Jan 14, 2025
Catalog 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PSY 8561 - Consultation(1 to 2 units) Topics vary and may include, but are not limited to: (1) Consultation: Medical Settings This course addresses the varying and complex roles of psychologists in medical settings. The role of consultant is unique and involves assessment, individual and family psychotherapy, psychopharmacological recommendations, active involvement on multidisciplinary teams as well as more subtle interventions with multidisciplinary team members. These multiple roles are discussed with an emphasis on how to build a consultation practice. Ethical issues and dilemmas are presented as they relate to consultation in medical settings. Issues related to diversity including disparities in health care will be discussed. Prerequisite: Some knowledge of health psychology and by consent of instructor. (2) Consultation: Effective Teaching This course focuses on the role of psychologist as educator. A variety of teaching tools, and methods are reviewed. Students gain an understanding of theories of instruction, research on learning and teaching styles, and work with special populations of learners. Diversity (including ethnicity, race and disability) are emphasized.