissions, Alliant will send them for evaluation. This process will take approximately 2 business days. Additional information, such as letters of recommendation, may be requested from international graduate students. English proficiency must be evidenced by the TOEFL (see above) and all international students must carry a full course load at Alliant.
Alliant welcomes applications from international students whose academic work and English proficiency are of the highest levels. While an admissions decision may be made on a copy of your scanned or emailed official transcripts, International students must submit official, translated transcripts upon arrival at your Alliant University campus, during your check in with the International Student Services Office, or during new student orientation. Failure to submit your official transcripts for verification will prohibit further registration for courses at Alliant University. Because academic degrees and coursework must be equivalent to those earned in the United States, international students must submit results from an educational credential evaluation service agency.
16 March 2016
Removed Indiana from state authorization listing.
18 March 2016
Updated adminstrative listing.
31 March 2016
Updated Incomplete Grade language from
The maximum time limit is no later than the end of the following semester (summer excluded), although faculty may choose to set an earlier deadline, particularly if there are only minimal requirements left to complete the course.
The maximum time limit is no later than the end of the following term, although faculty may choose to set an earlier deadline, particularly if there are only minimal requirements left to complete the course.
26 April 2016
Removed the May 9 deadline for 100% refund from the Academic Calendar.
3 May 2016
Removed references to “Business Administration: MBA Executive Format (San Francisco).”
5 January 2017
Revised Pharmaceutical and Biotech Industry Management concentration in Business Administration: MBA (San Diego) .
13 January 2017
Modified concentration options in Business Administration: MBA (Online) .
9 March 2017
Updated course title for ACR 6800 .
5 December 2017