2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PSY85000 - Clinical Elective(0 to 3 units) Topics vary:
- Adolescent Psychotherapy and Psychopathology (3 units) Prerequisites: PSY 6140 and PSY 6519.
- Advanced Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychotherapy (2 units) Examines the cultural and political context surrounding the lives of gay, lesbian and bisexual individuals as a background for understanding salient psychotherapeutic issues. Developmental and relational tasks are redefined. The therapeutic management of coming out, lesbian and gay health concerns, ethno-cultural differences and internalization of oppression are among topics covered.
- Advanced Psychological Assessment: Child and Juvenile (2 units This course focuses on psychological assessments of children and juveniles within legal and criminal justice settings. This course is regarded as an advanced course in that it builds upon the clinician’s knowledge and skills in test administration. Prerequisite: PSY6631
- Advanced Psychological Assessment: FAIs Criminal/Adult (2 units) Prerequisite: PSY6631
- Advanced Infant-Preschooler Mental Health (2 to 3 units) This course addresses advanced assessment and intervention skills with infants and preschoolers. Participants will explore, in depth, several models of intervention in IPMH and develop their own theoretical and treatment model for the practice of IPMH. Prerequisites (or approval of Instructor): Fundamentals of Infant Mental Health or Fundamentals of Preschooler Mental Health, and Diagnostic Systems in IPMH.
- Advanced Psychodynamic Intervention: British Object Relations (3 units) The fundamental ideas of object relations theory will be examined and illustrated with examples from case material. The theories and clinical work of the major figures in the British Object Relations School will be studied. Prerequisite: PSY 7537.
- Advanced Psychodynamic Interventions with Multicultural Populations (3 units) This advanced interventions course focuses on the use of psychodynamic approaches with individual late adolescent and adult clients from groups of color and other underserved groups. Students will learn about appropriate ways to integrate psychodynamic (classical/ego psychology/object relations/self psychology) understandings with sociocultural factors in forming a relationship with the client, doing an assessment and developing a clinical formulation and conducting the therapy. Special attention will be paid to issues of transference and countertransference as they are impacted by cultural differences. Students will be expected to draw on their internship experiences in working with diverse populations as case material for the course.
- Advanced Seminar in Professional Issues: Practice of Professional Psychology (3 units) Prerequisites: G4 standing or equivalent
- Adv. Study in Transgender Issues (3 units) This course is an in depth and focused course of the experiences and lives of transgender and intersex people. It examines the cultural and political context surrounding the lives of transgender and intersex individuals, couples, and families as a background for understanding salient psychotherapeutic issues. Lifespan developmental and relational tasks are explored. The therapeutic management of coming out, transgender youth, transgender/transsexual and intersex health concerns, medical interventions, the intersections of sexual orientation, abilities, age, and sociocultural differences, the formation of families and parenting, and the internalization of oppression are among topics covered.
- Alternative/Complementary Approaches to Health (2 units) Covers the basic theoretical foundation and healing practices of a wide variety of alternative/complementary approaches to health.
- Alternative Intervention Strategies (3 units) This course examines the theoretical and practical aspects of developing strategies for high-risk and underserved populations. Strategies emphasized are responsive to oppressed or vulnerable groups (e.g., cultural groups, chronically mentally ill) and to social/community issues (e.g., homelessness, gang violence) where reliance on mainstream psychotherapies may not be appropriate or effective. The concept of intervention will be broadened to include the integration of the complex interplay between individual, family, community, cultural and institutional factors. Crisis intervention, case management, self-help groups and alternative psychotherapies (e.g., feminist, Africentric, gay-affirmative) will be explored.
- Behavioral Medicine Techniques (3 units) Intervention techniques addressed in behavioral medicine may include the following: hypnosis, pain management, relaxation techniques, stress reduction/management, issues of spirituality, alternative medicine considerations and biofeedback.
- Brief Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (2 units) Examination of the clinical application of psychoanalytic principles to brief psychotherapy, counseling and crisis counseling.
- Child Health Psychology (2 units) Advanced health psychology course focused on psychosocial issues related to child and adolescent health. Explores topics including pediatric chronic illness, models of psychological adjustment, prevention of pediatric health problems, preventative pediatric and child health intervention and the role of clinicians in child health care systems.
- Clinical Interventions: Interventions with Veterans and Military Members This course explores the current research and clinical issues related to working with Veterans and US Military members. It covers topics from the effects of deployments and combat, and the impact of war-related trauma, to military culture and post-military service integration issues.
- Clinical Interventions with Children (3 units) Surveys representative literature which addresses the theory and practice of principal assessment and therapeutic interventions with children. Psychodynamic perspectives frame the major content. Addresses family system issues, idiographic considerations in psychopathology, cultural diversity and ecological considerations in micro and macro social systems as parameters in formulating and executing clinical interventions.
- Clinical Issues in the Psychology of Women (2 units) Focuses on some presenting problems and diagnostic profiles that are more prevalent among women than men, such as eating disorders, depression and the psychological consequences of childhood sexual abuse. Uses readings, lecture and discussion to learn clinical theory and practice in the psychodynamic tradition, including Jungian and self-psychology, self-in-relation theory and some new feminist perspectives on family systems. Includes ways of conceptualizing and practicing psychotherapy that are likely to be most effective with women clients.
- Couples Counseling (3 units) Systems theory therapies and practices relative to assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of couples. Explores cognitive, affective, interactional, and systemic theories of human behavior and change while examining dynamics of privilege and oppression as related to couples.
- Couples/Family Therapy Training and Supervision (3 units) Students pursue a process of becoming a couples/family therapist by seeing families and receiving live supervision. In addition to serving as therapists, students have the opportunity to be supervisors. Learning supervision enhances the quality of one’s therapy and gives the student a new set of skills.
- Current Developments in Analytic Psychotherapy (2 units) Seminar in ideas and techniques of psychoanalytic psychotherapy as currently practiced in the clinical setting. Prerequisite: PSY 7537.
- Early Intervention in Perinatal Mood Disorders (1 unit) This course explores in depth mental health concerns experienced by families in the perinatal period, including diagnosis, assessment, and intervention.
- East Asian Meditation Practices (2-3 units) Provides an overview of the views and practices of East Asian schools of meditation, with an emphasis on exposure to the techniques of evidence-based meditation practices.
- Ego Psychology (2 units) Theoretical and clinical examination of major concepts in ego psychology such as thought, perception, object relations and major defenses as they apply to the clinical experience will be explored. Prerequisite: PSY 7537.
- Forensic Psychology Competency Evaluations (2 units) This course is designed to provide a broad overview of the role of the psychologist in evaluating competency in criminal and civil contexts. Specifically, the course focuses upon ethical and professional considerations, legal parameters, cultural considerations, and the assessment instruments associated with evaluating various competencies, including competency to stand trial, plead guilty, and waive counsel; competency to waive Miranda rights; competency to be executed; competency to refuse treatment; and competency to enter various contractual agreements. Prerequisite: PSY6631
- Forensic Risk Assessment (2 units) This course addresses topics in criminal forensic assessment. Prerequisite: PSY6631
- Foundations of LGBT Mental Health (3 units) This course examines the cultural and political context surrounding the lives of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and intersex individuals and queer and questioning youth as a background for understanding salient psychotherapeutic issues. Developmental and relational tasks are explored. The therapeutic management of coming out, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health concerns, the intersections of identities, abilities, age, and sociocultural differences, the formation of families and parenting, and the internalization of oppression are among topics covered.
- Gestalt Therapy (3 units) An introduction to the theory and treatment principles of Gestalt Therapy. Lectures cover the roots of Gestalt Therapy in psychoanalysis, experimental psychology and phenomenology as well as current personality theory, psychopathology, developmental theory, dream analysis and other aspects of theory. Approximately half of the class is experiential in nature in order to teach “I-thou” relationships in psychotherapy and phenomenological tracking.
- Grand Rounds in Health Psychology This is an advanced course in clinical health psychology intervention that is taught by several faculty members, each with expertise in a subspeciality of the field. Using a case-based approach over weekly modules, students will anchor their case strategies with primary source research and other professional literature.
- Hypnotherapy (2 units) This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of hypnotherapy. Substantial emphasis will be placed on designing hypnotherapeutic interventions for various presenting problems. This course is not intended to prepare the student for the independent practice of hypnotherapy, but does aim to provide the foundations upon which a student can begin closely supervised experience.
- Internet-Based Interventions in Psychology This course will include readings, discussion, and skill building. We will explore the evidence-based treatments, the ethical and legal issues, the tools and technology, and the population differences in its utilization. The course is competency based which means that a student must demonstrate a minimal level of competency in using the Internet in a therapeutic intervention in order to pass the course.
- Interpersonal Therapy and Communication (3 units) Most major schools of psychotherapy recognize the contribution that the interpersonal relationships between therapist and client makes to the therapeutic process. This seminar will focus on interpersonal processes in individual and group psychotherapy on the development of skills in observing and intervening in this interpersonal relationship. There is also widespread agreement that therapist’s skills in self-awareness and the ability to monitor one’s inner experiences constitutes a primary tool of the psychotherapist. This course discusses this art in the literature in case material drawn from the teaching and students work and via exercises in self-awareness and observation of interpersonal processes in class.
- Interventions at the End of Life (3 units) Provides an evidence-based foundation in end of life care and bereavement support with applied approaches emphasizing the clinical skills necessary to assess and treat patients and their families at the end of life.
- Interventions for Health Psychology (2 units) This course will prepare students to plan and carry out a wide variety of interventions that can be used with clients who want to modify health-related behaviors and who are medically ill.
- Interventions with Adolescents (3 units) Explores the issues, conflicts and resolutions inherent in the developmental phase of adolescence, as well as the theory and techniques of treating adolescents and their families. Provides an understanding of the theoretical constructs of adolescent development and the application of those constructs in clinical work.
- Interventions with Lesbians and Gay Men (3 units) This course provides students with an overview of prominent mental health issues and relevant intervention approaches for lesbian and gay male populations. Diversity of world views, lifestyle, and life experiences are central to assessment, evaluation and intervention strategies. Analysis and critique of relevant literature, conceptualization and integration of key issues and case application are fundamental aspects of the course.
- Jungian Dream Interpretation (2 units) The purpose of this class is to provide students with a rudimentary introduction to the concepts and techniques of Analytic psychology, which is based upon the work of C.G. Jung. Following the development of Jung’s work, the class is fundamentally based upon the seminal work of Freud and elaborates this work in light of both normal and severely pathological psychologies. This developmental model of analytic psychology demands that the student possess a basic understanding of psychoanalytic concepts, especially an understanding of the notion of the unconscious.
- Interventions with Multicultural Families (3 units) An introduction to the theory and practice of family therapy as it is related to ethnic minority families. Critical review of the literature serves as a backdrop for the examination of clinical issues revolving around the application of family therapy techniques with various ethnic minority groups. The assessment of family dynamics and appropriate use of treatment approaches are major focal points, interwoven with identification of sociocultural dimensions that interact with the clinical picture. Cross-cultural competencies in evaluation and treatment planning are emphasized.
- Introduction to Sandplay Therapy Prerequisite: Introduction to Psychotherapy or Basic Foundations of Clinical Practice
- IPMH and Child Protective Services (1 unit)
- Lesbian/Gay Couples and Families (2 units) This course surveys emerging theory, research, and practice relevant to lesbians, gay males and bisexuals in the context of their couple and family relationships. Topics include family of origin issues; lesbian/gay parenting; couple relationships; families of choice; the impact of societal and internalized homophobia on gay and lesbian relationships; HIV and AIDS; strategies for individual couple and family therapy; and transference/countertransference issues.
- LGBT Affirmative Psychotherapy This course is an in-depth and focused course of the experiences and lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. This course will focus on the application of current theory, research, and clinical knowledge regarding LGBT issues in psychology to providing affirmative psychotherapy to LGBT people. Areas to be covered include: the social context in which mental health services have been provided to LGBT people, including the impact of heterosexism, discrimination, and violence on the lives of LGBT people; impacts of minority stress on identity development and psychological issues in psychotherapy with LGBT individuals, couples, and families; the history of psychological approaches to sexual orientation and gender identity, including the removal of homosexuality as a psychiatric diagnosis; the development and application of affirmative approaches to psychotherapy with LGBT people; applications of affirmative approaches to psychotherapy that acknowledge and include multicultural factors and issues of diversity.
- LGBT Health Disparities (3 units) This course is offered as an elective that will increase students’ knowledge and sensitivity about the links between various disparities in mental health, behavioral risks, and medical conditions that impact lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) communities.
- Mental Health Collaboration and the Courts (2 units) This course explores the relationship between professional of different disciplines in the creation and running of Behavioral Health Courts. Issues regarding therapeutic jurisprudence are explored. Prerequisite: PSY6631
- Mindfulness Approraches to Health Psychology This asynchronous on-line course examines mindfulness approaches to health psychology. It consists of two major parts. The first part of the course surveys literature related to the definitions, concepts and measurement of mindfulness. Theoretical and experiential exploration of mindfulness will be emphasized. Students will be expected to maintain mindfulness practices and keep a journal of their experiences. Mindfulness is considered as a personal and professional tool in therapeutic settings. The second part of the course will be organized around the clinical applications of mindfulness meditations, and mindfulness based intervention in clinical health settings. Students will review evidence based studies on using mindfulness concepts with chronic health problems, e.g., pain, cancer, insomnia, addiction, etc.
- Multicultural Family Therapy and Clinician Self-Awareness Development (3 units) In this course, multicultural family therapy skills are advanced in two ways. First, through a focus on technique and skill development utilizing the Bowen model, and second through a focus on clinician self-awareness development and ethnic identity development utilizing the same core model amplified by the work of Adler and Toman. Issues such as the facilitation of differentiation, de-triangulation and related processes in the context of sociocultural differences will be explored. Opportunities will be provided for reflective dialogue on identity, culture and resiliency, countertransference patterns and strategies for effectively addressing them in a culturally-syntonic style. This course is presented in a manner common among advanced family therapy courses in which technique development and self-development go together. Research indicates that this combination facilitates development and enhances therapist presence and competence in handling the complex interpersonal processes that result from having several family members in the therapy room at the same time. The group process in class will be vital to energizing the class environment with openness, productivity, creative spirit and humanity.
- Multiculturally Competent Clinical Practice The purpose of this class is to help students use their multicultural competencies effectively in their clinical practice.
- Pediatric Neuropsychology and Culture (3 units) This course provides an understanding of the assessment of learning processes through the utilization of neuropsychological testing and explores how this will aid in providing more multiculturally accurate assessment of children. Common cognitive disorders, including attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities and other learning disorders are discussed. There is a focus on the impact of culture on learning including its impact on intelligence testing and cross-cultural early development and education, with some consideration of alternative assessment and treatment strategies.
- Prof. Appl. of LGBT Issues II (2 units) This is a graduate level course which requires delivery of a project or services to an LGBT Human Services agency. It is intended for students seeking a certificate in LGBT Human Services who are unable to secure a practicum or internship at an LGBT agency (an agency that serves at least 50% LGBT clients and whose official mission statement specifically includes working with the LGBT population) or an agency that agrees to allow the student to see LGBT clients as 50% of their caseload.
- Psychotherapy with Severely Schizophrenic and Personality Disordered Individuals (2 units) Examination of the latent and manifest contents of psychotic processes in severe schizophrenic and severe personality disorders. The emphasis is on the self-experiences of these patients. Phases of the therapeutic process will be discussed.
- Psychology of Loss, Grief and Bereavement (3 units) Explores the psychology of loss, grief and bereavement. Covers theoretical bases, including developmental aspects, attachment, separation and loss and change as loss. Includes the psychology of dying and interventions to facilitate mourning and adjustment to loss processes. Multicultural perspectives on these issues will be presented. Concerns regarding living wills and durable power of attorney will be addressed.
- Research Practicum- Rorschach (1 unit) This one unit graduate level research practicum allows the student the ability to administer assessments to children/adolescents and develop research ideas in concert with other students and the instructor.
- Risk & Resiliency in Infant Preschooler Mental Health (2 units) This course explores risks to infants and preschoolers emanating from child, family and wider community, including abuse, domestic violence, developmental delays, and early parenthood. The phenomenon of resilience through which these children positively adapt despite significant life adversities is applied to research policy, and practice.
- School and Community-Based Intervention with Children and Adolescents (3 units) This course will examine approaches to providing mental health services to children and adolescents in school and other community settings. Special attention will be paid to the development of multidimensional programs that serve children, their families, teachers, school administrators and community leaders. Specific topics will include: child advocacy, classroom consultation, multidisciplinary programming and collaboration and establishing and maintaining community supports and interagency alliances.
- Sex Roles and Gender (3 units) Gender and gender roles have complex consequences for the development of individual and group identity and behavior. This course examines the roles of society and biology in shaping our understanding of human experience within the context of gender, gender roles, and sexual orientation, with particular emphasis on the impact of difference and diversity in the construction of social meaning.
- Sleep Psychology (3 units) Provides theory and research-based foundation in sleep and the clinical skills necessary to assess, diagnose, treat, and prevent sleep disturbance in a broad range of clinical populations, disorders, and settings.
- Stress-Related and Psychosomatic Disorders (3 units) Overview of stress-related and somatoform illness, including behavioral, psychophysiological, psychosocial and psychodynamic approaches. Review of mind-body problems, history of psychosomatic medicine, diagnostic classification and etiology and mediators in the stress-illness relationship. Clinical issues, influences of psychological functioning and personality organization on patient’s response to physical symptomatology.
- Treatment of Weight, Eating, and Body Image Concerns (2 units) This course provides an overview of the epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of eating disorders, which are a type of mental illness with health consequences. Specific eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and other specified eating disorders. Although obesity is not considered a mental illness, its relationship with eating disorders will be also addressed. This course presents a biopsychosocial perspective on the treatment of eating disorders, with particular attention to sociocultural issues that can arise when working with diverse populations. Three evidence-based theoretical frameworks will be presented, namely, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. A collaborative treatment approach involving families, physicians, psychiatrists, and nutritionists will be emphasized. Research-based topics on the psychology of eating, body dissatisfaction, diet culture, weight stigma, and systemic prevention efforts will also be covered. Prerequisites: Basic Foundations of Clinical Practice I & II (PSY 6507 & PSY 6508), or equivalent courses in the student’s respective program