Mar 02, 2025
Catalog 2011-2012 [v2] [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
DBA: Doctor of Business Administration
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Our DBA program has recently undergone a rigorous review in order to provide excellent support for the learning needs and interests of doctoral students. A DBA is an applied doctoral degree and graduates work in corporations as well as academia. Accordingly, the program ensures adequate coverage of the body of knowledge and skills needed for graduates to perform successfully in both corporations as well as academia. Our DBA curriculum is a focused, rigorous program with business management as well as research orientation. More than one-third of the program entails research hours, conducted at the doctoral level with an applied focus.
Distinguished Professor Dr. Igor Ansoff, known worldwide as the “Father of Strategic Management,” was the founder of the strategic management program in the Business curriculum at Alliant International University in San Diego, where he taught for 17 years. The program is specialized based on the University and ASM missions of professional practice and focusing on international and integrated business. The DBA program is committed to excellence in the formulation and delivery of programs in a climate that includes challenging academic requirements for students.
Degree Requirements 60 units
Courses are three units unless otherwise indicated. Concentration Courses 18 units
International Business - Finance
International Business - Marketing
Integration Across Disciplines Courses (through electives, teaching seminar) 12 units
It is intended that these courses will aid and be focused towards students’ future career and/or research objectives. The program will offer Special Topic courses in order to provide of exposure to topics of interest for doctoral preparation. It is also anticipated that students will consider taking some courses offered by the Hufstedler School of Education and California School of Professional Psychology related to research, topics of interest or teaching methodology. Students will work with the Business Academic Advisor as well as those departments or schools for permission to take those courses. Students may also request the Program Director’s approval to take 6000 level courses if these courses are related to their topic of doctoral research. It is intended that these courses will aid students in their future career and/or research objectives. It is anticipated, for example, that students who intend to become university professors will take some courses offered by the Hufstedler School of Education related to teaching methodology and curriculum development. Students may request the dean’s approval to take 6000 level courses if these courses are related to their topic of doctoral research. Dissertation and Process Courses 12 units
The doctoral research courses are intended to direct the students to a dissertation topic and a dissertation chairperson early in their doctoral studies. The students will receive early exposure and “think and live” dissertation. The courses are: Dissertation Extension 5 units
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