CSPP has been an innovator in the delivery of high quality online courses for many years. A team of faculty members from several of our campuses have formed the Systemwide Online Department of CSPP, a group that focuses on the training of faculty members throughout the university. They include Omar Alhassoon, PhD, Associate Professor at the San Diego Clinical PhD Program; Sue Ammen, Ph D, Professor at the Fresno PhD Program and Director of the Infant Preschooler Mental Health Certificate; Eddie Yu-Wai Chiu, Assistant Professor in the SF Bay PsyD Clinical Program; Siobhan O’Toole, PhD, Associate Professor in the Fresno Clinical PhD Program; Diane Zelman, PhD, Assistant Program Director for the Hong Kong Clinical PsyD Program and Sue A. Kuba, PhD, Systemwide Director of Online Education and Coordinator of the Rockway Certificate in LGBT Mental Health and Human Services. Core and adjunct faculty members who choose to teach online have been trained in the delivery of online and active pedagogy, as well as the use of an asynchronous and a live web-based platform for content delivery. They have been mentored by members of the Systemwide Online Department (SOD). Our philosophy about online education combines progressive understanding of technology’s promise and recognition that professional practice gains much from the face to face delivery of classroom instruction and supervision. Students in the clinical PsyD and PhD programs are offered the opportunity to take some of their foundational science courses online (Biological Aspects of Behavior, Cognitive and Affective Bases of Behavior, History and Systems of Psychology, Lifespan or Human Development, and Social Bases of Behavior). A range of electives are offered, which may, with advisor and program director approval, be taken in the place of program electives for clinical psychology and MFT students. Required clinical courses (including assessment and psychotherapy courses), practica, and research and dissertation sequences are completed in the face to face environment.
Students in online courses have the benefit of faculty expertise and peer involvement across all CSPP programs. This cross-state and international experience has provided enriching experiences and, in some cases, formed lasting collegial relationships for students. For example, several PhD clinical students at the Fresno campus have completed their teaching practicum by teaching undergraduate pre-requisites (Abnormal Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Statistics, and Social Psychology) to students awaiting enrollment in our Hong Kong PsyD Program. Clinical students in Los Angeles, San Diego, Irvine, San Francisco, and Fresno-Sacramento have taken a course on Bisexuality from an international expert who lives in Europe. These opportunities for enriched education are provided as options to students. In almost every case, students still have the opportunity to take all of their required courses in a face to face classroom environment. Our online education goals at CSPP are designed to create a high standard for the delivery of enhanced academic programming, while developing the technology skills our students and graduates will need in this new millennium.
In order to participate fully in the high quality online courses, students are urged to have access to recent computer equipment and software, with high processing speeds and virtual memory. A high speed internet connection (either DSL or Cable) is essential for web cast courses. Laptops may be most convenient for the anytime, anywhere nature of these courses. Computers with embedded or detachable web cams will make it possible for you to interact live with your online professors and class mates. A good set of headphones with noise canceling microphone will enhance your experience, but are not required. Please note that Alliant does not endorse any particular technology, but we do use PC technology in all of our classrooms and online platforms. Although other technologies may be compatible, it is possible they will create additional technological problems that the student will need to be able to solve. Recorded lectures will be downloadable to portable handheld devices for replay within the next year.
Online Electives Planned for 2011-12 (Additional Courses are anticipated for Spring and Summer 2012)
Fall 2012
PSY 8500 LGBT Issues in Secondary Education
PSY 8500 Foundations of LGBT Mental Health
PSY 7156 Psychopharmacology
PSY 8500 Interventions with Military Couples and Families
PSY 6068 Research Methods: Metanalysis
PSY 7563 Clinical Psychology and the Law
PSY 6612 Intro to Health Psychology
Spring 2012
PSY 6647 Dreamwork in Psychotherapy
PSY 8500 Advanced Study of Transgendered Issues
PSY 8500 Advanced Study of Bi-Sexual Issues
PSY 7624 Pediatric Psychology
PSY 8500 Internet Based Interventions
PSY 7502 Sociocultural Diversity: Asian Americans
Summer 2012
PSY 8500 LGBTQ Issues in the Workplace
PSY 8500 Adv. Studies of Lesbian Issues
Online Certificate Programs and Courses
One of the advantages of offering online electives throughout the Alliant system is the ability to create unique certificate programs that are fully subscribed by students and, therefore, not usually subject to cancellation. These certificates include the Rockway Certificate/Specialization for LGBT Mental Health and Human Services (which is fully online), the Chemical Dependency/Specialization Certificate (some courses offered online) and the Infant Pre-School Mental Health Certificate (some courses offered online).
Faculty: Online Education
Omar Alhassoon, PhD, Associate Professor
Sue Ammen, PhD, Professor
Eddie Yu-Wai Chiu, Assistant Professor
Sue A. Kuba, PhD, Professor and Systemwide Director for Online Education at CSPP
Siobhan O’Toole, PhD, Associate Professor
Diane Zelman, PhD, Professor